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Back Up The Fells...

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Them boys that think they want to run a track dog out in the field outa take them dogs up into that country and just let em f**k about for a year with a pup or at least a young dog. They prolly wont see much game so not much chance of gettin hurt. Then take em out at night in the open ground and just let em f**k about and hunt and shit before they ever turn a lamp on for them.

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They will definately know how to place their feet under em. Dogs raised like that rarely if ever get hurt no matter what their breed.

For the second time this week i had a wander up the fells about 9 or 10 miles from my home,today i just took the pups and Ruby me sidekick,the older dogs had already been out early doors then had been

Hey Johnny,where i go it goes lol..it will run ALL day without a bother..fell,field,woodland,marshland it all comes alike to her ..never caught a rabbit until it was 6 haha..but she's like Duracell m

like the look of him pal what height is he at 15 weeks ? the black and tan one.


I've never measured em mate..i will measure and weigh them in the morning,have a look back on this thread tomorrow fella and the info will be on :victory:will do pal thanks

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Been in with sheep since day one Giro and never bothered BUT the little shits know they can run now so I'm watching them like a hawk infact yesterday they were just standing with ears pricked looking a wee bit to interested for my liking lol so I gave them a tap on the nose with my stick just for even thinking about it...they never glanced after that but like you I am NOT thinking they are stock broken for one minute lol

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Again nice photos, and the pups what more can I say, when those pups have had a few bunnies in there mouth, and then you take them down to the Fens, ((( 18 months age)))) they will be talking about that MARRA, frae WOKINTON, (((( I SPELT THAT PURPOSELY ) GREAT JOB ANDY, its a pity Fife isnt a bitch, he looks a proper sort, a good stance and physique,, they will not dissapoint, you,,,, only have patience, ,,

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As I promised the height and weight of the pups well here goes ...Boots the black and tan is nigh on 20tts and he weighs 35lb and Fife is a wee bit smaller and weighs 32lb. ..not matter a jot to me what size they make as long as they earn their keep lol...oh and they are 15 weeks and two days old.

Edited by FUJI
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how much minashaw is in them pups ... that black and tan pup do look a stunner .. all the best with them both




Hey up fella...no not an ounce of Minshaw bred blood in them mate.

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