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Everything posted by Aaron_butcher

  1. Good idea about tiling the shit area, would save alot of scrapeing. And that poley jill is my best worker, got a bit of wild in her methinks. I'm building an extension to it round the corner soon with a pipe connecting them so the boys can go in with them all winter and i can seperate them during summer. i'll get picks up soon. all they need now is carpet and sky plus
  2. I like just watching them run about after each other making that noise they make. look after your ferrets and your ferrets look after you. thanks for all the comments lads
  3. we had mice in the cavity and didnt have a clue how where they were coming from. turns out there was a tiny hole at ground level behind some cladding and they were in the attic aswell. Just make sure you got plenty poison mate. good luck
  4. Yer they're thermalite, I would have liked to use conkers but i had a pack of these left over. im not to fussed about the piss being absorbed, theres only two ferrets in there so it'll be alright, thanks for the tip tho bud.
  5. If its in the cavity i'd have thought it was a rat. get some poison incase of rats and get a squirel trap.
  6. They are made of paper but there are to rings of thin metal at the top and bottom to help it keep its shape
  7. I dont know why they don't just use something other than wire that will biodegrade in the animals stomach or just naturally if left on the ground. Keep and eye out on dragons den for my biodegradable laterns
  8. thats strange, do they eat the wire around the fields which make the fencing? barbed wire lay on the floor, Or wire ties etc... thought they just ate fodder and grass..How do you know it cuts all there insides up? just an interesting subject.. As for a liability. The other friday evening when we had a celibration of life for a family friend, 22yr old boy who hung himself on xmas morning, they were perfect, and we let 100 go, into the air with messages on from loved ones, they definatly werent a liability then, and touched quite a lot of people... The farmer I do some work for i
  9. Not had trouble with the dogs but the sheep and cows eat the wire and it cuts all there insides to bits. not to mention they are still smouldering when they land. They are a liability.
  10. I've always been a bit impatient and would rather buy something in to have it asap but I had some left over materials left from the extension I did at my mum and dads so i knocked this up.
  11. Shit mate! bet you werent expecting that when you left. get better soon pal
  12. straight to the nearest shooting lodge,a building full of guns thats build like for knox and has a nice little canteen for nibbles.
  13. If someone breaks into your property then fair enough, blow them away but what if that guy in america had missed the mugger and shot a kid. IMO if they're on your land you should be able to do what you like but carrying a gun around the streets will make things worse, maybe carrying a stun gun would be a better law so muggers can be incapacitated.
  14. theres fecking hundreds down here around thanet area, there like bloody pigeons.
  15. If you werent in mate did they just let themselves round your garden and take them? thats trespassing. Hope you get them back fella.
  16. Keep trying mate, she'll soon pick it up. Let her smell a bunny after every earth and if she marks the next and the earth produces, lots of fuss. I'm only in Dover so if you fancy a day out give me a pm.
  17. I've got both and the air rifle barely gets an outting. The shotgun you can shoot on the move, and the amount of times ive been out with a 12ftlb air rifle and charlie wanders passed.... If you do have to shoot ferals or rats in a barn then I would have thought the springer would do it. Plus the shotgun doesn't need charging after 50 shots. ATB, Aaron.
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