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Advice Introducing New Puppy To Pack

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After the loss of my spaniel had to be PTS due kidney failure . i thought I would try a wee terrier for bushing So I bought one brought the 6 week old pup on the 24/12/2014 and introduced it to my Irish terrier/ Whippet/ greyhound cross and two whippets all three bitches have snubed the pup big style with a bit of showing the theeth and huffing in their cages they are all in the house in the evening out all day in the back yard

do I try to ignore this behaveour ?

Do I try to bribe the 3 adult dogs ?

Do i come down heavy with the snarling and theeth showing? with having them in the house I can't tollerate this behaveour .

Do i simplly keep the big dog outside this lurcher seems tbe the pack leader since the old spaniel went .

The lurcher is coming three she played for a few minutes today then her mood turn back to nasty again

I close this regularly in the boot with strange dogs and not a word out her

Greteful for any advice folks

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Have you tried crating the pup up and you sitting next to it and introduce each dog to it ,then any sign of aggression you nip it in the he bud as they are a pack animal and you should be prenomiant dominant one of your pack .As any dog will constantly test you for dominance ,it's nature

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As the man said it takes time don't start confronting the dogs over it, it will take forever that way,

Trying bringing home a 6 week old kitten, did it years ago with a Wheaton bitch in the house, she went ape shit for a while and now they can sleep in front of the fire together, no intervention, no confrontation just time , best of luck

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its a pity you didn't bring it home jabbed up,(8-9 weeks old) as you could have introduced them outside on your walk all together . ive done that loads of times, I put the pup down with them and the dogs would just have sniff and carry on walking as normal , then I pick the pup carry it for a while, then back down with them. After 2-3 days doing they were all mates and no probs, the older dogs would put the pup in its place now+then . I think its less stressful on the other dogs and pup outside 1st , than trying it in the house,any dog will get funny about new animal there, don't forget its on there territory . :yes:

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Just had similar introducing a pup to my 2 dogs the bitch didn't want anything to do with the pup when it first came home, dog accepted it straight away. It's taken a while but they are all fine now, the old birch will give the pup a growl now and again but only when the pup is needs calming down. It obviously needs monitoring but in the long run sure things will be fine and u overdo balky think it teaches thd pup some manners atb

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Thanks for the replies folks We have made some progress .The first mistake I WAS MAKING WAS TRYING TO HUMOR THE OLDER DOGS I THINK I WAS BEING SUBMISIVE TO THEM ,i changed this letting them go out the back IF THEY WANTED TO HUFF OUT THERE I won't let them until they winned to get in the same when going ffor a walk never called them if they cme to my feet to get their eads on then they could come

.I sat beside the cage with the pup in it and ingorned everyone including the pup after a while one of the whippets broke rank ond came over followed by lurcher The nexk day I played a bit with the pupThe lurcher could not stick it and joined in and played with me and eventully start to play with the puppy So we only have oldest whippet to bring round hopeffy by the time the jabs are over we all be good THANKS FOR THE ENCORMENT LADS

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