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This article also serves to reinforce the point which has been made on here and on many occasions as to how a relatively innocent photograph can so easily be misrepresented.   The photograph of the

Sadly this is journalism at it's very worse. If you took all the sensationalism out of the report it's a report of fox control properly carried out within the law. The hunt would be within their righ

The mirrior of mis information Although we all know the fox has been humanly despatched to the letter of the law the jorno is an anti and has been given the Window to propogate this version o

Read the comments page lol

best one :laugh:


What losers! These farmers can get sheep dogs to guard sheep and keep foxes away. They don't have to kill every fox in the vicinity. How brutal!!! Foxes are part of the ecosystem the same as sheep and should be protected. These kids will grow up thinking this behavior is normal to kill wildlife. HOPE THERE IS A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR THOSE KILLERS.

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This is the result of a fox preying on lambs .Three killed in all ,farmer saw it happen .I was called to deal with it and heres the result ,shot as it fed .Farmer had eyes on it from the time it killed to the time i got there.








The above two pics are the result of me having to snare as there are no earths nearby or certainly none on his land .

The necessary face of fox control without the option of a terrier .Three big healthy lambs killed and three foxes paid the price .

The farmer saying hes never lost a lamb is a liar without a doubt,probably has fields strewn with the dead but turns a blind eye .



Different farm few years ago .Unfortunately had to dig a vicky with cubs to stop the carnage .She was solely responsible for 18 dead lambs found near to the earth and the pic shows what we pulled from behind her .Killing stopped

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This is the result of a fox preying on lambs .Three killed in all ,farmer saw it happen .I was called to deal with it and heres the result ,shot as it fed .Farmer had eyes on it from the time it killed to the time i got there .

abslutly brilliant now whats the chances of that getting published in the newspapers!!!


nice shooting pal job well done

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I am sure I have seen these same photos before a couple of years ago, or at least photos or video of the same set


My money would be on the 'farmer' either being totally fictional or being one with an acre of land out the back with 2 pet sheep on it.

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Iv never heard of a 'sheep farmer' that didn't want to see a fox killed on or next to his farm!!


Exactly mate, or any other type of farmer for that matter. I can however imagine several 'The Good Life' types that own a bit of land not wanting them touching.

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We are not dealing with normal people here Its funny how one thing leads to another but thats for another day check out north wales against animal cruelty. Some members will already know the Person This can not be the thoughts of a sane person

Edited by gonetoearth
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