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biggest fox caught

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the biggest fox i ever dug was in one of the smallest holes, we taught the dog was markin a rabbit at first, you would be suprised what they can get up.

This dog fox was a fair wheight; didn't wheigh him, but I estimate 20 + lbs.     Mods; this fox was taken within the law at the time, so please take that into consideration when thinking of delet

There was a thread on an Australian site i go on, about the biggest fox, and I think they are around the same size as we have here. Difference is, they are almost plague proportion out there, and the

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pre ban Ihave caught hundreds of foxes but the biggest fox I have caught is with a shotgun at 25lb 4 oz and I thought that was big .the biggest Ihave caught with a lurcher is 23lb 2 oz .I think the reason for these big foxes are that do-gooders are constantly feeding them ,and people keep them as pets until they get a certain age and then cannot be bothered with them and let them go ,also organisations that keep and look after them so they can introduce them back into the countryside ,I think these people are responsible for the sizes of foxes personally .I have never caught these 30lb + foxes but foxes do look bigger when they have there winter coat on them .

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There was a thread on an Australian site i go on, about the biggest fox, and I think they are around the same size as we have here. Difference is, they are almost plague proportion out there, and the governments of some states are PAYING for foxes to be culled' $10 a scalp ! Contrast that with this country; where you may end up in jail for killing a fox....... and Australia, where you get paid for it .........



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Chart my brother lives in Melbourne and was out on a culling mission for this very purpose 3 guns on a 3 day trip dropped 37 foxs paired for there trip and a good time was had by all the lads also a big difference I found while I was out there was that the ozzy foxes were alot more active in the day than are English ones! Atb rj

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Seen a belter on that field the other night huh MOO, that was a big f****r......3 on the same field and this was a very good size and looked in cracking nic as well.

Aye he is a big lad I saw him again yesterday but he wasnt there tonight Im hopeing to get him to ground but he will have to be dealt with soon as ive turned that bean field into a pheasant drive ....I certainly think he will be worth takeing a pic off ....that was a decent sized silver dog fox you got ....must be a genetic thing in that area as I had a small vixen a few years ago that was near white

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There was a thread on an Australian site i go on, about the biggest fox, and I think they are around the same size as we have here. Difference is, they are almost plague proportion out there, and the governments of some states are PAYING for foxes to be culled' $10 a scalp ! Contrast that with this country; where you may end up in jail for killing a fox....... and Australia, where you get paid for it .........



There was a thread on an Australian site i go on, about the biggest fox, and I think they are around the same size as we have here. Difference is, they are almost plague proportion out there, and the governments of some states are PAYING for foxes to be culled' $10 a scalp ! Contrast that with this country; where you may end up in jail for killing a fox....... and Australia, where you get paid for it .........



There was a thread on an Australian site i go on, about the biggest fox, and I think they are around the same size as we have here. Difference is, they are almost plague proportion out there, and the governments of some states are PAYING for foxes to be culled' $10 a scalp ! Contrast that with this country; where you may end up in jail for killing a fox....... and Australia, where you get paid for it .........




I've just finished reading the famous book: 'A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland' first published in 1773.

The author, Johnstone, is describing the wildlife of Skye.He writes that there were very few hares or rabbits and :-----


'Because of the ravages of foxes, they have set for some years past, a price upon their heads,which, as the nunber has diminished, has been gradually raised, from three shillings and sixpence to a guinea, a sum so great in this part of the world, that, in a short time Skye may be free from foxes, as England from wolves. The fund for these rewards is a tax of sixpence in the pound, imposed by the farmers themselves, and said to be paid with great willingness.'

I've tried to guage how much a guinea in 1773 would be worth. The best I can find on tinternet is the average farmworker's wage in 1750 which was, for eighty hours, three shillings per week. So a dead fox was worth roughly seven times the average working man's wage on Skye at that time.

Can you imagine what a good terrier be worth in those days?

Chart, was that your dog in the photo? What was its breeding?

Edited by bezza
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