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Everything posted by ratattack

  1. They were too young legally to be using the guns unsupervised too Stupidity and ignorance killed that kid not the airgun, but hey that won't stop the anti gun lunatics blaming guns for all evil in the world
  2. I'll sort them out for ya this week mate, i'm hectic at work at mo but i'll sort em asap.
  3. Very interested in one of the brock in his tunnel, will look ace in my new house!
  4. Forget the bollocking, get it in a pen with a ram and let it go That ram will put it off sheep for life
  5. He's dead and thats the main thing, musta been quick too
  6. I'm local matt, yhpm I love catchin moles!!
  7. Get yourself a Brno .22, a decent 6-8x50 scope and you won't regret that. I've had mine for years and it still shoots as straight as ever, lovely rifle! I would avoid a semi auto though as you intend to moderate the gun, it may not reload properly with sub sonic ammo. Personally i would avoid a 2nd hand rimfire as people often get rid of them as they start to lose accuracy after the barrel gets worn.
  8. Thanks for the replys, i'll try the cream and see what happens.
  9. I have a crossbow if you are interested? 150lb bow+ some bolts, as new I can get some pics if interested. cheers
  10. I really like the chamau mouflon leathers that you've got. Once they are broken in they will be real comfy, i've had a few pairs
  11. Rubbing their nose in the mess is really very uncalled for! Maybe the husband needs to read a few modern puppy training books! Dinosaur! Would you rub shit on a childs nose for messing it's nappy??? I doubt it, you teach the child about using the toilet...same for dogs, repitition is the key watch the pup and once it starts running round with it's nose down looking to go you gotta get it outside and use the same word each time it goes outside(toilet, go pee, go poo or whatever you want). Punishment will NOT work only stress it more
  12. My JRT has one red hind foot inbetween the pads, it seems hot and he carries the foot when pottering around but it dosn't bother him at full tilt. No obvious damage or thorns. Sometimes he will lick it after a walk. Vet has no answers other than wrapping it up to stop licking.....didn't do any good, steroid creams...no good.....steroid jabs...no good....so no idea. He dosn't do fox work only bushing, ratting and days beating. Any suggestions? cheers
  13. not really mate ive shot them like that its not far back. its where you hit them on front left shoulder. and it cuts through them at a angle on the right hand side Thats why i asked where it was hit.
  14. It's a good way to learn the job. give it a go and see what happens
  15. That sounds like plenty to satisfy them, they will want to know who has access to the keys though......correct answer is only you have access to them. Do not show where the keys will be kept either as they will try and trip you up on those sort of questions dependant on the fao. Some are just ordinary bobbies very few actually know anything about guns!!!! The local one to me is a prat! I can't use my 25-06 for fox control unless i'm deer stalking according to him( have had no probs till he came along)...can have a 243 though!!?? near enough the same bullet i said, but if you want me to b
  16. Is that where you hit it?? Long way back if it was!!! Did the job though, nice rifle the 22.250.
  17. No real need for him to shoot the jays though is there! Well unless he is an avid fan of eating acorns! Some people need to think before shooting some corvids
  18. I have shot hares both mountain(blue) and brown on estates. The mountain hares are in stupidly high numbers on some upland estates in scotland, driving them to waiting guns is the only way to thin them out as all the dog men can't run a dog over the heather It's not sport This is purely population control and to reduce tick numbers which have a detrimental effect on young grouse chicks. I love to watch a running dog course a hare/rabbit/ fox but i prefer to shoot.
  19. Cheers mate, did you go to thurso with just your standard grades then progres up to HNC/HND level? Thanks All The Best Yep. I worked in a game dealer in aberdeen for 2years and got a placement through that. Best bet is to give the college a shout, it is probably the best for the course in scotland as it is mainly practical on estate training not classroom based like the others. I was in college about 9 10 weeks a year the rest is on placement, You will learn much more that way. It is hard graft though so dont expect to be shooting deer all the time. It depends on the es
  20. Wood for me, it looks and feels much nicer, removes the toy look you get with plastic!
  21. Hi guys, new to the forum and looking into getting a jagdterrier. I currently work a 5yr old JRT for rats, rabbits and in the beating line and am looking for a hunting companion for him. I can't find any info on UK working/ or breeders. Plenty info from on the continent tho. Any suggestions, i don't want to import one if i can help it due to costs!
  22. Try the gamekeeping colleges, thurso is a very good course that you can go on now and stick with till HNC/ HND levels. A lot of guys from there go on to get jobs in the stalking/gamekeeping industry http://www.northhighland.ac.uk/coursedetai...rse=GAMEKEEPING FOR SKILLSEEKERS SVQ Level 2 I got my HNC from there and went straight into a job. Just remember there are thousands of people who want to shoot deer all day everyday and very few get to do it fulltime.
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