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Everything posted by Aaron_butcher

  1. Just noticed roof lights and winch bumper arent on in this photo, will get up a recent one asap
  2. For sale is our Discovery 300TDI,which we have owned since may this year.We have spent a considerable amount adding off road features and extras. Front sump guard Front diff guard Britpart 2" lift kit springs Procomp shocks front and back Roof lights by microline-not wired up but all wireing with car 5 spoke ZU wheels Marix tyres 235/70/16 Safari snorkal Tubular winch bumper(no winch) 30mm wheel spacers Fuel cut off switch The Discovery has been off road but only over the fields and a few green lanes.There are a few scratchs and dings as you would expect.All works as you would e
  3. I'm looking for a ko shamo bantam cockerel or similar breed in Kent, if anybody knows anyone please give me a shout. Cheers Aaron.
  4. I've got a disco with a 2inch lift but it's only the blocks not the longer springs and shocks. Would changing them over to springs and shocks make much of a difference in performance off road and will it sway about loads more on the road? Cheers, Aaron.
  5. Oh right, I'd just assumed it was all the same to him. I'll get myself a dead one this week. Cheers pal
  6. Ive had the dummy on a rope before with him striking no worries but I'll definitely try your method with the head and the treats. Thanks very much mate
  7. He's seen my mates dog take a few. And he's a saluki greyhound. Just this second had him out with the dummy, picks it up without a second thought and then straight back to me. It just made me wonder when he started licking a rabbit.
  8. My 16 month old pup will still not touch a rabbit. I know he is still a pup but what I don't understand is he will go mad for a rabbit dummy but isn't interested in the real thing. He will chase but will just hover over the top with his mouth open and round the rabbit but won't commit to biting it. He chased one down yesterday, right on it and it stopped dead in the middle of the field infront of him so he started licking it and then just lost interest and ran off. Any tips? Thanks, Aaron.
  9. just these last two, ive not bred from this hob before but i wont be breeding him again. i bred a litter from one of the jills a couple of years back and they were all fine. thanks again.
  10. Could it possibly be a gene defect? I wrote a topic a little while ago about having to cull an entire litter due to birth defects (bent legs, eye infections etc) I bred 2 litters this year, both from the same father, could the problem lie with him? And before anybody jumps on me about to many ferrets being bred I had more than enough homes for all of them.
  11. ive tried force feeding but ill get a small syrindge and try that, i'll also try the goats milk aswell, im not getting my hopes up mind, she looks like she is on the way out. but ill persevere. thanks again.
  12. She was eating solids (the chicken wings) no problem and she has suddenly gone off eating solids altogether. i've brought her in the last few nights and sat her infront of all sorts and she just will not eat it, she is getting thinner by the day. today ive tried her on chicken, mince, scrambled egg, evaporated milk and rabbit but she doesnt want to know but is drinking well. this is why i was confused, she was fat as you like until her siblings died and now she is just refusing any food whatsoever! I thought she might have been partially weaned and thats why not eating solids but i know she wa
  13. they've got plenty in there now mate, there is a chicken wing, some minced offal, and a raw egg in a bowl. ive been trying to coax her all evening with no luck.
  14. thanks very much mate, ill be straight on that tommorro morning
  15. the nipples arent swollen at all or hot, just normal. each night they get 1 chicken wing and some minced offal. ive even tried mincing the chicken wing with the bones for calcium etc but it doesnt want to no. just chases its mother about screaming and its rapidly on its way out if it doesnt eat soon.
  16. not sure exactly but they've had theier eyes open for maybe a week. whats mastitus?
  17. I've one kit left out of a litter of 4. the other 3 died and i couldnt figure out why. the one left seemed nice and healthy, nice big belly but checked it the other day and had lost a load of weight over night. it chases its mother about squealing but she doesnt want to know, also her nipples arent all swollen anymore, could this be a sign that she has run out of milk? I dont want my last kit dying of starvation. Any constructive replies welcome, Aaron.
  18. i was making 3 foot 6" nets but was losing more than i caught, now everything is 4 foot and not missed many
  19. looks sound mate, have you got the net making bug now? i cant fecking stop!
  20. Right, i've sussed it. If anybody else is as confused as i was, all i did was add the new mesh by doing exactly the same as when i tie the first row onto the ring....but using a mesh instead of the ring, if that makes sense. thanks for all the advice lads.
  21. Can somebody please explain or even better post a video of how to increase and decrease mesh. i've watched the agouti video but he does his differently which confuses me plus the video is done from about ten foot away so i cant see whats going on! Ta, Aaron.
  22. i just use a brick, fill it up with food or water and away you go.
  23. I've got a landrover discovery with a 2" lift on it but its not the shocks and springs its just the spacers that sit underneath because originally I was only after 'the look'. But I've started doing a bit of proper offroading with it now and would getting the springs and shocks benefit me more with the having 2" more travel rather than just standard springs and shocks with the extra ground clearance? Also, will it sway about alot more on the roads? Ta, Aaron.
  24. i no mate, ive done the last silver with the dodgey leg and im going to see how the rest are in the morning. they've had a drink and a bit of grub but im not getting my hopes up.
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