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Now That The Rain Has Gone

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out sharpish this morning with ian and 1st farm [5 mins drive] produced a bandit and a crow from horse paddock and as all other fields are crops we didn't waste time and a quick ten minute drive to a horsey farm I shot another bandit on the muck heap and ian accounted for 3 ferals from b uildings and he sent dogs in to retrieve them as nearly all horses are out in paddocks at the minute -ian spots a jackdaw perched up on a spot light that lights up an arena for lasses to train horses and another second later its lying upside down on the deck . we then drove to a local cat& dog shelter that is situated in between farm land and it always produces a bag of woodies and today it was no different with 6 shot between us and dogs used to retrieve them ,a quick chat to bloke who owns it and he happens to own a few fields a few miles away and we given thumbs up to shoot rabbits on them , we then drove a mile to our main farm and we parked jeep up next to an old caravan in an empty paddock and placed the woodies out to see if we could draw some in and a coffee in one hand rifle resting on wing mirror we had a cracking afternoon with woodies jackies and a crow and another bandit mk1 rapids used


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