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Another cage trap

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Another cage I just finished up.  Girl Fred has a weseal messing around the chick coop and side it has to be live trapped so I came up with this. It's double powered doored has a flat treddel that functions either way .
















Edited by Wolfdog91
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3 hours ago, Ken's Deputy said:

Just for clarification, Wolfie; Isn't what you call a Weasel what we'd call a Stoat?

Either way, that cage looks absolutely Huge, for either's needs. Maybe it's just the scales presented by the photo's?

I think stoats are smaller. From what my gf described ( she was apparently chasing it out the chicken coop when I pulled up today . Apparently this is what it looks like so long tailed American weasel


Anyhow the trap is only 6"x6" wide and tall and 34" long I think due to the outward swinging doors had to make it longer.  Not to mention I wanted to have something I could use  on other critters ,fox squirrels ,grey squirrels, smaller skunks, mink muskrats ,barn rats ect. Also since coyotes coon and other critters will try to get at the trapped animal out alot of times I had to make it kinda heavy duty. 

Honestly if I had a bending jib set up I'd make something like thisee8f014fbfd675399f8735ec8fdcef6b.jpg.7844d94d82b60be3aae117be7a730583.jpg


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" Bending Jib "? That's not one of those things that can fold a sheet of mesh to a perfect right angle, is it? Most of my life I've fancied one of those things! My god, I could just bash out traps all day long! :D

Dunno why I never just actually got one! Can't be arsed, now. Making shit means selling shit. And that means people. I don't want them round here.

Wolfie; Something I'd like to share with you ~ and every other fukker reading this damn place! It's a trigger mechanism for cages, I've only ever come across the one time, on one set of traps.

These cage traps were sold by a venerable old British firm. Name of S. Young and sons. (Clicky, for anyone interested)

Here's an illustration, from one of their catalogues. Just because:


As you can see then; Nothing new under the sun. But, what you can't see, from this illustration, is the precise nature of the triggering mechanism.

Sadly, I gave all my stuff away, years ago. So, I only have a vague memory of the shit I'm trying to impart here. But, basically; These traps had a treadle and a hook. Shouldn't give you any trouble working that bit out. Interfere with either and she fires.

But, the thing is? These didn't feature the usual rod, coming off the treadle / hook and resting in a hook suspended from the roof and its end holding the door up. You know the shit I mean.

No. These traps had two, thin steel bars. Situated above the treadle / bait hook. Somehow joined to everything else. Point is: These two bars were like sharpened pencils! Facing each other. One above the other. Slightly over lapping. Can you envisage that?

Point your two index fingers at each other. Now, rest the tip on one on the top of the tip of the other. That! Only, not being thick, like fingers. But, more like sharpened pencils; Can ye now see how delicately those damn traps set? If a Mouse so much as pissed on that treadle? Bugger would fire!

Ever come across that before?

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8 hours ago, socks said:

Have you got anymore pictures of the trap ? ? ? 

Hay what can I say wanted to make sure I gave lots detailed pictures incase one of y'all wanted break the mold and actually build something for a change ??

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2 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

You considered making traps to sell @Wolfdog91

I do from time to time but honestly I don't want to do it as any fo of a job or something. I really enjoy fabricating and building all the mechanisms and what not. Love sharing how I did everything as well but as soon as it becomes a deal of making stuff to sell it just becomes annoying and tedious. 

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4 hours ago, Ken's Deputy said:

" Bending Jib "? That's not one of those things that can fold a sheet of mesh to a perfect right angle, is it? Most of my life I've fancied one of those things! My god, I could just bash out traps all day long! :D

Dunno why I never just actually got one! Can't be arsed, now. Making shit means selling shit. And that means people. I don't want them round here.

Wolfie; Something I'd like to share with you ~ and every other fukker reading this damn place! It's a trigger mechanism for cages, I've only ever come across the one time, on one set of traps.

These cage traps were sold by a venerable old British firm. Name of S. Young and sons. (Clicky, for anyone interested)

Here's an illustration, from one of their catalogues. Just because:


As you can see then; Nothing new under the sun. But, what you can't see, from this illustration, is the precise nature of the triggering mechanism.

Sadly, I gave all my stuff away, years ago. So, I only have a vague memory of the shit I'm trying to impart here. But, basically; These traps had a treadle and a hook. Shouldn't give you any trouble working that bit out. Interfere with either and she fires.

But, the thing is? These didn't feature the usual rod, coming off the treadle / hook and resting in a hook suspended from the roof and its end holding the door up. You know the shit I mean.

No. These traps had two, thin steel bars. Situated above the treadle / bait hook. Somehow joined to everything else. Point is: These two bars were like sharpened pencils! Facing each other. One above the other. Slightly over lapping. Can you envisage that?

Point your two index fingers at each other. Now, rest the tip on one on the top of the tip of the other. That! Only, not being thick, like fingers. But, more like sharpened pencils; Can ye now see how delicately those damn traps set? If a Mouse so much as pissed on that treadle? Bugger would fire!

Ever come across that before?

Very interesting! I think I understand how it's working but your gonna have to give me a day or two to mull it over ?? ADHD makes me take time to fully understand things like this ?

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Yeah, it's a bitch to explain, or visualise ?

I'm guessing the cages you handle probably work on the common principle of a long rod being activated by pressure on a slightly lifted / tilted plate? The lowering of the plate causing the rod to pull away from where ever it's put when Set. Usually under the edge of a door.

This one's different in that the two 'pencils' are steel rods which are at right angles to the sides of the cage. Above the plate. I can't remember how, now. But one or them holds the mechanism in place which holds the doors open.

Ooh! Could have been long bars Outside the trap. Running along the top, lengthways from the doors. So, hold ye fingers, one above the other. That's how the long bars would lay (Under tension from the spring loaded doors).

Then, same principle again, only with the fingers / pencils being much shorter and at the side / top of the trap.

The main thing is that these two shapened pencils are So hair triggering. Ye basically holding one tip / point down with another, facing it and above it.

I'm probably digging us Both deeper and deeper here :( If no one manages to fathom it, I might try to draw some approximation. I'm lousey at drawing though ?

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:toast:  That's The One!!! :boogy:

Christ, I even had to look at it twice, to be sure! Such a dim memory now.

Now, on mine? Those two bars had been filed to points. Whether in production or since? We'll never know.

And I had all three sizes. Don't even know if they all had the points?

Brilliantly sensitive mechanism though, isn't it? Touch that treadle? Those things were firing!

Thanks, so much, for the pictures! :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I swear I though I responded to this there's a few times already ? very interesting design! I'll have to teak it though sure to the way I set. I see Any brush falling over the set rods forthe doors could really be a problem but ! I think I may have an idea or two. As far as trap , haven't caught the weasel ( apparently it my have been somones pet ferret from up the road ) but it's been hell on these baby possums lolIMG_20210716_230730200.jpg.af13cd4fa9e0f81b6491ca1d28a03e21.jpgIMG_20210724_021259248.jpg.b1fa0392e00299191ba623494ee95613.jpgIMG_20210724_021438879.jpg.560d0597fc53edf03cd398c4c022d22a.jpg 

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