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Me and David went lamping the other night and landed fox No 50 of this year.


FD we went to the place I took you first where you shot a fox. Remember that 1st fox we squeaked in , well it was in the same place but didnt hang around this time :censored:


We then lamped the other side of the farm where we saw nowt and I spied this one a good 300 yards away , I called and it came in a treat , straight down the beam to around 100 yds which is when David dropped it :clapper:



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good one lads :thumbs: i take it that was another headshot david :notworthy: youre still shooting well mate.


everythings cut up here now so hows you boys fixed for a shine up this way friday night ? give me a phone mark if youre up for it.

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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.

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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.



Its a shame that people come on here and ruin someones post by telling them that they are shooting to much....its a hunting forum NOT wildlife SOS.Its up to you what kind of hunting you like and if you want to let them go then fine but im affraid not everyone thinks you way.


Nice shooting by the way foxhunter!!!

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Well done FH... Hopefully you won't be put off posting future escapades. Looking forward to hearing about no: 51. Good pest control. :victory:


I'd like to know what you mean by 'proper hunting' Nelly. Some members of this site seem to get on a soap box every time the is a post of a fox or hare being shot... not you inparticular, just a general observation. There is a lot of skill and fieldcraft envolved... It not a case on bombing around the countryside spraying bullets.

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Well done FH... Hopefully you won't be put off posting future escapades. Looking forward to hearing about no: 51. Good pest control. :victory:


I'd like to know what you mean by 'proper hunting' Nelly. Some members of this site seem to get on a soap box every time the is a post of a fox or hare being shot... not you inparticular, just a general observation. There is a lot of skill and fieldcraft envolved... It not a case on bombing around the countryside spraying bullets.



Well said Local!!!!

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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.

F*** off. You have a problem with efficient pest control, this is the wrong site for you.

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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.

F*** off. You have a problem with efficient pest control, this is the wrong site for you.

everyone is entitled to an opion, and that is mine ,also i have said there is a job to be done!not getting into a slanging match with anyone.



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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.

F*** off. You have a problem with efficient pest control, this is the wrong site for you.


Well said .


Firstly , we dont shoot the countryside to pieces.


Secondly , You say more get away or released , surely thats not efficient control?


Thirdly ,What is proper hunting ?


We also dont lamp from a 4x4 , all done on foot!!!


The farmers and shoot captains that I control foxes for are very happy at the job I do , Im sure they wouldnt be happy if most foxes got away or were released !!!!


This is about control as Ive said before , managing the fox population to an acceptable level , something you obviously dont do.......


Its my permission that Ive worked hard to get and keep , so foxes must be kept under control for the sake of all wildlife not just the lambs and pheasants that I protect.


As Millett says if you dont like shooting dont read the shooting section.


I dont mind any form of control that the individual chooses , be it hunting , lurchers , terriers or gun as long as its done efficiently !!

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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.

F*** off. You have a problem with efficient pest control, this is the wrong site for you.


I think reading the posts by the "big guns" pest controllers on here you will quite often see a write up where several more were spotted but not shot. If a job is there to be done, surely you do it? If its there 50th fox this year then surely they arent shooting them to bits as there seems to be an ample supply of foxes to shoot 50 this year yet still see more?! As far as i can see it, making that statement is almost the same as me going to work, being told to do something and not doing it because there may not be enough work for me to do at a later date?! It it wast FH then it would be someone else shooting them.... it needs to be done, so he's doing it! I sort of maybe understand where you are coming from....but he's doing a job that your opinion isn't going to stop. I doubt its got anything to do with the government and the ban as im sure FH was shooting this many before. As said above...F*** off!


Good shooting lads... i wish had the permission to get out on them that often....im very jealous!




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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.

F*** off. You have a problem with efficient pest control, this is the wrong site for you.


I think reading the posts by the "big guns" pest controllers on here you will quite often see a write up where several more were spotted but not shot. If a job is there to be done, surely you do it? If its there 50th fox this year then surely they arent shooting them to bits as there seems to be an ample supply of foxes to shoot 50 this year yet still see more?! As far as i can see it, making that statement is almost the same as me going to work, being told to do something and not doing it because there may not be enough work for me to do at a later date?! It it wast FH then it would be someone else shooting them.... it needs to be done, so he's doing it! I sort of maybe understand where you are coming from....but he's doing a job that your opinion isn't going to stop. I doubt its got anything to do with the government and the ban as im sure FH was shooting this many before. As said above...F*** off!


Good shooting lads... i wish had the permission to get out on them that often....im very jealous!






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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.
o shut up you muppet, every man to his own well done foxhunter
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its a shame f..king shooting the country side to peaces,there will be nowt left the way its going ,good sport that is , big lamps and rifle.theres a good chance they might get away ,likely.I no theres a job to be done but its a f..king joke.all i here is weve shot this and they shot that. i like my hunting and digging but more get away or released then we kill .point is it cant carry on the way its going.its the goverment fault ,but thats another story!leave your rifles at home and go out and watch some proper hunting, if ya dare leave your 4x4.


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Really?... shooting off sticks at night after walking god knows how far with the lamp... some might say it requires more fieldcraft doing that and getting to a stage where you can take a safe shot than spotlighting a fox and letting your dog run after it and do the job for you :whistling: each to their own.

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