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Everything posted by hw100sniper

  1. We are in no great hurry mate but would like to expand on what we already know ,but would probably be looking to do it in maybe june /july if possible

  2. Tried to send PM bud Can you suggest where me and my mate can sit the Dsc1

  3. If you take it to the local cop shop they take it off you and fill out 3 forms 1 for you as proof that you got rid ,1 for the firearms dept and 1 gets kept in the local cop shop .
  4. Well done FD thats another 1 that wont be taking any lambs this year
  5. Well done CS always great when a night torns out as good as that
  6. Well done Local ,as Dave says it was quiet on here or a while good to see someone else getting amongst the charlies
  7. The foxes on this course have been doing a bit of digging so they have to go
  8. If your needing any tails let me know mate and ill start cutting them of for you
  9. See you didnt have to worry to much about the gralloch Dave lol
  10. I may have mis understood your wording Liam but why would they not let you shoot the .22 ?and why then let you shoot the 17hmr?Sorry if Ive picked you up wrong.
  11. Better luck next time THT ,you get nights like that dont you ,1 night there all over the place the next there not showing keep at them tho mate because you wont see anything sitting in the house
  12. Me and my mate Wull had decided to head over the golf course about 4 ish although someone fell asleep in the bath and I never got to his till about 4.20 Not long after getting there we started a slow walk about to see what we could see and after a short while 3 roes were in view so a slow stalk was in order to cover some ground ,when at 70 yds we decided Wull would get the shot and he nailed the doe with a well placed shot (the other 2 were a mature and a yearling buck ) Wull with his Doe So off we went after doing the gralloch in search of charlie after about an hour we gave up
  13. Was back at Kevs for 10.30 then back down the road .My job had been cancelled for today so was lookin to stay out for a good wee while but got a phone call from the gaffer saying I was needed on 1 of the jobs this morning so didnt want to stay out to late
  14. Was due to go out tonight at 7.30 to be at my mates by 8 but after getting fed and bathed after work I was left twiddling my thumbs about 6 so decided to go across the road to my doorstep permission.On getting there I stood on top of 1 of the hills there that gives you a great view all around plus into a small wood,as soon as I was there I spotted a charlie strolling through the trees but present a shot even after trying a few calls so gave up after about 15 minutes and got down off the hill and walked round the marsh to get to the other end of the wood ,as soon as I was round the other end th
  15. Gave our Blair a shot at 1(he missed) but it was asking a bit much of him at about 160yds .We had promised him a shot as he'd been so patient but probably in hind sight it wasnt the easiest shot to give any one for their first fox.Ill need to try and get to the shop and get more ammo and give him a shot on the range to get him used to the 243
  16. Well done to your mate buddy It looks a right biggy
  17. I agree with Snap Shot ,for the pice of the CZ you cant do better and the trigger is a dawdle to adjust with the rimfire kit
  18. Alot of rimfire mods are for 22 and 17 so it will be bigger
  19. It will be £26 for him to do a variation but he will need to obviously give good reason to buy more rifles not sure if buying to sell on will be a good reason.
  20. As Ive hinted at before Brad what open slots have Derboy got then you can worry about what calibres you can choose from unless you pay for any variations to his ticket so he can get the certain calibres
  21. Brad just make sure Derboy has an open slot for what ever calibre you choose on his ticket so that he can buy you the rifle and then the ammo although im not sure how that would go i.e. if he used an open slot to buy you say a 223 then sold you it ,so effectively didnt have a 223 on his ticket would he still be able to buy ammo? sorry if im being a est mate
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