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Everything posted by Netmaker

  1. nothing to do with me { I would of put to sleep } but some people know no limit when it comes to their pets
  2. I hear what you are saying about what vets charge and about insurance premium goes up the older your dog gets that's why I shop around every year when it comes to an end the older bitch broke her baby upper canine when she was a pup she was at the vets for her first jab junior vet giving jab saw it got in a flap saying she needs to go to have it removed I refused saying it would be dropping out in a couple more weeks she tried to dictate to me about this and that she was young enough to be my daughter a know it now't but the reason I insure them is I don't have a fortune and the older bitch c
  3. They don't have any ailments its what they will be covered for if they did need treatment
  4. This is the pup I bred this year and her mother
  5. it should of been ailment this auto spell shit is doing my nut
  6. Alright bud its with Bought By Many you choose the package you want
  7. No it doesn't mine is for up to 4k per treatment for each aliment cost me about £248 for two dogs
  8. shop around mate that's the best way I use Tesco it depends on what type of cover you want
  9. This is my bushing dog hunts like a spaniel always on the go
  10. Not a big bag but had a good bit crack
  11. them's nice teckels you have bud
  12. that is one smart pup you have bud
  13. you are more than welcome bud please I got over that wall before you got a chance to take a photo?
  14. tried to send you a pm Phil your in box must be full
  15. your fingers will soon harden up wait until you been making nets 40 odd year
  16. put me down for a copy also?please
  17. Think I need to get a golf buggy ?
  18. Good crack and company as said the dogs and ferrets worked hard yes goldfinch owns the whippet good little bitch the lab is mine it was a very enjoyable day plenty sport
  19. another one bits the dust
  20. cant wait to come down for some sport
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