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things that go bump in the night

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Seen some weird shit when out lamping on my jones.One time i was shooting on a golf course,i thought someone was running twards me,turns out it was the flag o the 7th green blowing in the wind :icon_redface: also seen the eyes that are miles off the floor carry on.must be honest,i like going with someone else rather than on my own.Trouble in the pub,i'm yer man,weired things when out lamping,i'm gone :clapper:

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i controle the rabbits on the allotments by me this is best done at night with the air rifle because there is no one arround. Anyway i pull in one night lock the gates behind me park up and off i go. I never lock my car because no one can get inside the allotments without a key anway. it wasnt the best night and i think i shot about 3 so i headed back to the car put the gun in the boot opened the gate and drove out. got half way up the road when i felt an arm squeez my neck :icon_eek: well feck me did i shit my pants. a friend of mine thought it would be funny to follow me in then lay down in the back of my car :whistling: so i owe him big time and of :whistling: course he told everone how i screamed like a bitch :icon_redface:

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I was ferreting one morning,had a few in the bag.Came up to a set i was going to do,started laying purse nets suddenly felt something bump on my back i turned round and came face to BEAK with a 4ft parrot ballon with big eyes :icon_eek: on it,i didn't know weather to laugh,cry or sh1t myself(i did all 3 :laugh: )scared the crap out of me.

I thought i had dicovered a new specis of bird living in britain :laugh: i thought i am rich :yes: .Even now when i do that set i look round before setting the nets :icon_redface::laugh:

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i was sleeping rough , when one night i was disturbed by a mad drunken red haired bird :whistling:


:clapper::clapper::clapper: Was it that "shitty forest" you were sleeping in. :clapper::clapper:


I simply got lost on my way back from the loo , admitidly i was drunk & i did try to go in the wrong tent , but i didnt hang around to find out who's tent i was trying to break into :laugh:


Maybe i should have it could have been Brads tent :toast::toast::toast:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:clapper: Some f*ckin Great stories here already! Isn't it fun reading about how and why people shit themselves? Cruel, but fun! :laugh:


I'm a bit busy to sit and reflect just yet. But I'm sure I've freaked out before now. I'll try to remember something worthy of inclusion later. Mheanwhile, for those who weren't around to catch it first time round, here's my eatlier post of " A Scary Few Moments... ". To save me dredging, I've nicked the link from the Irish Hunting Forum I originally posted it to. I believe ye can access it though?

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i've had a couple, walking the dogs on a dark night in an area i have known since being a kid and they are out running about then suddenly both kick off barking and snarling. i think "f**k, what've they got hold of now?" Cant see anything coz its dark then all of a sudden they are both back and getting behind my legs still kicking off but backing up rapidly. Thats not normal so i didnt hand about ran allthe way home and nearly killed myself on the way (got to stop smoking!)


Another time was out with the air gun and lamp, had about an hours shooting then the lamp starts to fade. Keep going til cant see to shoot and start walking back to the car. i jump over a post and rail fence and stand on ..... a bloody badger!!!! Why he didnt hear me coming i dont know but i actually trod on him and he gives a grunt and a growl then we both shit ourselves and went in opposite directions. Took a while for my heart rate to get back to normal!

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True story but not hunting related...


My sister was eating out in a gastro pub recently when a strange woman (who the sis didn't know) approached her and said:


"Hi, did you recently lose your grandad etc etc. Although we did my sis just told the old lady that she had made a mistake and we had suffered no such loss; to which the unknown woman replied (very sure of herself):


"I think you did, 'cos he's stood behind you" before sitting down at a nearby table.


Needless to say, my sister shat herself (but probably finished her meal the greedy cow)

Edited by craigemo
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I scare meself just in the garden

When we lived in the highlands we watched a film onenight your probable

all seen it dog soldiers. Well it finnished i took the dog out got about 5 feet from the door looked at

the forest then the dog went into one and we were both inside with the door bolted and the

wife takeing the piss out of me.


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i was out with the air rifle one night a few years ago,lamping a few bunnies,was walking up a slight hill,very short grass and happened to look behind me....well there was a fox only about 50 yards from me watching me. i thought no more of it and carried on up the hill. 30 yards on i had a look round wi the lamp,that same fox was there,only about 30 yards away now!! and worse still there was ANOTHER one in front of me,sat down and staring at me! :icon_eek: now,i know it was only foxs but it still made me uneasy and i decided it was home time! those foxs just sat and watched me walk(fast!) to the gate and out of the field. might have been a different story if i had the dog instead of the airgun.... :whistling:

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