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Everything posted by dillydog

  1. ABC if you put a picture up be prepared to be shot down in flames, in all honesty mate when you stuck it up I took one look and thought what a shit type ! I'm not looking for a fight, I'm not a keyboard warrior either, just an honest opinion, I know we all get defensive over our dogs but sometimes you've got to look from the outside in. Everything I keep has Scratch in somewhere along the line, I can put dozens of pictures up for you but it proves nothing, I'll PM you a few. Spartacus was piss poor for a dog, I had the chance of using him and walked away, not my type of anima
  2. I was thinking more of an area mate, I'm sure there's plenty of lads who'd jump and give you a hand for some sport. If I was anywhere near I'd be the first to jump
  3. I've a GWP bitch here, she's only 18 month but she's a useful thing, she's been beating since she was 7 month old. She marks fox to ground, she's a fair head of steam and she can jump most things found in the field. It's a cross that should in theory hold it's own against most of the common crosses, nose wise and field sense wise they'd be hard to beat.
  4. You can get it from the chemist but it's half the strength of what you'd buy at the vets, get a prescription off a vet and buy it yourself from pet drugs online.
  5. It looks like a classic "wet sore" it's an infection in the hair follicles, clip the fur back past the Infection and wash with hibiscrub, treat with Fusiderm, now renamed Isaderm https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwizkt2ByMPlAhVYndUKHaoLCpoYABABGgJ3cw&ae=1&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoGZl8Gjuq7V26DM3-gpaaMkc&sig=AOD64_2RY1I1F41fdU4tL4C6vTLSZF-HCQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiq1daByMPlAhUuQhUIHaMSDsUQwg8IIA&adurl=https://www.animeddirect.co.uk/isaderm-gel-formerly-fuciderm-gel-for-dogs-15g.html%3Fgclid%3DEAIaIQobChMIs5LdgcjD5QIVW
  6. Then don't mix the two, it doesn't take much room to box a small terrier off, house train them and then you can be like me, if I open a door there's another dog looking back at me
  7. Theres border in them, love the short muzzle, not much for their jacket does he ever get them with a tight coat ?
  8. Every word an embarrassment, FFS how is any of this worthy of an adult conversation
  9. If you value your terrier you'd find the right home for it, if you're terrier was the real McCoy there'd be a queue ready and waiting to take it. I don't like the ready made market, I've kept dogs I don't get on with just to save them the pain of the merry go round, at least until I feel they're going to the right home.
  10. I don't think I've ever brought a pup in my adult life, I'm way to tight and I'd be insulted if you asked, a "f**k off" often upsets so I wouldn't bother.
  11. You be careful, I've seen a video of him working a bag ???
  12. Pet drugs online, dirt cheap but you'll need a prescription
  13. Reality check.........they're not all the same ??
  14. I've been asked if he was a malinois cross, a German shepherd cross, even if there was bull in him !
  15. Two youngsters listening to hounds tonight, the small bitch is the granddaughter of the old chocolate bitch, losing her was a gut wrencher but she's started to fill her boots
  16. He was beating on that picture, he's a good dog to have on a dig, he lamps, he picks up on a shoot and he's good company
  17. It's the same black bitch in the other photo, she was about 12 years old in that picture, the picture with her and her litter sister does her more justice
  18. The only black on that has sadly gone now, one of the best I've had the pleasure of owning . Picture of a picture Molly black, Mullet choc
  19. It won't make the slightest difference, they are what they are, no amount of pampering will turn a loon into a fanny and visa versa
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