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Banning Semi Autos?

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What it will do though, is stop the man in France,Belgium, or wherever, defending himself/family with his legally held AR against some mad bast*rd Mussie with an AK, well done EU another bright idea.


But it's for our safety CC. Because all these lunatics used legally held firearms, not black market imports and obviously they abide by gun legislation. I'm sure when all the guns are banned then all this will stop and it won't matter that the police and elite counter terror teams are not able to ensure our safety.


Silly you!


“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”


"God made all men but Samuel Colt made all men equal."

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But it's for our safety CC. Because all these lunatics used legally held firearms, not black market imports and obviously they abide by gun legislation. I'm sure when all the guns are banned then all

What it will do though, is stop the man in France,Belgium, or wherever, defending himself/family with his legally held AR against some mad bast*rd Mussie with an AK, well done EU another bright idea.

They're talking about EUROPE WIDE regulations. NOT IN THE UK You can only have semi auto 22 rimfire here anyway, the rest can still have others (i.e. AR & AK clones). We were stopped from th


Self defence is not a legitimate use for privately owned firearms though, both in Europe and in the UK, however tempting it might be to do this.




I think you'll find it is in some EU member states.



Well I never knew that!

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Self defence is not a legitimate use for privately owned firearms though, both in Europe and in the UK, however tempting it might be to do this.


Regarding the EU proposals, it wouldn't surprise me if the UK government tried to ban semi auto .22 rimfire now and even semi auto shotguns, whether FAC or SGC.


I have suggested writing to your mps and meps in the other thread about this before any future ban is upon us.

I am aware of that fact, however I might just push the envelope a bit if some lunatic was letting off an AK or whatever in my kids general direction ;)

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Self defence is not a legitimate use for privately owned firearms though, both in Europe and in the UK, however tempting it might be to do this.




I think you'll find it is in some EU member states.



Well I never knew that!



I don't have a definitive list but a quick Google shows that the likes of Austria, Czech Rep, Estonia, France, Italy and Serbia all support the use of firearms for personal protection. Czech Rep even go so far as allowing concealed carry. That's without listing the countries that have a 'may issue' attitude, which is generally a stance that considers personal protection more of a privilege than a fundamental right. :thumbs:

Edited by Born Hunter
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Blimey and there's me thinking that all EU countries followed a similar set of rules? We have it over cooked here in the UK for sure!


There's a minimum legal standard set by EU law which everybody has to meet, which is where this semi auto ban is coming from. It rarely affects us in the UK though because we have such stringent legislation already.


From what I have read through properly pro gun UK media (not the pretend ones that are happy with our current laws and attitudes towards gun ownership), the UK is fairly badly represented in this petition! We just hate liberty! LOL

Edited by Born Hunter
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You are not allowed a semi auto rifle bigger than .22wmr, so unless you mean them, how can they ban something you cannot hold in the first place? Seams to be referring to the EU.


It looks like it will affect the UK.


Many UK Shooters have .22 semi autos that resemble military weapons. I know a few myself.


Equally, every shotgun certificate holder would be affected if required to prove good reason as currently you can hold a shotgun certificate provided you are fit to hold one without having to prove you have good reason to need a shotgun. That would affect a lot of holders who either don't shoot regularly or don't have land to shoot over.


It seems to me the UK is about to get caught up in an EU backlash.

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Yup, the EU is trying to jump on the bandwagon following the Paris massacre and introduce further restrictions by the back door. Their recent efforts to "harmonize" (i.e. make more restrictive) EU gun law generated massive opposition from both the public and member states, so now this sneaky amendment to their proposals. The proposals would apply to the UK, unless Parliament opted out. The French shooting community is already up in arms (geddit?).


Sign here... http://bit.ly/gunbanpetition

Edited by Coypu Hunter
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Yes think it's semi auto rifles mate


Nope! It's not! Here is the proposal all the way from the EU. Not law yet ;-)


  • A ban on private ownership of all semi-automatic firearms, even when not military-style: all of them, pistols, rifles and shotguns, centerfire or rimfire.

