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Everything posted by ferretgirl

  1. Take her to the vets and get her jill jabbed??? I don't know about jills with young, so not sure!
  2. I tried Carp fishing..........gave it a year but couldn't really get into it.........i find it just boring, setting up your stuff then sitting down and waiting for hours! So now when I go fishing with the other half, I just enjoy bit-bashing! They might be small tiddlers..........but I'm busy!
  3. I agree too, really does annoy me when they use the text talk!
  4. Yeah I get loads too! Always amuses me...........Halifax saying there's been suspicious activity on my account........the account I don't have and never had!!!!!!! I just forward them to the banks own fraud email address! Does get annoying though!
  5. Would have been better if she'd have bolted out of the field and got hit by a car! You did the right thing, well done! It's stupid cow's like her that make people think twice about doing a good deed! You should be very proud of yourself, and I'm sure the horse would have thanked you if it could have!
  6. Welcome! Good luck with finding another dog!
  7. I love the pictures! I particularly like pictures 3 & 4 of the dogs and the 1st one of the ferret! What camera do you use??
  8. Some awesome advice there from Pencoed Hunter, I defo agree, get 2! They love company! Read as much as you can, there's loads of websites with great advice for newbie owners!
  9. When I'm trying to encourage new ferrets to use the litter tray, I pick up (using a plastic bag!) the poo they've done out of the tray and drop it in the tray, then clean where they had originally done it! This way when they walk in the litter tray they'll smell their poo and hopefully think "Oh, that's my poo......this must be where I do my toilet business"........well that's the theory anyway! My girls use just 1 litter tray in their indoor cage, they're very good and go to the bottom level of their cage every time to do their business! However, when 3 of them were in the outdoor hutch
  10. Looks like you had an awesome day! Lovely looking dogs!
  11. I can't believe someone would do that! I hope they rot in hell! Glad she's settled now, safe and sound retiring!
  12. Looks like you had a good day! Well done!
  13. Oooo, you've got me there! Don't know about rules and stuff........I just drag my sorry ass out of bed at un-godly hours in the morning and follow the other half to the side of some cold icy lake.......oh bring on the summer!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Yeah they only run to the end of the season, so I'd say wait till next month to get it!
  15. That is awesome! Well done! Think Tim is going to try and make us one..........I hope it turns out as well as yours!!!
  16. try battery tester, done it for your, so no excuses........ e bay number 220309288372 I'm such an idiot.......I just looked at your picture again and seen that it quite clearly say "battery tester" on the front of the 'battery tester'!!!!!! I just didn't notice it before..........I'm taking these eyes back, they don't work properly!!!!!! Thanks for the ebay number, £5 looks like a little bargain for an important piece of kit! Thanks for the info!
  17. Oooo, they look good! What's it called?? What do I search for??
  18. I love it when they drag each other! We have all jills, and it's great watching Boba, our very slender small poley attempt to drag Bino, our massive giant albino jill......she actually gets quite far......is very funny!!!!!!!! With regard the spaying when in season, you'd have to check with your vet! Some vets are happy to spay whilst they're in season and others aren't! When in season I think the problem is the blood vessels (sp?) are very close to where the vet is cutting and just to be on the safe side they might prefer to wait! I personally am having our 2 8 month old girls j
  19. Some people just can't help themselves sticking their nose in and spreading shit. So sorry to hear you've had a bad time! Hope you manage to sort it out and get your permission back!
  20. So sorry for your loss, it is hard I know! Good luck to you and your 2 girls for next season then!
  21. Thanks for the info! Will look out for them! Yeah that is a good point........I imagine my first ones will be a bit dodgy!!!! Ones that rabbits would laugh at as they slip through!!!! Ha ha ha!!!!
  22. I've been looking at some online shops at buying all the stuff needed to make my own purse nets............but I have a question...... What's best......hemp? nylon?? or spun nylon??? or maybe something else that I haven't seen yet????
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