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Improving Your First Season Dogs

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My pup has done me proud she's had a few months of steady work think she's retrieved close to 10 shot hares a few in the day and about 35 rabbits and tried her hand at other bits, she could of killed a lot more if I was in places were big bags could be taken but you have to work with what you've got, but the main thing I'll be working in is her recall one day it can be perfect the next non existent but a lot worse at night then in the day

Good going fella. Onwards and upwards.

My red bitch is the opposite. Recall is 100% on the lamp. Don't need to even call her. When the lamp goes off she's back by my side within seconds. Daytime she can be a right ignorant cow some days.

Cheers gaz yh I can be a pain her recall was perfect until I started running her she's okay in the day really she will stand with her catch and most of the time come back to one of us if she's missed him but if she haven't had a good run over 2 mins the last thing on her mind is comeing back she's off trying to find another run but of a pain when you need to be in and out but we will hopefully get it sorted by next season
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Well the end of the season will soon be here for me and Blue less a couple of ferreting trips and a bit of lamping. To be honest he has done more than ok for his first season. He has lamped well and i

my young saluki type has had a good 1st season as far as I am conceraned, about 15 months old now...   had her picking rabbits up on the lamp at 7 months old although I wouldn't usually even think

They are a constant work in progress for sure. I was walking mine tonight and he was a treat on the lead then sticking to me off the lead very well and getting better all the time. Then getting on whe

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my young saluki type has had a good 1st season as far as I am conceraned, about 15 months old now...


had her picking rabbits up on the lamp at 7 months old although I wouldn't usually even think about starting at this age however, she just seemed ready. Absolutely rock steady on stock, enough pace/wind to pick up a few long ear, decent nose, marks, patient round nets, cleaver behind her quarry, hunts up daytime, jumps 5 bar, now has good recall day/night, good strike.


main issue with the dog was recall on the lamp as she got very excited and fecked off if she missed, maybe something to do with early start however she soon grasped what to do when she missed and it was sorted by the age of 12 months.


she is very nervous around unfamiliar dogs and avoids any contact with them, sometimes annoying especially when the other dog thinks its a game and chase her round. Usually fine after initial meeting and realises the dog is no threat, now keep her on lead if crossing paths with dogs.


the dog doesn't really retrieve, well has done a few times, but hasn't any time recently, TBH though this doesn't really concern me, she will swim but doesn't dive in willingly like my old lurcher Alfie, again nothing major but would be good exercise for her during the warmer months


things to do during off season...


- socialisation with other dogs

- keep exposing to stock

- generally honing her established skills

- bit of dummy work

- keep semi fit

- get her swimming a bit more




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This has been my young bitches first proper season. She did abit Las season as well. She's collie saluki grew of unknown percentages. She's around 20months old and has far exceeded my expectations. She's not done lots of ferreting, but marks good and gets herself where you wouldnt believe. The same with lamping, very good. Good recall and strike etc. She's done very well daytime, she's taken 9 daytime big rabbits and 3of these in one day. She's missed alot to begin with but we got there in the end.


I need to work on retrieve and working up. Even try getting her used to swimming this summer.

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He's done great Geth for his first season, quick, smart and a nice dog to be around.

Had a few good nights on the lamp, particulary Rudge... lol

He's ferreted well plus you've got access to the croc..... or the sausage until you get your busher.. lol


Looking forward to next season already, good few dogs amongst our little crowd to keep us entertained.

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They are a constant work in progress for sure. I was walking mine tonight and he was a treat on the lead then sticking to me off the lead very well and getting better all the time. Then getting on when told and stopping dead when asked. Recalling spot on. Then we cut across the fields and he worked a hedge row to perfection checking every inch with his nose and taking his time. All minor stuff to most but means a lot to me

I should give the young lad more credit some times. Today was a good day :thumbs:



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My young dog is almost 20 months now and a pure head ach the 2 worst things he does is pull constantly on the slip nit to the pionts where he chokes himself but so my arm is killing by the end of the night, the other is the yapping on rabbits, some times he does other times he doesn't but had a few nights out with keeper retrieving few bits and bobs.

Next season he is gunna get some serious graft.


Any tips on how to correct the dog when pulling on slip I pull him back and tell him but he goes and pulls again instantly give him a slap round the chops and same again it's as if he doesn't know he is in the wrong

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My dog is the same on a slip but if I let him go he walks along about a yard in front lol and if I want I can lamp him off the slip. You think when they pull like that if you let them go there going to rocket off but its not the case. Though to be honest I mostly use the slip as I like to position him precisely and let the rabbit come to us and slip when I am ready and over time he will learn not to pull any way

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