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Ultimate Fox Killing Lurcher.

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Its some of the idiots that own them that give us a bad name, not the dog, and its not just bull crosses. Tarring everyone with the same brush is something that the antis do, because some jumped up yo

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its horses for courses matey and the fact that you think bull x owners are all young chavs that when there not out making your regular lurcher owners look like scum bags were out smoking crack and raping grandmas is the biggest load of crap that i have ever herd and the fact that you think bull x owners are using there dogs to make up for there lack of masculinity must mean the fact that you use your dog to put food on your table is due to the fact that your a jobless bum hahaha what i am trying to get to here mate is dont tar every one with the same brush by pursuming that were all the same you dont know every bull x owner and probly dont no that meny to compair people to so before slating people and there passion because lets face it it is a passion for some people just think pal cheers bull scoob

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its horses for courses matey and the fact that you think bull x owners are all young chavs that when there not out making your regular lurcher owners look like scum bags were out smoking crack and raping grandmas is the biggest load of crap that i have ever herd and the fact that you think bull x owners are using there dogs to make up for there lack of masculinity must mean the fact that you use your dog to put food on your table is due to the fact that your a jobless bum hahaha what i am trying to get to here mate is dont tar every one with the same brush by pursuming that were all the same you dont know every bull x owner and probly dont no that meny to compair people to so before slating people and there passion because lets face it it is a passion for some people just think pal cheers bull scoob


either that, or he has a shit running dog and isnt aloud to get a bullx..

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I think there are as many people who pose about to with their hancocks,minshaws,lagunas or whatever




Not Hancock owners mate we have to meet in secret places cause everyone hates our dogs....It's a stoning offence in some parts of the country :cry:

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  • 3 months later...
When I first started out out with lurchers a dog was valued for its pot filling abilities. A dog that could take the full spectrum of fur and feather was considered the ultimate working companion.

Nowadays the ultimate lurcher is seen as the most macho looking bullcross that can soak up punishment and slaughter foxes night after night and never get sickened.

The old quotation: "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable."comes to mind.

We've lost our way a little. Give me a dog that can put meat on the table rather than a fighting dog/ running dog hybrid anytime.

Personally I'm sick to death of 16 year old morons posting sicko photos of their fox catches with dogs that would be better served hunting lions or some other larger game. The bull cross has done nothing for the general lurcher owner other than give us a bad name. Discuss.

PS. Insult me as much as you like but don't call me an anti, that is below the belt.

i think you are spot on mate there are loads of them round our way

words of a wise man there, although i have only just turned 17 a month ago and before i had my lurcher had never had rabbit, so we went lamping and the day after my boyfriends mother cooked the most amazing rabbit pie and now i prefer rabbit to any other meat....but you know what the real satisfaction was...knowing that my lurcher had coursed them rabbits and i new exactly were them rabbits have come from and it was killed exactly 24 hours ago.....now i will say my lurcher has had other quarry but you cant eat that


also when i see them sick pictures ON A OOOOOPEN FORUM all thats going to happen is its going to draw more attention to our already heavily critisized sport and those pictures will end up on the front of the next "save the animals from the hunters" anti hunt leaflets............all in all who needs to be bragging if your bagging? there is more than one way to proove your butchness men

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having kept all sorts of dogs i am of the belief that a good dog gives you sport and feeds me,my family,the landowner and itself i personally dont see the need to endanger your dog running fox especially as you cant eat it ido however understand the need to keep their numbers down but in a more humane way for both fox and especially my dogs as i dont want them ripped up when you have enough problems avoiding barb wire etc and vet fees can be expensive

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Spot on countryboyo. I think a lot of bull cross owners have masculinity hang ups and use their dogs to make up for their own inadequacies.

What the feck is the point of destroying a fox for no other purpose than posing with its carcass with the sort of dog more at home in a fighting pit?

Get a life bull cross owners and become genuine field sportsmen.


you are on about two different things here mate - two different jobs for the dogs


number 1 = pot filler

number 2 = pest control


people weren't doing this just to pose for pics but as a form of pest control

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sad but true most bull x owners ?????? i would not want them as mates.


Bit of a sweeping statement isn't it?

probabley because most not all of them that i have come across have been a bit loud [bANNED TEXT] full of beer at the odd show i have been to.
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sad but true most bull x owners ?????? i would not want them as mates.


Bit of a sweeping statement isn't it?

probabley because most not all of them that i have come across have been a bit loud [bANNED TEXT] full of beer at the odd show i have been to.

i got a colliex and that statement somes me up :laugh:

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