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Head Guards (Aba) ?

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just watched on bbc1 sport program, they have or they going to stop using them in the sport. Carnt make me mind up about this one, done bit as kid in boxing club, and never any probs.Always trainner and coaches supervising everything no prob, but trained in karate 3 years and got hurt far more , when doing free style fighting.. Dont know what Gnash or lads who done alot of boxing think on this 1, ??

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Worse things ever ,they were designed to protect against cuts when sparring , they DONT reduce the long term effect of taking punches , in fact they probably cause more damage because the probability of taking more punches when wearing them ,It was to appease the opponents of boxing they were introduced , the sooner they are done away with , the better and safer the sport will be .

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I don't see the point in them,there aren't going to be many cuts above the eye in a 3 or 4 round fight.


Especially with the referees being so much more strict with the use of the head etc


I also heard they may be going back to the old scoring system which would be good too.

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I hardly ever spar with a head guard on. I find that they block my field of view and if it aint on tight enough a good hook will shift the poxy thing across your face. Ive seen contests where the ref is constantly stopping the fight for a corner to adjust the bloody thing.


If you are fighting close in then they are great as it wil stop cuts!

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Same, always hated them, still gotta use them now for sparring, I've tried them all AIBA approved and pro sparring ones, got given an old one a couple of years ago, best one I've tried, fits like a glove, it's a title platinum one, still, I wouldn't where it if I didn't have to! Do away with them. . You only need a vest to distinguish the difference in pro and am

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Contentious issue. Since there inception The main problem is there is no standed International,. School ,boys ,novice , can all wear the same , there are many makes foam are the newest they are a vast improvement on the first efforts , do they stop. Cuts another contentious issue seen them twist on impact a redden the eye brow flooding the area with blood then in later round a cut appeared , personally i approve of them in sparing and for novices and for juniors , but i think they should be discarded for open class boxers and above , The gloves have come a long. Way to but again they can be improved lets not forget am boxings code hit and not get hit , We are governed and monitored by the british medical association and the international amateur Boxing fed. It not down to club level we have to go by the rules

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The gloves have come along way,in that the placement of the fist doesn't really even matter at the lower weights.


Look at a lot of top amateur fights,they don't turn the wrist over at all.


In the old days the foam protected the whole hand and wasn't just around the knuckle,in Muay Thai and I imagine most other styles of kickboxing where you can strike with any part of the hand (backfist,hammer fist,ridge of hand etc),the foam is even all around thier gloves a d you can feel the difference.

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