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zigzag dan

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Everything posted by zigzag dan

  1. What do you call a Scotsman at the World Cup ? - The Ref !!!!!
  2. Over rated and overpaid , bunch of wankers !!!We should of took 23 lesser players who wanted to be there !!!!! Rooney obviously cares for United and thats it !!!
  3. I think the big game fairs are beginning to lose the lurcher ands terrier lads , weve had enough of paying 10-15£ in to be part of the show for others to watch , £3 for a few chips , £1.50 for a tea to keep some promoter in Range Rovers for what is a car boot with a dog show !! Vote with your feet lads !!!
  4. I do hope that people realise that most lurcher owners look after their dogs and that the scum who turned up with this dog were a gang of pikeys !!!! Yes i was there and saw them !!!
  5. Less than 24hrs ago this dog was THE BOLLOCKS , now hes up for sale , ! This dog is closer to Shakin Stevens than Nick Stevens , - MESSER !
  6. I travelled around to watch him , Wembley , Belle Vue , Hall Green , etc , had £500 on him at evens , ante post when he won Tv Trophy at Monmore ,he did the clock in heats and final !!!! That race at Wembley when he was the full back straight behind and beat the St Leger winner is unbeliveable !!!!
  7. I do , ive posters of him all over my bedroom !!!
  8. Never had a problem with SS, top collars and a decent bloke !
  9. I agree , this country is a laughing stock , thing is no one admits to voting Labour but some wankers must do !
  10. Couldnt agree more.....that subway outside your ground used to put the shits up me and i was sposed to be one of the big toughies back then ..... but that was what it was all about then the pride of standing shoulder to shoulder with your pals.....not this pathetic 30 lads chasing 5 kids up the road like they do today. Your not the chap with the ice cream van outside the garden centre in Essington are you .... Yes , theres many a firm been greeted at the bottom of those steps next to the subway !!! No im not Mr Whippy but i wish i owned the garden centre !!!!!
  11. As someone who was jailed in 1988 after the operation the police did on us at Wolves it makes me smile when 100 lads shout abuse at 100 lads with 200 police between them , as has been said thats what happens in films and no one gets hurt when theres those numbers .The proper rows when it gets naughty are when unexpectadly , 30 of you meet 30 of them with no old bill about ! This is when the men stand and the kids run ! The 80s was great but now cctv has stopped it , Wolves still get the old heads out for the big games but apart from Spurs who are respected by us , its left to the kids to run r
  12. I wouldn't waste youre money mars, this is the worst show i've ever had the misfortune to attend. Absolute crap , usual NLRC rubbish !
  13. Labour have shafted the working class more than the Tories have !!! Look at the benefit system , all us workers are funding the scroungers , the asylum seekers , immigrants , we are being robbed for petrol , fuel prices , hundreds of other stealth taxes ,dont ever kid yourselves that Labour cares about the working classes , and to keep on about Thatcher is so boring , what she did needed doing , the unions were crippling the country , at least she practised what she preached , whereas , Scargill was watching the miners out of work , no money , no food on the table , whilst he drove a Jag and l
  14. No seperate classess but their judges are never bull friendly , in the Midlands they tend to use a certain man and wife who have made their feelings very well known !
  15. please can some one explain the above to me , they are mainly a lurcher club that wont let lurches enter Its obvious that its bullx owners they dislike not just the actual dogs !
  16. NLRC are a joke and they sold out the working dog man years ago ! I stopped attending their shows a long time ago , and no , its not sour grapes , as i won their Ragley Hall championship twice . There attitude towards bull xs is out of order , i heard one of their committee once say ,- them badger dogs should be banned !!! As for the attitude of the person who does their publicity and organising , as someone has said , she is very rude , and looking at her i dont think shes walked many fields !
  17. Bloody hell mate , hes a monster !!! Ideal for rabbitts !!! Both your dogs looking well , steve phoned today to see how my bitch was , we must have a run out next season . sounds good, got some good ground my way! Yes mate , hope theres plenty of rabbitts !!! See you through the summer and will fix something up would be nice to see the whole litter together, how many were sold to people on here? Not sure mate ,but i think 3 went up to Wigan , 2 in Wolves youve got one and think that leaves one ?
  18. Yes ideal for mooching and rabbitts !!!!!
  19. Like a coiled spring mate !!! Roll on next season - did you see the pic of the brother to my bitch the lad put up Sunday ? 28tts at 8 mth , what a beast !!!
  20. Dog looks well mate cheers hes my main man doin realy well ive put a lot of time into him by the way are you a two tone man Love it mate , saw Specials twice last year !
  21. Cracking work lads , well done
  22. Bloody hell mate , hes a monster !!! Ideal for rabbitts !!! Both your dogs looking well , steve phoned today to see how my bitch was , we must have a run out next season . sounds good, got some good ground my way! Yes mate , hope theres plenty of rabbitts !!! See you through the summer and will fix something up
  23. Bloody hell mate , hes a monster !!! Ideal for rabbitts !!! Both your dogs looking well , steve phoned today to see how my bitch was , we must have a run out next season .
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