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How did you get into terrier work?

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The local pack had a meet in our village when i was about 12, they hunted well and ran one to ground, i watched as the terrierman arrived and entered a little bitch i held kit for him while he was d

read a sean frain book and ive took up skiing

It's nice for those of us that have had someone to show us what to do . I feel lucky to have had to had someone show me the right way to go on. I have got a couple of my brothers little lads asking me

got into it by all my dads digging stories pics and remembering stuffed foxes and etc round the house. who couldnt like going to a fresh earth early in the morning and dropping your terrier in that your brought up yourself to do this exact thing.

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It's nice for those of us that have had someone to show us what to do . I feel lucky to have had to had someone show me the right way to go on. I have got a couple of my brothers little lads asking me to go out digging , they always ask have I got anything or what dog done what . I will do my best to show them like I was shown !


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Great topic marshman. my heroes when i was a kid were peter beardsley, kenny daglish, my uncle peter and his dogs jasper and oscar. They got me into bulldogs and earthdogs and i have been addicted since. Oscar was an EBT and he was hailed as "nice" but if you went anywhere near him when he was chewing his sheeps heads he would go for you. Jasper i always thought as one of the NE sealyhams but he was part dachshund. decent dog though.

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I was brought up on a farm and we always had terriers. My mum had a dog from an old line of working west highlands when I was a baby but she wasn't into breeding them, then later we had jack russells. Ratting and at mice around the farm and nipping at dairy cows heels, bringing them in at milking time.. old memories for me. Never really saw terriers working to ground until just a few years ago though. We have some lads bring their hounds up here to run them out on the Coulter hills (hard men, run for miles and miles) and the terriermen come with them. Great to see. Great to be part of. I've been a standing gun on some of those days.


Anyone working terriers in South Lanarkshire these days? Have gun, might travel... :-)

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i got into ferreting first at a young age when i started middle school after i met a lad who's family was into all kind or field sports and they'd let me go with them with my pal when things was safe for us to go :laugh: , i use to go ferreting alot on my own and we use to have a yorkie as a family pet, i use to walk miles with this little bitch called sally, she wouldnt work cover or mark up or anything realy but i always took her along with me, she was useless but she was my ferreting partner and to be honest i havnt improved much since but i think that little yorkie got me into the little dogs,

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