  • Declare magazines and other components as "fundamental parts", making them available only to licensed gun owners, contradicting the

    2008/51/CE directive.

  • Capacity limitation for all magazines (without further specifications).

  • Limitation, by type and quantity, of ammunition that can be purchased and detained by private citizens.
  • A ban on Internet sales of firearms and ammunition.

  • A ban on the sale of decorative, parade, or ceremonial guns and reproductions.

  • Restrictions to Airsoft trade and ownership, if not an outright ban.

  • Imposing mandatory biometric protections on privately-owned firearms

  • Imposing centralized storage for firearms, forbidding citizens to keep them at home.


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Yes think it's semi auto rifles mate


Nope! It's not! Here is the proposal all the way from the EU. Not law yet ;-)


  • A ban on private ownership of all semi-automatic firearms, even when not military-style: all of them, pistols, rifles and shotguns, centerfire or rimfire.

  • Declare magazines and other components as "fundamental parts", making them available only to licensed gun owners, contradicting the

    2008/51/CE directive.

  • Capacity limitation for all magazines (without further specifications).

  • Limitation, by type and quantity, of ammunition that can be purchased and detained by private citizens.
  • A ban on Internet sales of firearms and ammunition.

  • A ban on the sale of decorative, parade, or ceremonial guns and reproductions.

  • Restrictions to Airsoft trade and ownership, if not an outright ban.

  • Imposing mandatory biometric protections on privately-owned firearms

  • Imposing centralized storage for firearms, forbidding citizens to keep them at home.




Where does this info come from David? I've only seen this and it's different from what you say above?

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Yes think it's semi auto rifles mate


Nope! It's not! Here is the proposal all the way from the EU. Not law yet ;-)


  • A ban on private ownership of all semi-automatic firearms, even when not military-style: all of them, pistols, rifles and shotguns, centerfire or rimfire.

  • Declare magazines and other components as "fundamental parts", making them available only to licensed gun owners, contradicting the

    2008/51/CE directive.

  • Capacity limitation for all magazines (without further specifications).

  • Limitation, by type and quantity, of ammunition that can be purchased and detained by private citizens.
  • A ban on Internet sales of firearms and ammunition.

  • A ban on the sale of decorative, parade, or ceremonial guns and reproductions.

  • Restrictions to Airsoft trade and ownership, if not an outright ban.

  • Imposing mandatory biometric protections on privately-owned firearms

  • Imposing centralized storage for firearms, forbidding citizens to keep them at home.




Where does this info come from David? I've only seen this and it's different from what you say above?


Just type in EU Semi Auto Ban, second hit! All scaremongering, not even a real government proposal. (yet!) The one which is most worrying is `The proposal for centralized custody of privately-owned firearms`. Just imagine the cost of only shooting somewhere like Bisley! The cost of storage would put a huge percentage of shooters off shooting altogether!

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That article by all4shooters.com bears little relation to the 2013 white paper which it refers to and even provides a link to. However I do wholeheartedly agree that we need to speak up now to try to prevent further restrictions on legitimate firearms use and ownership in the UK.

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Personally I think the new restrictions are ridiculous and throwing the baby out wth the bath water. I also think there should be a right of self defence with a firearm in the UK. You shouldn't have to rely on a jury in cases such as Tony Martins. What politicians always fail top realise, is that you'll never stop incidents, not least because most involve illegal firearms. Even then you will still have the odd incident with legal. What you need are stringent checks such as in the UK and stringent safekeeping requirements. Ultimately if someone is deermined to kill others, they will do so no matter what checks or bans you have in place. Look at Israel and the Palestinian knifings or Austria and the car into the people incident http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/at-least-two-killed-in-austria-after-man-drives-into-crowd-before-stabbing-passers-by-in-graz-10333891.html or Birmingham: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-27284283


Simply getting rid of legally held firearms doesn't make the world safe. Those determined can always find other means.

Edited by Alsone
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