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Ted Newgent

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Ted Newgent last won the day on January 30 2021

Ted Newgent had the most liked content!

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4,896 Excellent

1 Follower

About Ted Newgent

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 14/05/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    canada sask
  • Interests
    hunting anything with four legs
    rugby union
    drinking beer,wine and vodka
    smoking roll ups LOL

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  1. Lookin like i am flying back in the next 5 weeks. Anyone want owt from cabelas? PM me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      Need to see my parents they aint very well

      also its been 10yrs and need to catch up with some mates

      they are retiring soon lol

      when are you flying here

    3. mackem


      I am flying there the first week in july mate and leaving on july 30 I think?Havent checked my ticket.Be good to see your parents and your mates,you ever miss the UK mate or not at all? 

    4. Ted Newgent

      Ted Newgent

      Miss it

      miss the welsh countryside 

      fresh water

      beer and food

      dont miss the traffic and people lol

      odd things at odd times. Its hard to explain 

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