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Pup Eaten Paracetamol...

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Just wondering how a vet can see a pup that's just o.d. on paracetamol,can come to the conclusion that the pups kidney failure is down to an inherited problem? As any pup that has eaten a pack of the

So had a call earlier on today and by some miracle like stroke of luck, the pup is being picked up this evening. They ran more bloods on her today and they have come back good, she's howling to get ou

I wish the pup a speedy recovery, but the vet sounds like an absolute plug

I know the lad well enough roybo, I think he was clutching at straws to see if there was any other possible problem. I have no doubt that the paracetamol is the problem to the kidneys and the pup is on a drip, so rather than getting the pup to my vets I figured she'd be better off where she is to. I guess we'll see by the end of the day how she's getting on... Such an easy mistake to make, I bet the mother in law is absolutely gutted...

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I know the lad well enough roybo, I think he was clutching at straws to see if there was any other possible problem. I have no doubt that the paracetamol is the problem to the kidneys and the pup is on a drip, so rather than getting the pup to my vets I figured she'd be better off where she is to. I guess we'll see by the end of the day how she's getting on... Such an easy mistake to make, I bet the mother in law is absolutely gutted...

Sometimes when your head is spinning over something like a pup being ill ,you look for something to blame I suppose ,hope the pup makes a full recovery ,easy mistake that's happened more than once Atb Roy

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The fella had no young kids I take it, she should have a kick up the arse leaving pills on the side.

He does have kids buddy and I've got to be honest I've done exactly the same too, which makes me think! So easy to scoff a couple of paracetamol in the morning with a cup of tea before work and scat them down on the side by the kettle, not thinking of anything other than your headache.... I've not heard anything from the lad at this point and I'm kind of dreading giving him a shout to be honest, I'll drop him a text in a minute when I can find my phone!!! Oh, I also think she's probably beating herself more than anyone else is at this point.

I know what you mean though it's still negligent...

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The fella had no young kids I take it, she should have a kick up the arse leaving pills on the side.


He does have kids buddy and I've got to be honest I've done exactly the same too, which makes me think! So easy to scoff a couple of paracetamol in the morning with a cup of tea before work and scat them down on the side by the kettle, not thinking of anything other than your headache.... I've not heard anything from the lad at this point and I'm kind of dreading giving him a shout to be honest, I'll drop him a text in a minute when I can find my phone!!! Oh, I also think she's probably beating herself more than anyone else is at this point.

I know what you mean though it's still negligent...

I suppose I'm extra careful as wifes on loads of meds and autistic lad is on a pill to keep him stable so everything gets put up high out of reach of toddler an dog.
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So had a call earlier on today and by some miracle like stroke of luck, the pup is being picked up this evening. They ran more bloods on her today and they have come back good, she's howling to get out of the vets and started to nibble on her food... She isn't out of the woods yet and she will have to be closely monitored but things are certainly looking a lot brighter for her... It turns out it was the lads mother, not mother in law too... I must of miss heard that bit...


Fingers crossed now that it has no long term effects on her...



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