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Maajid Nawaz Versus The Lefties....

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I listen to Maajid quite a bit on LBC, and I have to say that I commend a lot of what he says.....not everything, but quite a bit.


Anyhow, here's his take on leftie student movements, political correctness and "offence"....


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I listen to Maajid quite a bit on LBC, and I have to say that I commend a lot of what he says.....not everything, but quite a bit.   Anyhow, here's his take on leftie student movements, political co

if someone wants some f****r else man or women to kick them in the balls,even f**k them with a strap on then if they're 16 and it's consensual between both parties then what's the problem? A child un

haha come off it aisha was an adult when she narrated that was she not ? And so it's not true about him thighing her before marriage either then ? So roughly age of Huberty 12/13 and was he married to

His work with Quilliam is under reported. It's a very sensible approach.

He was held as a terrorist in an Egyptian prison - he freely admits that his views used to be extreme, though he claims he has never supported or condoned violence.


He's at his best, I think, when he's confronted by extremists (of all kinds !)......sensible, level headed and even handed, he has a terrible habit of bringing facts to an opinion fight !


If any of you have never listened to him, I can recommend tuning in one day.


I like the fella !

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He was held as a terrorist in an Egyptian prison - he freely admits that his views used to be extreme, though he claims he has never supported or condoned violence.


He's at his best, I think, when he's confronted by extremists (of all kinds !)......sensible, level headed and even handed, he has a terrible habit of bringing facts to an opinion fight !


If any of you have never listened to him, I can recommend tuning in one day.


I like the fella !


He's got two books in print. Radical, and Islam and the Future of Tolerance. Radical is very autobiographical of his time as an extremist and details his life in and ultimately out of that mindset. Islam and the Future of Tolerance is a dialogue between himself and Sam Harris. He argues that Islam is open to reformation and explains an extremely reasonable approach. Well worth a read if you're interested in understanding the mindset of the opposition. :thumbs:

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He was held as a terrorist in an Egyptian prison - he freely admits that his views used to be extreme, though he claims he has never supported or condoned violence.

He's at his best, I think, when he's confronted by extremists (of all kinds !)......sensible, level headed and even handed, he has a terrible habit of bringing facts to an opinion fight !

If any of you have never listened to him, I can recommend tuning in one day.

I like the fella !


He's got two books in print. Radical, and Islam and the Future of Tolerance. Radical is very autobiographical of his time as an extremist and details his life in and ultimately out of that mindset. Islam and the Future of Tolerance is a dialogue between himself and Sam Harris. He argues that Islam is open to reformation and explains an extremely reasonable approach. Well worth a read if you're interested in understanding the mindset of the opposition. :thumbs:

His interview/dialogue with Anjam Choudray is enlightening ! On YouTube, I think.....if you can filter out Chaudray's ranting !

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No he doesn't. :hmm:



This is the hypocrisy we see with modern Muslims it's exactly the Same rhetoric our own resident Muslim uses.. they condemn paedophiles rapist and murderers all whilst holding one of the worst paedophiles rapist and murderers on a pedestal its hypocrisy of the highest order ... fair play to maajid he does seem want reform in Islam but it seems even he can't get past the Mohammad sticking point using the same argument of well British kings were know for it ....yes they was but they have been left in the past where they belong.

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No he doesn't. :hmm:



This is the hypocrisy we see with modern Muslims it's exactly the Same rhetoric our own resident Muslim uses.. they condemn paedophiles rapist and murderers all whilst holding one of the worst paedophiles rapist and murderers on a pedestal its hypocrisy of the highest order ... fair play to maajid he does seem want reform in Islam but it seems even he can't get past the Mohammad sticking point using the same argument of well British kings were know for it ....yes they was but they have been left in the past where they belong.


You dont know what happened 1465 years ago do you? so stop talking garbage ,put your house in order before you try to spring clean some one elses. Strange how some things from the same era are accepted as 100% truth (Those that suit your agenda) yet others from the same time era you dont shows the limited checks and balances in your world.

Edited by desertbred
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No he doesn't. :hmm:



This is the hypocrisy we see with modern Muslims it's exactly the Same rhetoric our own resident Muslim uses.. they condemn paedophiles rapist and murderers all whilst holding one of the worst paedophiles rapist and murderers on a pedestal its hypocrisy of the highest order ... fair play to maajid he does seem want reform in Islam but it seems even he can't get past the Mohammad sticking point using the same argument of well British kings were know for it ....yes they was but they have been left in the past where they belong.


You dont know what happened 1465 years ago do you? so stop talking garbage ,put your house in order before you try to spring clean some one elses. Strange how some things from the same era are accepted as 100% truth (Those that suit your agenda) yet others from the same time era you dont shows the limited checks and balances in your world.


if your muhammed says its ok to sleep with children would u agree DB

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