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About andyf

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    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 30/03/1954

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  1. Ammo is the key, try GECO 42gr solids, I have a Sako Finnfire Varmint 17" barrel, deadly with these!
  2. Ok Sausagedog : OK you are right! Yes I concede by 'Crappy Ammo' I really didn't mean 'Crappy Ammo'? Sorry, what I meant and implied was that harsh over the top reloads and probably far too many shots too quickly and between cleaning generally means (to me) that a centrefire .22 is more likely to be worn out and way worse under these circumstances than a larger calibre rifle. So best of luck to anyone out there, but I would NEVER buy a 'USED' .22 centrefire (except a .223) under any circumstances, but hey that's me?? Sausagedog want a well worn Ruger?? AndyF
  3. Hi; I have a 22.250 for Fox, mine is a Ruger #1 single shot with a Leupold VX-3 on it and a Hardy Gen2 Moderator, I load my own ammo, and have settled on 55 grain Sierra hollow points! Anyway that's me, but I have looked and handled the Howa range of rifles at my local shop (Gunroom near Ivybridge Devon), I have to say they look and feel very solid, there is a good choice of barrel weights & stocks etc If I was in the market that would certainly be where I would go, NEVER buy a used 22.250 unless you know it's history they can be burned out very easily especially by not clea
  4. Well: can I shoot??? Hello BASC, there are now plenty of stubbles here with Pigeons 'flanking' in, in large numbers, can I shoot them?? Please tick the box, CAN I DECOY PIGEONS etc Rotary and all the rest?? I also see that also that Pheasant & Partridge releasing etc are up for grabs, have you got that in control??? I run a syndicate so I hope so? Lets not get this one get away from us PLEASE. BET TOU HAVEN''T
  5. Well: My non indexing (2011 from new) .177 HW100 is finally fixed and working. After too long (my fault) and 2 different 'fixit' shop visits, my Rifle finally works flawlessly! I took it back to Gun Room Ivybridge (the original supplier) who assured me it was OK; it wasn't. Then much later (2 years) to Helston Gunsmiths & £42.00 later no different (worse in fact 'cos it lost pressure as well as not indexing), then back to the 'new and revived' Gun Room Ivybridge, they had it for 3 weeks and allegedly cannibalised a 'NEW' stock HW100, but whatever they did they have
  6. Hi: The Howa rifles are like 'Land Rover vs Isuzu'; Land Rover cars are actually fairly 'crap' but adored by many and Isuzu maybe seen as 'Jap' crap but are actually so very good but still classified as an 'eastern rim' 'bean tin', but would outlast and out perform a Land Rover all day forever. The fact is and 'we' have to acknowledge this is that Japanese engineering is really MUCH better than ours (even the 'kin Germans have to concede), So Howa rifles are very excellent (I have tried a few but don't own one). Anyway after 50+ years of Browning, Ruger, Sako and BRNO
  7. YES What a pi** poor outfit, a magazine that ponders the 'future' of grouse moors (@ £100 a bird), yes of course that's you and me 'two gunning' in the butts NOT. They are about to feel the cold rush of the pigeon shooter that only joined to get the insurance. BASC you may be making some regional 'executives' REDUNDANT, best get ready for a minimum wage job flipping burgers? And not too soon.
  8. Anyone remember the brazil made 55gr on a 'short' case? I got a couple of boxes just to see how the f**k a 55 gr bullet can get onto a 22 rimfire case? Looks really weird the bullet is as long as the case. At the time I had a 452 BRNO, which was a tack driving demon, these cartridges were I am told an effort to make a 22 revolver (USA ladies handbag gun) into something a bit more 'dirty harry'? When up close & personal? Anyway out of my rifle they tumbled hideously, going sideways through the paper at as little as 40 yards, Crap? No they weren't that good, still got a f
  9. Well I can see where this is going! Remember Foxhunting, well now it's our turn, a new and very 'silly' licence thingy, means that you may choose to risk decoying and 'probably' nobody will even know you're out, but oh dear, a vegan dole recipient will notice you and film you on his mobile (which 'we' are paying for), then the full weight of the 'LAW' will dump it's warm smelly load over you! Good luck with that one. Also farmers will be very reluctant to let you on as their farm subsidy could be at risk, and that will be a no no. Pigeon shooting has been stopped and
  10. Look you have passed the gate, you have a 'shotgun' condition on your FAC/SGC and you have openly stated here the you are shooting ball in it, so OH DEAR you have over stepped the rules! Who cares? NOT ME but there are a lot of 'knobbers' out there who do/might (i.e. like; people who ask "what should I do with .22 rimfire round that has miss fired, should I pass it to a RFD for disposal?' GET A LIFE just chuck it in the brambles, OH NO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING its a DEADLY prohibited THING!) Really??? Beware when there are 'those' out there, and of aware of pathetic knob-ends who
  11. Remember what I said about the 'approved range' cobblers ages ago? Please don't get me wrong I have no bother or interest in what you do & as a very 'experienced' gun myself I fully understand that a muzzle loaded 'shotgun' with ball is about as bad as it can get for precision shooting and completely harmless. Anyway best of luck, keep your head down, just goes to show we are being watched by 'knobbers' with nothing better to do?
  12. I have around 5 belts, 3 leather and 2 neoprene. I most often use a single one at a time as it's a convenient way of lugging 'enough' cartridges around for rough days, I load from my coat pocket & top up from the belt. Also it's a simple solution for decoying as 5 full belts = 125 carts, I don't wear them just drop them in the truck back and place them at the back of the hide. For driven days I use a nice old leather bag that holds 100+ and place it on the ground or hang it of the peg (if there is one).
  13. Maybe many a 'Murder' of Crows that consistently and annoyingly never settle closer than 130 yards (don't do metres). Must be 17HMR heaven? AF
  14. Remember you can only carry ONE RIFLE at a time, so having two is bad enough, 4 or more (e.g. me) is just mad. Anyway I have had all sorts of deer calibre rifles, and after many years and many deer I personally favour the 'bigger' ones, currently a .270 and 7x57, never lost a deer yet! As for Fox dead is dead, a .270 is no better or worse than a 22.250. I reload so have a few .270 110gr Vmax's in the wallet 'just in case', but if needs must i.e. no time a 150gr SP gets used, as I said dead is dead. Good luck with this one. AndyF
  15. Foxes: Yes it must have been a good year (last year) for them (Foxy Loxy). Been out stalking today and when speaking with the farmer he told me that on their Christmas family 'anything goes, pheasants + shoot' (in January) with 8 guns and in our best stalking woods amongst a good few gamebirds they shot 6 foxes and saw several more. Last week in the high seat (same wood) I had 2 Fox come within 20 yards of me, and 'would of' except I couldn't risk the noise, as I had seen several Roe near bye. I guess the hunting ban has really started to kick in after all these years?
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