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About paddy65

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday May 22

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Anglesey N.Wales
  1. fullmarks hunting supplies they on ebay and they decent bbs , I usual use 91/2 mm but the 10s was flying out of the pouch tonight
  2. just had 1000 10mm bbs from fullmarks 15 quid. ordered mon night came today, cant fault that
  3. you'll get them on e bay mate
  4. ash seasons lovely in microwave, just give 10 second blasts till it stops hissing usually 1 1/2 minutes ATB paddy
  5. use tabs mate, [BANNED TEXT] I use for squares and tubes
  6. rotory cutter on a glass board with a steel rule,got cutter from the range £2.99 spare blades a quid ATB paddy
  7. you can tell [BANNED TEXT] there lieing there lips are moving
  8. IMO don't matter [BANNED TEXT] you use ,bands or tubes you gotta max them out on the draw,its velocity that gets the ammo away ,more speed more power, single tbg is enough for any size S S ball ATB paddy
  9. nice bundle there mate, what wood do you use most for the sticks? I got some hazel and holly drying out they looking ok ATB paddy
  10. I struggled wi that but after advice on here I use tabs spliced on the forks ATB paddy
  11. with single 1745 just shorten the tube if you not got a long draw,got a mate that shoots 5inch tubes and it does the job same as me and I shoot 9inch from behind ear, spose once you max the tube gives the speed ATB paddy
  12. I've stopped using tbg, on the dankung 1745 single tubes and red dub dub singles,9.5mm steel flies out of them,also 8mm nuts,seem to be lasting longer than the bands ATB paddy
  13. diawl bachs will get you trout wherever you fish ,also deadly for mullet in the salt, have a look at island flies on internet , never llet me down , or selectafly are a good supplier aswell ATB paddy
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