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Hgv Driver's

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I think Millet is talking about the carnage they can cause rather than the condition of the HGV's nowadays. But to be honest i'd rather drive on the roads full of HGV's than drive with these pricks in

I don't envy owner drivers at all, that is one hard game......the rates have been screwed down to the bone and the expenses have just got bigger and bigger. Then they have those planks from VOSA alw

Wait till Tarquin reads that last statement..... His head will physically explode... Lol

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Road hog's the lot of you greasy fat hgv driver's.. :laugh: ...

So not interested in share her cab at night then mate....... :hmm::D


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I do a lot of HGV agency driving. The forward facing cameras which have been recently fitted to all of the DHL fleet have dramatically cut successful claims against DHL drivers. Cars attempting to overtake on roundabouts is a particular bug bear of mine. I try and limit it now by taking up both lanes approaching the roundabout.

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after ten years of class one driving ive had to give it up! what with the 15 hour days poor pay poor health and a constant supply of idiots screaming abuse at you for no reason other than obeying the law I couldn't take any more! the reason as stated before that hgvs seem to cause accidents is because the majority of car drivers don't look any further than the end of their bonnet! I beleave that all car drivers should be given some insight into hgvs when training to pass their test because the majority are clueless!

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I've got to agree with some of the above posts; in general, HGV drivers do a great job, and providing you treat them with respect on the roads they reciprocate.


The problem is car drivers. They treat anyone who is driving anything slower than them as a nuisance.


Yesterday, I was towing the trailer back from Exmoor, up the M5 and than A303. I was rolling along nicely; sticking to just above the speed limit of 60mph on the dual carriageways and 50mph on the single carriageways. The idiots that overtook me ignoring double white lines and cutting in front of me forcing me to brake were at each roundabout just in front of me. It always amazes me that so many people are willing to take a chance and risk their lives just to travel an extra mile or two an hour.


I've a feeling CB was excluded from the law regarding mobiles; but I'm happy to be proved wrong. I've got one in the van as the mobile signal is shite in some of the areas I work in and the farmers all still use it around here. It's got me out of trouble a few times, and breaks up the boredom of a journey when there's shite on the wireless. Ever wondered why you're sat in a two mile queue on the motorway? Ask the truckers flying past on the opposite carriageway and they usually know the answer........

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Makes me laugh car drivers slating wagon drivers. Everything in your house including your house (bricks etc)were all brought in by a wagon of some sort. The clothes your wearing also moved in a wagon yet we get hammered or providing a service. I've often said before someone passes theyre car test they should go out in a truck for a day an see some of the arseholes we have to put up with.

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I think Millet is talking about the carnage they can cause rather than the condition of the HGV's nowadays. But to be honest i'd rather drive on the roads full of HGV's than drive with these pricks in cars who have no confidence on the roads and just get in everyones way. Atleast ye know that behind the wheel in an HGV theres a decent driver.....usually... :icon_redface: ... :thumbs:

Now there's a man talking sense :yes: .That's the problem being a HGV Driver it's ALWAYS HIS fault when there's a smash....

That's cos it usually f***ing is :laugh: I think there are more cars that are badly driven but there are more cars on the road than lorry a, and more driven by females than lorry a :D proportionally speaking, the lorrys must be worst though.

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after ten years of class one driving ive had to give it up! what with the 15 hour days poor pay poor health and a constant supply of idiots screaming abuse at you for no reason other than obeying the law I couldn't take any more! the reason as stated before that hgvs seem to cause accidents is because the majority of car drivers don't look any further than the end of their bonnet! I beleave that all car drivers should be given some insight into hgvs when training to pass their test because the majority are clueless!

Yep I'm desperately trying to get out of it now got no love for it now at all,the cars I've got used to all of that but it the people with a car full of kids playing chicken with me that really bothers me!!!!

No what really gets me revved up is cyclists and horse riders on country roads.........when horses start riding bikes I'm handing my tickets in!!!

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I've got to agree with some of the above posts; in general, HGV drivers do a great job, and providing you treat them with respect on the roads they reciprocate.


The problem is car drivers. They treat anyone who is driving anything slower than them as a nuisance.


Yesterday, I was towing the trailer back from Exmoor, up the M5 and than A303. I was rolling along nicely; sticking to just above the speed limit of 60mph on the dual carriageways and 50mph on the single carriageways. The idiots that overtook me ignoring double white lines and cutting in front of me forcing me to brake were at each roundabout just in front of me. It always amazes me that so many people are willing to take a chance and risk their lives just to travel an extra mile or two an hour.


I've a feeling CB was excluded from the law regarding mobiles; but I'm happy to be proved wrong. I've got one in the van as the mobile signal is shite in some of the areas I work in and the farmers all still use it around here. It's got me out of trouble a few times, and breaks up the boredom of a journey when there's shite on the wireless. Ever wondered why you're sat in a two mile queue on the motorway? Ask the truckers flying past on the opposite carriageway and they usually know the answer........

The biggest issue we have is that others on the roads just don't know are speed limits and that all the big firms wagons are tracked and flag you up on screen if your speeding,single carriageway max is 40mph,dual carriageway is 50mph and motorway is 56mph and that is max limit as all the trucks are limited to 56 but some are limited as low as 50 for lower insurance rates.

I think you can still be done for using the mike but coppers discretion and the cb is great for traffic issues.

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The other problem we have now is the high number of foreign drivers driving british registerd vehicles! The standard of these drivers is very low! For instance we had a polish driver in the yard who couldnt couple up and then he asked me how to adjust his seat and moments later asked me how to get to bristol which is where he had come from! So when you see a british truck it doesnt mean it will have a british driver! Morrisons for instance has a very high turn over of foreign drivers!

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The other problem we have now is the high number of foreign drivers driving british registerd vehicles! The standard of these drivers is very low! For instance we had a polish driver in the yard who couldnt couple up and then he asked me how to adjust his seat and moments later asked me how to get to bristol which is where he had come from! So when you see a british truck it doesnt mean it will have a british driver! Morrisons for instance has a very high turn over of foreign drivers!

I was at tibshelf services a few years ago having a break and 10 new trucks turned up few mins later a minibus full of poles rocked up all were shown over there new charges had a few goes round the services had a go a reversing and off they went onto the m1..........scariest thing I've ever seen!!!!!!

Driver cpc,WTD,new fine system,tacho laws,long hours,poor pay and working for a bloke who thinks taking a break is for the weak and lazy the job ain't getting any better but I'm not office material so gotta find something out of haulage but as you've said it ain't easy atm in any trade!!!

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