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The End Of Britain.

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Didn't watch it to the end, got the gist it was aimed at people with a lot of money to worry about, thank f**k I haven't! :toast:

Well, I waded through the text version, and yes, it is dire, but what about people who don't have money, investments, own their own homes? Guess we're even more double f*cked! Won't be able to afford to buy food even! Visions of people attacking cows in fields and to eat them.


I didn't get that impression, they talked in the 'thousands of people' when it come to people seeing their savings and investments eaten into and devalued, there's millions of people in the UK. Those of us who have to live day to day will have to carry on living day to day.. On top of that the housing market could do with a crash IMO. That might sound selfish to those who have bought their houses in today's overinflated housing market, but the cost of buying a house has long been too far out of the reach of a large part of the population and it's getting worse. The issue is what the government do with your money that is tied up in banks and other institutions when the shit really hits the fan, and in my case they haven't got any of it to do anything with! :icon_redface::laugh:

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I'm not the most savvy when it comes to money like these financial advisors etc, but I am reasonable sensible with the stuff. Anyway it's always struck me, the best way to invest money is in yourself.

I am starting to think that those doomsday preppers aren't so nuts after all. I think food wise more people will start to grow their own.   With the amount of people on the planet I can't see ther

yer but on a lighter note I'm going to the coast at the weekend lol.

I'm not the most savvy when it comes to money like these financial advisors etc, but I am reasonable sensible with the stuff. Anyway it's always struck me, the best way to invest money is in yourself........... by that I mean make yourself valuable, give yourself a skillset that retains it's worth despite financial woe. If money/gold etc became worthless tomorrow, who would be the millionaires? Those with unique and valued skillsets!


Just one of my many weird lines of thought....... ;)

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Pointless worrying about things you have absolutely no control over IMO..


Even if you are not particularly religious, there's a lot of truth in this:


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
One for the atheists: :laugh:
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I'm not the most savvy when it comes to money like these financial advisors etc, but I am reasonable sensible with the stuff. Anyway it's always struck me, the best way to invest money is in yourself........... by that I mean make yourself valuable, give yourself a skillset that retains it's worth despite financial woe. If money/gold etc became worthless tomorrow, who would be the millionaires? Those with unique and valued skillsets!


Just one of my many weird lines of thought....... ;)


You're absolutely right too. One good thing will be that after it does go tits up, there is not going to be much desperation for Bankers Mp's Lawyers etc. It will be Labourers, builders, teachers, medical/dental professionals and anyone who has still kept the old skills such as blacksmithing, cloth making ect.

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I'm not the most savvy when it comes to money like these financial advisors etc, but I am reasonable sensible with the stuff. Anyway it's always struck me, the best way to invest money is in yourself........... by that I mean make yourself valuable, give yourself a skillset that retains it's worth despite financial woe. If money/gold etc became worthless tomorrow, who would be the millionaires? Those with unique and valued skillsets!


Just one of my many weird lines of thought....... ;)

Yes, practical skill sets: doctors and nurses will always be able to trade their services for food etc (this is supposing a worse case scenario where money has zero value and we're back to the barter system) People who can provide food (hunters, farmers) will be OK as the those that can't will depend on them. Real worst case scenario: a lot of people will die from starvation and associated diseases, murder will be rife. All domestic animals will go: unless they have a real use they'll be eaten. Even if every single animal in the UK was killed tomorrow they wouldn't support the enormous number of mouths needing to be fed for more than a few months. Could get interesting.......

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I am starting to think that those doomsday preppers aren't so nuts after all.

I think food wise more people will start to grow their own.


With the amount of people on the planet I can't see there been a shortage of meat.

Macabre as it sounds, previous civilisations have been cannibals for generations before it became taboo with Western explorers brings their teachings and rules with them.


However on a lighter note it would bring new meaning to "Fancy an Indian or a Chinese tonight love?" .

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It actually clicked for me when I started watching that doomsday preppers I read that before about britains debt it made me think if all hell broke lose how the hell would I even get white bread or jam cos no offence too any one I was a dairy men and I didn't even know how too make cheese or butter or how too grow veg so instead of being nuts and spending a fourtune stockpiling food I'd just buy books and learn how too do certain things too survive just incase C1B35643-888B-4EB2-8581-D6A6F2291D62-275

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It actually clicked for me when I started watching that doomsday preppers I read that before about britains debt it made me think if all hell broke lose how the hell would I even get white bread or jam cos no offence too any one I was a dairy men and I didn't even know how too make cheese or butter or how too grow veg so instead of being nuts and spending a fourtune stockpiling food I'd just buy books and learn how too do certain things too survive just incase C1B35643-888B-4EB2-8581-D6A6F2291D62-275

What are the Self Sufficiency and the curing, canning etc books like? I have that self sufficiency book in my amazon basket for the end of the month?


Oops double post.

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Whats the John Seymour Self Suffiency book like? I have it in my amazon basket for the end of the month also what's the book on curing like?

the John Seymour is really good best book out off all them the canning book is Wilbur f Eastman jr author and it has everything you need too know from how too build smokers too recipes and talks about everything and I mean everything every types of cuts and exact times and things you need too do canning and also how long you can leave things before things start going wrong
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Whats the John Seymour Self Suffiency book like? I have it in my amazon basket for the end of the month also what's the book on curing like?

the John Seymour is really good best book out off all them the canning book is Wilbur f Eastman jr author and it has everything you need too know from how too build smokers too recipes and talks about everything and I mean everything every types of cuts and exact times and things you need too do canning and also how long you can leave things before things start going wrong

Excellent, that's going in the basket as well. I got the book Basic Butchery of livestock and Game by John Mettler. I recommend it.

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Didn't watch it to the end, got the gist it was aimed at people with a lot of money to worry about, thank f**k I haven't! :toast:


Well, I waded through the text version, and yes, it is dire, but what about people who don't have money, investments, own their own homes? Guess we're even more double f*cked! Won't be able to afford to buy food even! Visions of people attacking cows in fields and to eat them.

Zombies? Seriously :p

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Whats the John Seymour Self Suffiency book like? I have it in my amazon basket for the end of the month also what's the book on curing like?

How much are they? :) I'm too lazy and short of time right now to check XD

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