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me, my step-daughter and Lola.

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My 4 year old step daughter has been asking me lately if she can come ferreting with me. I have said that she can but I wasn't too sure how she'd react with the killing aspect of hunting as she is a proper girly girl, she into princesses and pink not mud! She has no fear of the ferrets and regularly helps me to feed them. She will happily chuck a dead rabbit in for them. I've decided to introduce her gently to the hunting game so we decided to go for a little walk Sunday morning with Lola. We set out on the walk and it was really muddy and I was half expecting her to kick up a stink and want to go home but she didn't and she loved it. Half way round she wanted a walking stick like mine so she set about looking for one for herself. She picked one and told I had to.keep it.in.the car for her!! We went into a little wood and she told me it was my job to look for squirrels and her job to look for rabbits with Lola! Evertyime she sees a hole she has a look for a rabbit in it! We didn't see much at all really but she was enjoying it so I was happy with that. On the way home Lola was doing a bit of bushing and knocked a rabbit out, she went after it and brought it back to us, little summer said "are you going to dead it now dean?" so I said yes, this was the bit.I was dreading and expecting her not to like it very much but she wasn't phased by it at all. It was showing signs of mixy so I explained what that was and she understood quite well. She even told everybody afterwards that it had got "broken eyes!"

All in all we enjoyed our hour out and we got our first rabbit together. She wanted me to take a photo to show mummy. Hopefully the picture will be on this thread but as I'm on my phone it might not work. She was pleased as punch and so was I!

Sorry for the draw out post but I am proud of her

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Great stuff mate,,, my little lass was the same,, all princess and pink,,, but she came out with me local at the same age and was never phased,,, she still comes now,, when I lamp from the van,,, she loves the lazy way now.....

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