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dazbrowne 13

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About dazbrowne 13

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Interests
    lurchers terriers and ferrets

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  1. Went back on here this week young lad came with me i gifted him a ferret a few months back here she is we had 3 missed 2 thought my box was playing up last time out turns out this little hole is over 16ft
  2. Let's hope he gets no trespassers be on here next saying I'm thinking about letting 2 lions roam the land to get rid off them wont chew my fences will the
  3. Looked a great day out bag full of rabbits can't ask for more
  4. Yes still not quite the numbers round here but can't beat being out
  5. Just looking through old photos it's probably 6-7years old he is father to most of mine even lost him for 3 months woman who found him was feeding him salmon no wonder little b*****d never wanted to come home been a cracker he has
  6. Just out with dogs and ferrets think it will be my main ferrets last trip definitely looking old now his off spring bolted this one so all is good
  7. Just ask for hearing aid batteries can't go wrong really
  8. Perhaps offer a little something in return a day out or something on your pest control I've helped lads out on here with ferrets and local to me with dogs only to never hear a peep out of them again didn't even want anything just an update of how they got on
  9. Bird feeders my pet hate there is your problem always have rats round them was definitely rats with mine sorry to hear about losing the rest mate
  10. Had something similar lost a full litter then older ones started acting all bent and wobbly a few died couldn't get my head round it so I stalked my cage only to see a rat squeezing in straight in food bowl 177 sorted him made a better cage plus moved it never had a problem or lost one since
  11. Not to far away if you need some
  12. That's my plan in the long term live in it permanently rent the house out have a little income travel all over at the minute just a dream luckily I have got my truck license don't want to put you off was a pain in the arse passing the truck test
  13. Got his name wrong will accept my mistake ??
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