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I,m only pretty sure my dog's are O.K. with neighbours dog's or dog's that they work with regular, otherwise they go straight on the lead when we meet any other unknown dog while we're out and about. It should'nt be left to chance, :icon_eek:

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So, it's not just me, then? I was visiting my mum last week, and let the eldest terrier bitch out for a pee. Next thing I know next door's cross bred mutt is flying down OUR garden towards the terrier. No malice in it, I'm sure, but it's a pain in the arse and sneaks into my ma's garden to do it's dirties, which the fat moo next door doesn't seem to mind at all :realmad:


Anyway having apparently been taken by surprise, my terrier (who is generally sound with all dogs except my lurcher!) grabbed hold of this mutt twice her size by its muzzle, pinned it, and then went for a throttle hold. The bigger dog managed to stand up and run back down our yard into next doors, screaming its head off (terrier still gripping grim death round its throat). Cue her next door flying out and the fat wap shouting "Get your dog off my baby! It's evil! Oh my God! She's gonna die!!"... Meanwhile I've separated them and picked up the terrier. The mutt is limping on a front leg but otherwise apparently unharmed with no cuts/wounds. My terrier just wants to get back at it...


I was calm (dealt with enough bulls not to be bothered by a bitch fight between a couple of terrier mutts lol), very polite and immediately apologised for the incident scaring her. I knew full well she/her dog was in the wrong as she should be supervising her animal and not letting it roam about other people's property unsupervised (read: straying). But alas, appearances are everything and I didn't want this escalating. I asked if (1) her dog was OK and (2) if she'd like me to have a look at it and/or take her to a vet. The response? "Your effin dog shouldn't be allowed out, I'm having it put down!"


"OK, so MY dog's evil because she was surprised by YOUR dog - twice her size - forcing its way into OUR property and flying up behind her unsupervised looking for a crafty shite?" :blink:


"Oh yes! It shouldn't be allowed out! It needs putting down!!"


By now I'm wishing she'd finished the f*****g thing off lol Seriously though, I just told her to quit the hysterics and keep HER dog under control next time. I pointed out that there was no basis for her complaint as my dog WAS out... on our enclosed private property which she allowed HER dog to breach, and that she could shove the offer of vet attention up her arse if that was her attitude. I then told her that she was welcome to phone the RSPCA (again) as she'd soon find, after I'd told them to nob off, that HER dog was dangerously out of control in a public place, for which I WOULD press charges at the police station :whistling:


This bird spends half her life on the phone to the bleedin' ArsePCA, tho they've at least learnt not to come knocking on my door from experiences years back lol I wouldn't mind, but seeing as her dog and her actions caused 90% of this problem (fair enough most pets wouldn't have latched onto the stray in the first place! But on my own property after all...), you'd have thought she'd have been more reasonable to a friendly apology and an offer of help.



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from working in the horse industry for most of my life there is one important thing i have learned NEVER say your sorry as in a court of law this can be seen as an admission of fault ! i was teaching a a group of young girl cross country jumping all different ability's so i had split them in to two groups advanced and novice a girl from the novice group decided she was better than i was giving her credit for while i was watching someone jump a fence she split from the group and tried to jump a large log behind me one of the others called me and i turned just in time to see this girl land with her back over the log she was lucky she only broke two ribs but i didn't think the spine could bend like that any way i asked my boss if i could send her a get well card signed from everyone at the yard. her response was that it could be seen as an act of guilt so i was allowed !

so unless it is your fault and your prepared to pay damages don't say your sorry ! (being brought up well by my mum i tend to apologize like your self when it not my fault )

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So, it's not just me, then? I was visiting my mum last week, and let the eldest terrier bitch out for a pee. Next thing I know next door's cross bred mutt is flying down OUR garden towards the terrier. No malice in it, I'm sure, but it's a pain in the arse and sneaks into my ma's garden to do it's dirties, which the fat moo next door doesn't seem to mind at all :realmad:


Anyway having apparently been taken by surprise, my terrier (who is generally sound with all dogs except my lurcher!) grabbed hold of this mutt twice her size by its muzzle, pinned it, and then went for a throttle hold. The bigger dog managed to stand up and run back down our yard into next doors, screaming its head off (terrier still gripping grim death round its throat). Cue her next door flying out and the fat wap shouting "Get your dog off my baby! It's evil! Oh my God! She's gonna die!!"... Meanwhile I've separated them and picked up the terrier. The mutt is limping on a front leg but otherwise apparently unharmed with no cuts/wounds. My terrier just wants to get back at it...


