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Use salt water to flush it out.thought it was ILLEGAL to administer antibiotics through syringe? Be careful pal asking for that on open forumatb dc

its not illegal to inject your own dog ...

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That's not what I've been told and that was from a top nurse, but maybe I misunderstood, I'll check with him next time I see him

Take it from me. They do diminish in effectiveness. The date stated will guarantee effectiveness up to that date. Most AB's are fairly stable so 6 months on to the end date should be fine. I know that from working for, and owning pharmaceutical companies in the past 25 years

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Use salt water to flush it out.thought it was ILLEGAL to administer antibiotics through syringe? Be careful pal asking for that on open forumatb dc

its not illegal to inject your own dog ...


Use salt water to flush it out.thought it was ILLEGAL to administer antibiotics through syringe? Be careful pal asking for that on open forumatb dc

its not illegal to inject your own dog ...

That's quite right it's not. If you use a farm based vet they will sell you a bottle £15

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Use salt water to flush it out.thought it was ILLEGAL to administer antibiotics through syringe? Be careful pal asking for that on open forumatb dc

its not illegal to inject your own dog ...


Use salt water to flush it out.thought it was ILLEGAL to administer antibiotics through syringe? Be careful pal asking for that on open forumatb dc

its not illegal to inject your own dog ...

That's quite right it's not. If you use a farm based vet they will sell you a bottle £15

You would need a holding number for that
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Do you think that crushing an antibiotic tab with a tea spoon of water into a paste and putting that into an open infected wound would do anything.

personally I would be cleaning it with salt water then hibiscrub alternatively before it got to that stage. Once it gets infected, vet job. It may cost but you have proof of duty of care. Just choose your vet wisely :thumbs:


To answer the question directly, It may have an effect, but it would be limited. Oral preparations are "structured" so as to be stable through the gastric tract. As such dissolved in a little water, the major benefit would be from the syringing, not the AB.

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