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I would of said a Guillemot was worth more the a GCG lol, all depends on your locality I spose. I walked from Kirkby to Carr mill dam for my Grebes, what a trek.

Yeah I remember all that Pip, the crafty sod`s, all the wing dragging and dive bombing. We got our lappies on the grounds of the Kraft factory on the edge of Kirkby, there really was quite a few pairs nesting on there at the time.

bob i got it on the otherside of the lancs mate where theyve built the news international factory on the knowsley side.but what i learned as a kid ive got better with age and finding nests that i would never have found in my youth like whitethroats which i found quite a few last season which we took photos of :thumbs:

Nice Pip, I know what you mean about finding the rarer birds as you get older. We used to walk all that, up onto Lord darby estate... Ive got vague memories of the newspaper factory. You know Carr mill and the Kraft factory then bud....

ye know all round there they turned one side of the craft factory into a bird sanctuary with viewing stations and we used to go and get are grebes eggs from carr mill
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Got my grebe with a couple of mates in a secret lake. Used a blow up inner tube to paddle across to where the nest was ! Used to camp up in the dales for a week and live on what we could find. Shot

Used to love going egging with my old man, think best was a guillemot. Those were the days, grew up in the woods and fields, walking miles........those days are gone now for most kids.........the wor

That's deffinitely a robin..here's a young redpoll look at the difference in the beak's..  

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I would of said a Guillemot was worth more the a GCG lol, all depends on your locality I spose. I walked from Kirkby to Carr mill dam for my Grebes, what a trek.

Yeah I remember all that Pip, the crafty sod`s, all the wing dragging and dive bombing. We got our lappies on the grounds of the Kraft factory on the edge of Kirkby, there really was quite a few pairs nesting on there at the time.

bob i got it on the otherside of the lancs mate where theyve built the news international factory on the knowsley side.but what i learned as a kid ive got better with age and finding nests that i would never have found in my youth like whitethroats which i found quite a few last season which we took photos of :thumbs:

Nice Pip, I know what you mean about finding the rarer birds as you get older. We used to walk all that, up onto Lord darby estate... Ive got vague memories of the newspaper factory. You know Carr mill and the Kraft factory then bud....

ye know all round there they turned one side of the craft factory into a bird sanctuary with viewing stations and we used to go and get are grebes eggs from carr mill

Yeah, I know about the bird sanctuary, they had done that while I still lived in Kirkby, got to be 20+ years surely, catching newts in the ponds over there. We used to go on the cricket ground other side of the sanctuary for the rabbits too. Stanley Park was a good one, wading across to duckie island.. Things you could get away with as nippers...
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I would of said a Guillemot was worth more the a GCG lol, all depends on your locality I spose. I walked from Kirkby to Carr mill dam for my Grebes, what a trek.

Yeah I remember all that Pip, the crafty sod`s, all the wing dragging and dive bombing. We got our lappies on the grounds of the Kraft factory on the edge of Kirkby, there really was quite a few pairs nesting on there at the time.

bob i got it on the otherside of the lancs mate where theyve built the news international factory on the knowsley side.but what i learned as a kid ive got better with age and finding nests that i would never have found in my youth like whitethroats which i found quite a few last season which we took photos of :thumbs:

Nice Pip, I know what you mean about finding the rarer birds as you get older. We used to walk all that, up onto Lord darby estate... Ive got vague memories of the newspaper factory. You know Carr mill and the Kraft factory then bud....

ye know all round there they turned one side of the craft factory into a bird sanctuary with viewing stations and we used to go and get are grebes eggs from carr mill


Got my grebe with a couple of mates in a secret lake. Used a blow up inner tube to paddle across to where the nest was ! Used to camp up in the dales for a week and live on what we could find. Shot a Canada goose in the head with a catapult and killed it stone dead and took it back to camp and cooked slices off it, what a time we had........walked 5 miles through the woods and moor to the nearest pub aged 15 and sat and drank beer and ate midget gems.......the local bobby turned up on his bike and we all s--it ourselves !........wandered back and slept the night in an old stone dales barn on a bed of hay.......Christ those were the days..........what I would give to go back and do it again..........

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Hi Russ, Dont think it's the common Redpoll, It maybe a lesser Redpoll ?

Cheers, Ian.

Am i right in thinking that the " common redpoll " , can also be called " mealy " ?

No mate they are a different bird, subpecies, mealys are slightly bigger and inhabit further northern countries and, i believe, only come here for the winter

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