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Unfortunately a lot of English are sick of hearing how England holds the Scottish back.   This vote has done nothing but fracture the union and Scotland.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the fighting in George square Glasgow yesterday, the whole of Scotland were given a choice and the choice was made, no one is any less a scot for voting no and no one is mo

I cant believe there are all these pages arguing who does this and who said that, at the end of the day either vote yes or no on the 18th, there is absolutely no need for all this hostility over it. J

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As you all know by now, its about more than salmond.. Vote AYE, then lets choose who we want to run the country in our interests, a change for the better.



We wont get this chance again, remember that as you go to the polls.

You already get to choose who runs your country

And we've all ended up in the shit with too many Scottish pms and mps. Not sure why you're bloody whinging


Perhaps this is an indep vote for us, no longer will left wing socialists run our great nation!

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I like an increasing number of rUK are fed up with the scots whinging wanting more like some spoilt brat in a supermarket.

Do you really want to run away from home like that same spoilt brat or when all is said and done and you've packed your suitcase full of shit u can do nothing with you realise you can't carry it, have nothing to go to and that it's really nicer at home in the warm!

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As you all know by now, its about more than salmond.. Vote AYE, then lets choose who we want to run the country in our interests, a change for the better.



We wont get this chance again, remember that as you go to the polls.

You already get to choose who runs your country

And we've all ended up in the shit with too many Scottish pms and mps. Not sure why you're bloody whinging


Perhaps this is an indep vote for us, no longer will left wing socialists run our great nation!





run the country in our interest
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I like an increasing number of rUK are fed up with the scots whinging wanting more like some spoilt brat in a supermarket.

Do you really want to run away from home like that same spoilt brat or when all is said and done and you've packed your suitcase full of shit u can do nothing with you realise you can't carry it, have nothing to go to and that it's really nicer at home in the warm!

It's a pity your not going around the country talking to Scottish people face to face. Youd turn the undecided into Yes voters the minute ye opened yer gub.

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If I hated the scots I would be saying yes to independence but in fact I've been saying no throughout. I am, like many, fed up hearing how hard done by the scots are though. I have a few Scottish friends who, incidentally, are far more intelligent than me, and I'm a postgrad, who are also against a yes vote and cannot understand the blind so called patriotism of the yessers.


Furthermore I would wager there are far more scots who hate the English than vice versa and there are only 5 million of you in Scotland!


Despite the whinging I still believe in the union because the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts, both economically, practically, defensively and socially!


I say to the scots with open arms please stay (but quit your bloody whinging)

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