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Bulking Diet.

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numbers numbers numbers......an olympic marathon runner needs to be very calculated about the numbers of miles they put in.....somebody just out for a jog to get a bit fitter doesnt need to worry abou

Just follow my diet lads,,,,you can't fail to bang on some pounds,,,,,

There's no way that 2 stone is muscle mate,,,,   Just be carfull your not just going to get fat,,,i understand you want to gain some weight,,,but being in good knick and lean,,,you can actually look

If your not too bothered about your body fat % it's pretty straight forward, if it's not nailed down eat it!!!


If your still wanting all your muscle groups showing that's a different ball game which is pretty hard too crack, just try and eat as clean and as much as possible.

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Increase the weights you'll get stronger and bigger

Not if you don't eat enough.

you said you weigh 90-100kg..lift bigger with what you are eating and you will get bigger..build your squats and deadlift up gradually..but go big size will come
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Increase the weights you'll get stronger and bigger

Not if you don't eat enough.

you said you weigh 90-100kg..lift bigger with what you are eating and you will get bigger..build your squats and deadlift up gradually..but go big size will come

Yeah but I've lost a good 5kg in short time, that's got to be with not eating enough plus all the training and work I do. The worrying thing is I've more than likely lost some muscle mass as well as fat in the process.

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What do you lift for the five big lifts for 1 rep or 5 reps


Bench press



Over head press

Bar bell rows


PM me if you want mate I've trained alot and read alot of different stuff about nutrition, I won't claim to be an expert but I've done 185kg squat for 5 sets of 5 reps , 120kg bench and 220kg deadlift at around same weight as you , prob about 15% body fat.


I'm no works beater but not taking any "enhancers" and playing rugby so I'm happy with it, f**k what others thing work towards your own goals and progress from there

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As others have said increase your calories. Don't worry about the source of the calories or other macros too much. It becomes a headache. Just count calories, ensure lots of protein and good fats.


I could maintain on 3000 calories and not put on an ounce. I'm currently cutting on 2000 calories and have lost 3 stone since 18th may.


Don't get too hung up on numbers. Just because it sounds a lot, if you aren't gaining then it isn't enough. If you are an active lad with a high metabolism then you are gonna need to bang some serious calories in.


All the best.

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Yes fat lol which is what i needed now in process of turning it into muscle

You can't turn fat into muscle fella. Fat is fat and muscle is muscle. You've gotta burn the fat using a calorie defecit or gain the muscle using a calorie surplus.


Someone new to training could drop fat and gain muscle at the same time when eating around maintenance calories but it doesn't last for long. Often referred to as "newbie gains".

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What do you lift for the five big lifts for 1 rep or 5 reps

Bench press



Over head press

Bar bell rows

PM me if you want mate I've trained alot and read alot of different stuff about nutrition, I won't claim to be an expert but I've done 185kg squat for 5 sets of 5 reps , 120kg bench and 220kg deadlift at around same weight as you , prob about 15% body fat.

I'm no works beater but not taking any "enhancers" and playing rugby so I'm happy with it, f**k what others thing work towards your own goals and progress from there

Tbh I don't really track what I'm lifting which is a big mistake I guess, yesterday I did 3 sets of 10 reps with 35kg either side on the flat Barbell Bench. I think last time I did 25kg Dumbbells on the shoulder press, I don't deadlift or squat at min because I f****d my back up. Like I said I've only been working out a few months and haphazardly at that, having weeks off here and there due to work.

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As others have said increase your calories. Don't worry about the source of the calories or other macros too much. It becomes a headache. Just count calories, ensure lots of protein and good fats.

I could maintain on 3000 calories and not put on an ounce. I'm currently cutting on 2000 calories and have lost 3 stone since 18th may.

Don't get too hung up on numbers. Just because it sounds a lot, if you aren't gaining then it isn't enough. If you are an active lad with a high metabolism then you are gonna need to bang some serious calories in.

All the best.

Surely it matters where you get your calories from? It can't be good eating junk like Mcd's on a regular basis?

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As others have said increase your calories. Don't worry about the source of the calories or other macros too much. It becomes a headache. Just count calories, ensure lots of protein and good fats.

I could maintain on 3000 calories and not put on an ounce. I'm currently cutting on 2000 calories and have lost 3 stone since 18th may.

Don't get too hung up on numbers. Just because it sounds a lot, if you aren't gaining then it isn't enough. If you are an active lad with a high metabolism then you are gonna need to bang some serious calories in.

All the best.

Surely it matters where you get your calories from? It can't be good eating junk like Mcd's on a regular basis?

There's quite a bit of debate about it.


If you just eat 3000 cals of McDonald's your not going to hit your protein goals and youll be getting stupid amounts of additives , salt, fat and carbs.


Discreditatory calories allowance / IIFYM is quite big atm, saying that as long as the food you eat for the day fits within your kcals and macros youll be on the right track.


Just get the VAST MAJORITY of your food from wholesome foods, with minimum processing etc, then if at the end of the end or once a week you can fit one small treat or meal into your food allowance for the day, you get to have whatever you want and not go stupidly over your kcals and get fat.

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I use my fitnesspal mate it's good I think it helps when your putting the food in gets you into a bit of a routine !

I actually look forward to looking how many calories I got left got the day and working my meals out !

Also you can link it to you phone step meter so if you've walked a lot it add extra calories to eat from what you've burnt off

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I use my fitnesspal mate it's good I think it helps when your putting the food in gets you into a bit of a routine !

I actually look forward to looking how many calories I got left got the day and working my meals out !

Also you can link it to you phone step meter so if you've walked a lot it add extra calories to eat from what you've burnt off

It's great, I've just had a breakfast of Golden Syrup Porridge, whole fat milk, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana. Came to a grand total of 509 calories, only another 3,267 to go. I feel full already though..,

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It's great mate I'm only allowed 1700 calories a day !! Trying to drop from 15 at 5 to about 14st while I'm not playing rugby but I'm walking a few miles a day and biking and rowing in the gym with a few leg weights ( recent knee op) I spend most my time barcode scanning things lol

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