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BNP in the coming elections...

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:D ive just had my hair done ,(£7.000.00) im off to vote now, (i cant make my mind up on which jag to go in) see you in 5-10 years time when every thing is nice and rosey. untill the brits make a stand like the french then for get it ,we will be herded and carraled into doing what they want, democracy my arse
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If you want your kid's second language to be Urdu or Arabic and attendance at Qur'an classes obligatory then carry on voting for Tony and the rest of his apologist greed machine. The labour party are the most corrupt and twisted government this nation has endured to date.

They are peices of shit who will lie to you about wars that your white kids die in while they let any eastern bloc filth or ranting arab in the back door while you're not looking. Only to move them in next door to you and buy them a car whilst you struggle to pay the bills and cloth your kids. Of course they are rewarded for breeding like rats with bigger houses and more "free money innit" !!! :realmad:

Anyone who thinks I'm a racist or I'm talking bollocks are deluding themselves and can kiss my arse :tongue2: :realmad: :realmad:


Oh dear


Oh dear, Oh dear !

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My Grandad lost 2 brothers fighting the extreme right wing (Nazis),he hates the way this country has gone but no way is the BNP the way to go.In past BNP litterature they used to be proud of the fact they were anti hunting!.Their ranks are full of rapists and peadophiles if you think your kids/wives are safer under a government like that go ahead make your vote.

Me Ive lost to much freedom already to past and present governments if the BNP ever get in power they will certainly devour what little freedom we have left.

I will quite happily fight them in whatever form is most effective. ;)

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My Grandad lost 2 brothers fighting the extreme right wing (Nazis),he hates the way this country has gone but no way is the BNP the way to go.In past BNP litterature they used to be proud of the fact they were anti hunting!.Their ranks are full of rapists and peadophiles if you think your kids/wives are safer under a government like that go ahead make your vote.

Me Ive lost to much freedom already to past and present governments if the BNP ever get in power they will certainly devour what little freedom we have left.

I will quite happily fight them in whatever form is most effective. ;)


What Cr#p !! :angry:

Forgot about these did you !! "Well I didnt" and i never will..

Their ranks are full of rapists and peadophiles if you think your kids/wives are safer under a government like that go ahead make your vote.



. Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn - Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.


. Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner - Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.


. Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green - Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.


. Labour Mayor (Todmordon) John Winstanley - Convicted and jailed for rape and threats to kill. After raping and threatening to kill his terrified victim, Winstanley then ordered the woman to go on all fours before urinating on her.


. Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.


. Labour's current Parliamentary Candidate (Reading East) Tony Page - Has 2 Convictions for Acts of Gross Indecency` in public toilets.


. Labour Mayor (Burnley) Mark Swainston - Convicted of sex offences in public toilet.


. Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.


. Labour Councillor (North Yorkshire) Raymond Coats - Court appearance for indecently assaulting a woman.


. Labour MP (Rhonda Valley) Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as "Horny as buggery" and says, "I'd love a good long f**k".


. Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding - Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.


. Labour MP Ron Davies was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common while cruising for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in some `man-on-man` action in a field off a motorway. "I was only looking for badgers" he said.


. Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne - Arrested by Police following a sex attack.


. Labour MP, Joe Ashton - Caught up in a Police **** while frequenting a brothel. Tried to lie his way out of the scandal.


. Labour Councillor (Shropshire), Derek Woodvine - Arrested by Police in anti-porn operation.


. Labour Councillor (Basildon), Tony Wright - Forced to resign after being caught using his council computer to download porn.


. Labour MP (Sheffield), Clive Betts - Suspended from Parliament for 7 days after being caught forging immigration papers to extend the stay of his Brazilian rent-boy gay lover.


. According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore ` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr Blair?




. Labour Councillor (Kirkby, Merseyside) Charlie Preston - Convicted and jailed for 5 years in 1982 for assault and burglary. Preston broke into the home of a 64 year old man, and beat him up in his bed as he slept before robbing the house. The judge described the case as "As bad a matter of burglary as I can remember" Preston also holds the position on the Council of... `Deputy Cabinet Member for Youth, Citizenship, and Community Safety`.


. Labour Councillor ( Wales ) Denis Jones - Convicted and jailed for unlawful wounding after attacking a neighbour with a sledgehammer.


. Labour Councillor ( Wales ) Ken Brookman - Bit off a mans ear in a dispute over a seat on a train!


. Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Stockton), Keith Dobinson - Investigated by Police for alleged assault on an OAP, which left the old man of 79, hospitalised.


. Labour MP, Tommy Graham - Expelled from Party for his part in driving a person to suicide.


. Labour Councillors (Ilfracombe), Brian Cotton and Tony Cooper - Investigated by Police following serious allegations of Harassment.




. Labour Councillor (Sandwell) Mohamed Niwaz convicted of illegally obtaining £20,000 in Housing Grants.


. Labour Councillors in Doncaster - 23 Convicted and 2 jailed for massive fraud, corruption and theft of public funds. Investigation also uncovered massive Labour Party corruption in neighbouring Rotherham .


. Labour Party Councillor ( Blackburn ), Mohammed Hussein - arrested together with 6 Labour activists on suspicion of Election rigging.


. Labour MP Mohammed Sawar ( Britain 's first Asian MP - Glasgow) was the subject of a major News of the World investigation a few years ago into bribery and corruption. Despite this, the massive Asian population in his constituency keeps him safely in his seat.


