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Dog Thieves , Ireland.

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Folks it's that time of the year again when coming up to hunting, horse fairs etc. etc. that dog stealing increases.

There were lurchers stolen last week in Laois and today 2 vans were seen casing dog mens yards in the Westmeath area.

One of them being a large green van.

Be on your guard and don't have your season ruined before it begins.

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Folks it's that time of the year again when coming up to hunting, horse fairs etc. etc. that dog stealing increases. There were lurchers stolen last week in Laois and today 2 vans were seen casing do

Wise words..who buys these stolen dogs? I personally wouldn't buy a pup from a stranger without seeing the dam..I've been lucky last couple year had pups gifted from dogs I've dug to but that hasn't a

A dog thief is as good as a paedophile , if a paedophile was abusing kids and you heard of it, would you turn a blind eye?   A dog thief is no better than a nonce and anyone who protects them is a s

Wise words..who buys these stolen dogs? I personally wouldn't buy a pup from a stranger without seeing the dam..I've been lucky last couple year had pups gifted from dogs I've dug to but that hasn't always been the case...as well as being careful with our own dogs I think responsible dog men should be careful they aren't buying someone elses pride and joy?

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A dog thief is as good as a paedophile , if a paedophile was abusing kids and you heard of it, would you turn a blind eye?


A dog thief is no better than a nonce and anyone who protects them is a scumbag too.


People know where these dogs go but choose to turn a blind eye.....fact.

Edited by Terra Firma
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Sorry dident see the Ireland bit changes my opinion that yes everyone nows it's the gypos tipped of by ther little wannabe hang a arounds or found while mooching around I love Ireland me got famlie ther but one thing I can't stand is how everyone talks shit about other people's buissness hard to keep a fart on the down low ther in the south never mind a kennle of decent dogs

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Wedgey don't get me wrong Thers good and bad in all walks of life my best friend is a traveler the most down to earth straight talking person I've ever met and 100% trustable but 90% off em are shit bags and gutless c**ts unless ther with a crowd look at the crimes they are nown for dog theft conning old folks burgaling old folk robbing copper from shut factory's hardly the crimes with a man with guts and self respect

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Only way to deter these fuckers microchip your dogs freezebrand if ya have to take plenty photos of what ya have more recent the better at least then ya can post them forums like this if you are the unlucky person this happens. Trust nowan always view everyone with suspicion the less helpfull you are with the better dont give anyone the opertunity ta come throw it all back in your face. Just a simple bit of advice lads hope it helps.

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