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Status Updates posted by GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

  1. once upon a time i had a good dog.

    1. ferret-boy


      what happened to it?



    2. ferret-boy


      what happened to it?



  2. terriers are sore this morning, they should learn to speed up , , ,

    1. asbo93


      oi you f*****g punjab

    2. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      listen here punjab, stop flicking your bean n get down here, we got work to do, , border swollen lol,

  3. good morning with lads and ladsy, 30 odd rats and 1 bunny to me, ,

  4. one fine day in the middle of the night two dead men got up to fight, back to back they faced each other drew there swords and shot each other,

    1. x38


      as i went to langold worksop pictures i got a frount seat at the back and the porter gave me a plain cake biscuit that i ate and gave it him back as i came out i saw a dead donkey dieing and picked up a brick which i couldnt lift and nealy knocked his neck out. you took me back 28 year...lol, happy days

    2. hickymick


      is your box full???

  5. for fucks sake !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. 1,38am, police just done there last check to see am in, , now my old man going to hosp with welding flash, its going to be a long night, , , ,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alan626


      god help ur dad ive had that a few times its a cnut tell him they have special mask for welding lol

    3. Lab


      You can take yours off now you know....lol

    4. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      he always goes mad at me for being careless, ive never seen him without a mask on when welding, il get him told tonight lol

  7. see if the big dog has any wind in him,

  8. good day digging, bolted a fox that was missed then dug a good size dog fox, the pup did well for his 1st time, very chuffed.

    1. miss lurcher bitch
    2. matt32


      its the best feeling when youre pup does his job for the first time,well done

  9. a good days beating, record bag with half the amount of beaters, you can tell am back . . .

  10. beating in the morning, on the estate were i have permission, all the keepers and famrers that i fell out with will be there, wish me luck . .

    1. mully


      haha good luck lol :)


    2. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      morning, you got any birds back there to pick ? . .f**k off you poaching c**t.

    3. miss lurcher bitch
  11. snow flakes the same size as 50p coins coming down heavy, ,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rocky1


      were about are you

    3. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      its just started to thaw out here from the other week, now its back again.

    4. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      its pissing down here and windy to

  12. the snow is level with the cars bonnets and its still coming down.

    1. .terrier man.

      .terrier man.

      fukin hell, theres fuk all down my way now

    2. miss lurcher bitch

      miss lurcher bitch

      we have nothing just black ice nothing to play in no fun

  13. birthday today, i forgot lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bullylurcher


      happy birthday to us !!! i was 30 2day!!!

    3. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      10 behind you mate, have a good un

    4. bullylurcher


      haha i feels old !!!!

  14. waiting for new terrier .

    1. collie/grey


      ooh what you getting??

  15. is on it tonight, money doesnt sleep.

  16. is having athreesome in the bath,

    1. christian71


      You rubber duck & the soap on the rope

  17. 62 bunnys last nite dogs did poor, .

  18. another good nite, roll on tonight,

    1. villebones


      good luck mate, gunna be a good night

    2. GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      GET THEM OUT (.)(.)

      cheers buddy, great weather here.

    3. villebones


      and here mate ;)

      Got a cracking spot waiting for me :D

  19. 3 times a week, this week 4 times a week dog will soon be on top form, make um or brake um time.

    1. x38


      o yes cost as much to feed a good un as a bad un wean them out...........

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