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Is The Hmr Really A 200 Yard Rifle?

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Very over estimated round in my opinion

What ever happened to field craft ?over the years I have met many a man that could shoot targets that I could but dream of but ask them to stalk to within 25yards of a rabbit and it's laughable, Perso

That would seem to be the case most of the time, borne out by the fact that there are always loads on guntrader etc, and I know a few people Seeker included, who will probably never use theirs again.

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i got .22 hornet rounds down to around 20p a bang, using 45 grain Sierra soft points, you can load the hornet up to produce around 900 ftlbs which is not far off .222 performance, there is no such thing as overkill, dead is dead, I will admit that using 35 grain vmax if you are anywhere other than a head shot the hornet will blow rabbits to bits, but with a heavier, slower expanding bullet, as above, you can get away with it if you are a bit off target, the bullet passes straight through, I have head shot enough bunnies at 150-200 yards to know the accuracy potential of a hornet with good handloads, and they will flatten foxes out to 200 yards, something an hmr user should never attempt, so on grounds of cost, the reloader can use a hornet for a similar price to an hmr, the hornet is far less affected by wind, and myself and Seeker tested this quite often, his hmr shooting off target by several inches in a bit of a cross wind, while my hornet required no allowance at the same range, a fantastic little round, and I wish I had never got rid of mine, in fact I am toying with maybe getting a .17 hornet in future.

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Ofcourse and its needed in some areas, its not the velocity nor the power I think the main gripe is the effect to wind and days of pure still and no wind are few and far between,


In rimfire, that's where .17 WSM potentially comes in as it's very wind resistant. Unfortunately you still can't get it over here to my klnowledge and there are one or two reports of similar ammo issues to the HMR ie cracked cases during production.

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Cracked cases, hmmmmmm what a surprise, it will be interesting to see one in action when they eventually arrive, cant see me getting one though.


Cases are 50% thicker than HMR. Then again pressures are 33,000psi.


Only the odd report seen around the web. I can't verify if they are true or not.

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The new .17 hornet fits in nicely between the hmr and the .223 from what I have seen so far. Reloading cost is about 28-30p using old brass. Obviously there are initial costs of reloading equip.

Edited by stillair1
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The new .17 hornet fits in nicely between the hmr and the .223 from what I have seen so far. Reloading cost is about 28-30p using old brass. Obviously there are initial costs of reloading equip.


If you can get a CF grant from your force, (if you're a 1st time applicant (should be no issue if not)), then it looks a good round.


Having the same ballistics as .223, certainly makes life easier if you also shoot .223 when it comes to holding over / under.


Having said that, unles you reload, price is about the same as .223 so have to question the value in not just getting the .223.

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Well I have considered getting a .223 for a while now, my friend has also volunteered to make me rounds as he reloads so I think i'll put in for one in a few weeks when I get back from holiday.

Shouldn't be a problem as I was told I could have one before as the land I use is cleared for the calibre.

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200 yard 17hmr NO, not just no WHY??

It's the same as milking the .223 at 600 yards with heavy bullets and a fast twist barrel, WHY BOTHER

Just get a real 200 yard rifle to start with (i.e. .223, 22.250 or .243), why oh why bother with that 17 calibre 'mosquito'

when the 'proper' thing is next to it on the gunshop shelf??

I can see why some people mess about with the above, because they 'can' but the trouble is others less experienced may actually

believe this extreme nonsense and set out to do the same.

Whatever, paper targets YES if you must but PLEASE NO LIVE QUARRY.

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As much as I like the idea of a .17 hornet, there is always the little voice saying to me,"no Charlie if you really must scratch your .17 itch get the daddy of them all the .17 rem" :hmm:

I'm in the process of getting a .17 fireball, just to be different. It'll fit in nicely between my hmr & .223.
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