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Some of you might of seen this but I found it a few days ago.   The dude couldn't hit a barn door, but he does ok with the distance and power stuff.  

Have done,, twice. Found FAC air a waste of time.   Get a decent 12ft lb rifle, and a rimfire.

Not been on much and have to say certain folk do tend to talk shite with a beer in them ?

The only benefit FAC air has is in situations where you require a little more power but can't use a rimmy.


I often pick up the FAC rapid before the rimmy.

It's ideal under embankments or around woodlands. Less noise than a rimfire.

Or shooting around sites where a rimfire is a big no no. Farm yards. Schools or built up areas etc.


It has it's uses. Well for me it does.

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As Moxy says plus I like my fac 80 in .22 as the trajectory is almost the same as my sub 12 .177.

I love my fac .22 airgun for same reason as flatter trajectory and also added knock down power. I wouldn't dream of shooting a sub 12 at 60 yards. I have not got a rimfire but to be honest I love airguns and I'm happy to stick with it. It's put a lot more bunnys in the bag even with it's modest range extension. I'd recommend one!

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I have actually thought about this, quite recently to be honest, but what route would I go. I wouldn't go springers, to lairehhh. But would feel I'm taking the easy route with a PCP, and cheating myself, for some reason.


IF I went over, I don't actually think I would think, right I'm at 60 yards, I can take a shot now. I'd still try to get within the 40 yards mark, well within range of any decent sub 12 set up.


FAC air guns, apart from the experimental rifles such as the 303 wolverine, RAW .347 etc and development projects, are almost a waste of time. They don't fill any gap in the field, maybe for a tough quarry or for those who can't be arsed to get close.


So I choose not too. It wouldn't benefit me or my field craft development, if that is even a thing.

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What about the confidence of a well placed chest shot through long grass?

Don't take it. If your not getting paid per shot, i.e. per rabbit, why risk wounding with FAC or not.


That isn't a go at you admin, just saying like.

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:laugh: no offence taken Rez.

You clearly haven't watched enough YouTube......!!!


But seriously. A well placed chest shot works every time.

You throw away the top end of the rabbit anyway. Dog jock or ferret food.

I'm not talking about laming a rabbit here neither.

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'Every time' is a big word... Does it? Really? Every time....?


I think I know this already but do you shoot a on a ticket? I'm sure your rapid is...


As an edit, I see you mention the 7 and its is on ticket.


So. Your a good example of answering the mans question. What do you gain from being a ticket with an air rifle? I'm asking for me and him.


Right. I've had a few sneaky straights and feel rather picked so. Dunno.


In fact you've answered some of the questions. F'sake.

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What about the confidence of a well placed chest shot through long grass?

Don't take it. If your not getting paid per shot, i.e. per rabbit, why risk wounding with FAC or not.


That isn't a go at you admin, just saying like.

Rez 25+ ftlbs is a humane heart/lung shot in right situation, at close range with common sence regards to odd blade of grass in the way.

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"In the right situation"...


Now for the record, I am not condoning this. It's juts interesting how "we" being the "hunting" community, think of a certain power being enough to kill outright.


I put this to you FAG's... Opppps. Wrong word. FAC'ers. Will a 25 ft/lbs rifle in say, twenty two, to the engine room (springer or PCP) kill quicker that a head shot at 'sensible' (no offence) distances than a sub 12?


To be fair Tom, having type all that and re reading, you've covered your arse a bit there and I don't know. I'm a bit drunk to be honest mate'

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