I was calm (dealt with enough bulls not to be bothered by a bitch fight between a couple of terrier mutts lol), very polite and immediately apologised for the incident scaring her. I knew full well she/her dog was in the wrong as she should be supervising her animal and not letting it roam about other people's property unsupervised (read: straying). But alas, appearances are everything and I didn't want this escalating. I asked if (1) her dog was OK and (2) if she'd like me to have a look at it and/or take her to a vet. The response? "Your effin dog shouldn't be allowed out, I'm having it put down!"


"OK, so MY dog's evil because she was surprised by YOUR dog - twice her size - forcing its way into OUR property and flying up behind her unsupervised looking for a crafty shite?" :blink:


"Oh yes! It shouldn't be allowed out! It needs putting down!!"


By now I'm wishing she'd finished the f*****g thing off lol Seriously though, I just told her to quit the hysterics and keep HER dog under control next time. I pointed out that there was no basis for her complaint as my dog WAS out... on our enclosed private property which she allowed HER dog to breach, and that she could shove the offer of vet attention up her arse if that was her attitude. I then told her that she was welcome to phone the RSPCA (again) as she'd soon find, after I'd told them to nob off, that HER dog was dangerously out of control in a public place, for which I WOULD press charges at the police station :whistling:


This bird spends half her life on the phone to the bleedin' ArsePCA, tho they've at least learnt not to come knocking on my door from experiences years back lol I wouldn't mind, but seeing as her dog and her actions caused 90% of this problem (fair enough most pets wouldn't have latched onto the stray in the first place! But on my own property after all...), you'd have thought she'd have been more reasonable to a friendly apology and an offer of help.




If its coming in all the time take it to the furthest shelter that you can be arsed driving to and hand it in as a stray you found in your garden. The fat bitch will stop letting it shite in your ma's garden when it costs her a fortune to get it back every time :thumbs:

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Slightly different gripes here, but the same general gist of idiots owning dogs.


On friday night there I was out with my mate and we stopped at the pizza/kebab shop (as you do). Then some junkie lookin fecker came in with his arms literally flailing about asking if they do fish and chips. So anyway he orders fish and chips and then corresponds with some woman outside who has a German Shephard on the lead, who just about manages to say while struggling to stay standing up that she wants a battered sausage for the dog. No battered sausage, or unbattered sausage. Oh well, they order the dog chicken bloody pakoras. Y'know, them spicy things that are fried in a bucket load of fat and spicy batter... :no: Im no expert but I dont think its what you would call optimum nutrition for a dog. Anyway these folk were pretty obviously on drugs and what gets me is the amount of people like this that own big dogs like this just to look hard. The dog in question looked like a big softy though! Really nice looking dog but you never can tell y'know.


And another totally unrelated gripe is that i was in the pet shop yesterday and there was an advert on the board for deerhound pups. Only the owner had written "For sale to PET homes only" and underlined the word pet! I felt like phoning them up and telling her I was after one to catch bunnies and bambis just to get a reaction but thought against it. Anyway this person is clearly anti-hunting. But the fact is that the majority of people who hunt with dogs have a much better understanding of animals and thus the dogs are far better treated than some of these "pet" owners who do the idiotic things the other posters have mentioned.


Anyway thats just my 2p worth!



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Guest little_lloyd

I was out with my Dogs a few hours ago! And this woman walking a black labby and one of those big setter things. Any way the Lab was fine but the big setter thing attacked my terrier and made her cry a little and with all this go on the Lurcher pup bolted under the style and after the woman had put her big beasty pile of shit on a lead i told her to keep the f*****g thing on a lead in future whwn you see other dogs coming towards you :angry: Anyway Bramble the pup had ran of round the corner where i found him wating for me.


Fecking people and there uncontrollable dogs!

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Guest bullterrier

i get that all a time my dogs are aways on the lead in public places yet people come up to me with there dogs off the lead and when i say they should have there dogs on leads they just say hes friendly but your dogs should be on leads there dangous and gibby dont start me on them dirty smackheads with there pittx a sharp right to the head sorts them out they drive me mad :thumbs: ...john

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"For sale to PET homes only"


Does it not enter people's minds that maybe it's cruel to stop a dog doing what they were bred to and love doing.


If someone doesn't want to hunt, that's no problem, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.


But why in the name of all thats sane, would you buy a dog that's bred to hunt? Even if it is a show-bred animal, it's still in their nature to hunt.

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I now what you all mean but my angle is slightly different,ive got an old patxlaky and he is a proper b*****d with other dogs so i tend to walk him were im pretty sure there is no one else around however now and again we bump into someone so my dog is put on the lead but the other idiot will leave their dog of and say its alright its friendly but you cant tell them that my dog is a c**t it normally ends up with me having to lift my dog while the other one is jumping all over me.

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