. Labour MP (Leicester) and former Cabinet Minister, Keith Vaz - Investigated for fraud and corruption before quietly leaving his Europe Minister post with `health problems`. According to his former Secretary, Vaz does absolutely nothing in his constituency other than help local Pakistanis with their Immigration cases (which also helps to explain the `whites a minority` status of Leicester and the safe Labour seat of Mr Vaz)


. Labour Party Euro MP, David Martin is currently being investigated for an alleged expenses fraud involving `hundreds of thousands of pounds`.


. Labour Councillor (Glamorgan), Shawn Stringer - Forced to resign following Police investigation into financial corruption.




. Tony Blair recently appointed his close friend/crony and colleague of his wife - Ken Macdonald as the new Director of Public Prosecutions, despite the fact he has a drugs conviction.


. William Straw - Son of Labour Foreign Secretary, and former Home Secretary - Jack Straw, was cautioned by Police for drug dealing, amid a frantic Government attempt to cover up the matter and gag the media as to his identity. Jack Straw also has a brother who was convicted of a sex attack on a schoolgirl. Lovely family!


. Homosexual mass murderer; Dennis Nielsen, who strangled and dismembered 16 young men in the 1980`s, was also a highly active member of Labour fringe groups such as the Anti-Nazi League, and the SWP. That's when he wasn't busy boiling peoples heads in a pot, or masturbating over the corpses of his victims.

Liberal Democrat Criminals


And thats just Labour !!

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my friend in work told me about his cousin who lives in plymouth. and is a manager of mattaland clothes shop he said 1 night at 2am he had a phone call from the police to come down to the store and to call as many of the employees as he can so he gets there about 2.45 am and in the carpark were 2 coach fulls of illegal immigrants who were told to go in the shop and get what clothes u want shoes coats trousers what ever the police said to send the total bill to the police and they would send it to the coverment to pay and the person who told me is a very

genuine person. they done it in the night so no 1 would see them ..our tax clothing them :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:

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Labour is a racist party - against the working white englishman.

In the first few years they were in power they brought in about 50 stealth taxes.


if your an immigrant, you get a house and a car, and benefits, if your a single non-working mother you get a house and benefits.


The bit annoys me is that us young lads go out and graft to make money and we still have no chance of getting on the property ladder maybe i should paint myself black & i will get a house no problems





if your an immigrant, and you have no drivers licence, insurance tax or MOT - and your drunk - you can get 15 months in jail for hit n run on a nine year old girl (she was killed)


but if you have child porn on your computer, your english & white you get 30 months (b*****ds deserve it, but look at the comparison in the jail time)

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C/D-fu-ck me you done your homework boy.Good on ya .This country wants a good political shake up to let those thinking of denying our freedom ,think again .Maybe another london march on a larger more aggressive scale?

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You Can get On the Property Ladder and have a Great home !! :good:

Would you like a Morgage ?? where you dont pay Interest ? :icon_eek:

Just think of all the hard working young family's that could get New home that they could afford ?? :good:

This Morgage is the Fastest growing uptake over the year ?? .. :good:

Sorry forgot to say you have to be a Muslim. :realmad:


Take a look :realmad:


Cheap Mortgage

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You Can get On the Property Ladder and have a Great home !! :good:

Would you like a Morgage ?? where you dont pay Interest ? :icon_eek:

Just think of all the hard working young family's that could get New home that they could afford ?? :good:

This Morgage is the Fastest growing uptake over the year ?? .. :good:

Sorry forgot to say you have to be a Muslim. :realmad:


Take a look :realmad:


Cheap Mortgage


Dont it make you spit bullets. :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:

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Guest JOEB
Sure does Buddy :sick:

Just one more thing thats Interesting !! is that If you lose your job.!! with The Islamic mortgage

The Dole pays the full Cost as its like a leasehold..


Thats a fecking surprise :whistle:

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My Grandad lost 2 brothers fighting the extreme right wing (Nazis),he hates the way this country has gone but no way is the BNP the way to go.In past BNP litterature they used to be proud of the fact they were anti hunting!.Their ranks are full of rapists and peadophiles if you think your kids/wives are safer under a government like that go ahead make your vote.

Me Ive lost to much freedom already to past and present governments if the BNP ever get in power they will certainly devour what little freedom we have left.

I will quite happily fight them in whatever form is most effective. ;)



Spot on mate.






So CJD if muslims look after muslims, I.E this morgage thing you linked

is that a problem?



Go see if a fellow bnp member will offer you such good loan arrangements :whistle:

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So CJD if muslims look after muslims, I.E this morgage thing you linked

is that a problem?


Not realy NO !!

But it Was The HSBC Bank Who Started this off

And got the OK From the Government,To get the go ahead...

Well you may say what is wrong with that ??

Would it be to do with mr Blair's Brother Who is the Top Share holder of the Bank of HSBC

:whistle: :whistle:

This is my last post



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You dickheads are lapping up the dross that the Sun are feeding you aren't you ! Kane how the hell can you compare the Nazi's to the BNP? For god's sake. Do you really believe our World War veterans are living out their dotages happy with what they see around them? Are the BNP going to invade France? :laugh: You need people with radical leanings to set a ball rolling before anything happens. The National Front has massive backing in France and I don't see their ethnic minorities being bullied, quite the opposite in fact.

The Sun like the BBC is a lefty propaganda machine and they were once the same for the Tories when they paid the bills, it's that simple. You also say they'll devour what freedom we have left !! How the hell do you come to that conclusion? What will they do? Make everyone who lives here speak English? SHOCK HORROR !


Wake the f**k up :realmad:

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