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Everything posted by FERRETBOY

  1. Here's two of the other pups out the litter. Brindle bitch pup is Nala, she was the runt of the litter but now 23.5"tts. The reed dog pup is Charlie and he's 25"tts. Both owners are very happy with them. My bud had his first run on a daytime yesterday by mistake but stayed with the rest of our pack.
  2. I haven't done any training Tomo, but I did some retrieves with a rabbit fur and he was very good. Bringing it to hand. The nutra nuggets seem ok, even the older dogs are on it. Probably too much protein for them but good when they are working I suppose. I feed a varied diet anyway. I been buying fresh mackerel from Tesco for 26p at end of the night, usually about 7pm they reduce them. So they get this sometimes.
  3. Cheers guys. Just throwing the food down him. Been feeding nutra nuggets which is 31% protein and high calcium. Been adding lard to his food every couple days and plenty of chicken. Then again the other dog pups are them same, built like Romeo. Here's buds brother NIPPER
  4. This has been my young bitches first proper season. She did abit Las season as well. She's collie saluki grew of unknown percentages. She's around 20months old and has far exceeded my expectations. She's not done lots of ferreting, but marks good and gets herself where you wouldnt believe. The same with lamping, very good. Good recall and strike etc. She's done very well daytime, she's taken 9 daytime big rabbits and 3of these in one day. She's missed alot to begin with but we got there in the end. I need to work on retrieve and working up. Even try getting her used to swimming this summe
  5. I have messed around with the dogs too, have always worked but never earned enough to save up or enjoy. Just enough to get buy. I did manage to pass my driving test about4year ago driven by hunting. Going local wasn't for me any longer. For the last year I have earnt the most yet working ridiculous hours pulling in 300-400 a week. Then its hard getting out with the dogs. Now I'm fitting windows and earning slightly better. I enjoy the Job but really want to buy a campervan and do some travelling with the dogs and trying to earn just enough to get by. A dream I have been aiming for but more ser
  6. More pics of bud, 27 weeks today.
  7. It was a productive few hours playing with my new camera. The first warren had rabbits bolting all over the place and were tricky ones to catch but we managed 4 and got the ferrets out just as the young rabbits started showing. I couldn't believe how excited my pup was, he sure knew what was coming after our last ferreting session a few weeks back. I will be spending the next few weekends ferreting with him tomo. I reckon its the best way to start them off, teaches them loads. Its how I started Gem and I couldn't ask for a better ferreting dog than her. Duke did well too as expected, made some
  8. Heres some pics of bud taken today whilst ferreting.
  9. I cant believe I haven't read any of these yet.
  10. A bitch pup from this litter is needing a new home. She's currently living in Cornwall. Her owner not happy with her size as she's only 20tts and is a pain in the arse inside chewing. I would like to take her on but I would struggle to make Time for her. So anyone looking for a new pup ready for next year then please pm me.
  11. Thanks for the update jax, she looks the spit of fly. No pics yet but I will get some tomorrow with my new camera.bud is now 24tts and has plenty of growing left. Hes got a lovely shape to him and hes got big bones. Hes very possesive over food, hes also abit of a howler but shuts up when I tell him.
  12. Thanks fellas. Nothing better than starting the day with a mocha. Just make sure you take plenty of paper for when the caffeine kicks in. That hedgerow is very uncommon to find around here. Its josh's spot so kind of fare that I dug. He don't like ferreting so much. Did you see the lack of effort in his digging lol it does keep you warm though. The go pro is ideal for ferreting. Deffinatly when you want to get stuck in. I have another camera now so will try getting some other vids using both cameras before season is finished. Cheers
  13. Hello chaps heres a new ferreting video I have filmed and edited. Filmed a couple weeks ago whilst out with my mate , his whippet and my lurcher gem. Since using a locator this year I have noticed how many more rabbits we left behind when we didn't have the ferret finder. It seems like weare doing far more digging but my albino jill is working a treat. https://youtu.be/9JSeDEagyiQ hope you enjoy good hunting rew
  14. Tjones, Fuji and tomo are dedicated to this lurcher game. Fuji posts some brilliant pics and write ups on facebook. Tomo has been there done that and has some great story's to share when your his passanger. Tjones is another one that puts in the miles and puts some gear away. Biglicks is another, did some great dvds last few seasons. I cant imagine how many times a week he was out filming his and others dogs. We were out last weekend and police tried saying we were coursing. That's that place ruined. It does make you wonder why we risk everything when we could live normal lifes, partying and g
  15. Enjoyed reading that my old mate. Good to hear young bonnie is doing well for you.
  16. I walked some new ground today and lots of it . Had four runs but nothing caught. Seen two roe deer. Legs were aching from lamping last night. I might slow it down one day, see if I notice the dogs working up improves.
  17. Can the way I hunt effect a dogs mooching ability? When I go out I often try covering as much ground as possible over a few hours. Then whilst I'm out I might knock a few hedges or abit of woodland. I think its obvious I dont give my dogs Time to work up and find things for themselfs and I'm the moocher and not them. I have seen nottzhunters bitch find her own stuff and I have noticed bull breeds and Wheaton crosses both be good moochers.
  18. stupid question. I was surprised I didn't end up with a white one in my litter. Nice pup, good luck with him.
  19. Well done again, did the dogs account for many of the 60 rabbits? I was in Derbyshire recently and found an area lifting with rabbits setts. I will try and do some ferreting before season ends, nice open warrens as well but will need to explore more of that area to manage that number I think.
  20. I don't know much about gastro but I fully well know how your feeling. When my bitch had her litter last year I thought I could have lost the bitch never mind the pups. It cost me nearly £1,500 to get her back to full health. Then the pup I kept was then run over and killed and it really got me down. It just feels like everything I do just goes tits up like I am plagued with bad luck. So keep your chin up fella, keep doing your best for them and maybe you will be gifted with some luck for a change. Now good luck with the rest of them and enjoy every moment of rearing your pups. take care
  21. What's the dam to your pup taffey?
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