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Best food for running dogs?

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there is no better food for a dog than meat , its what they were designed to eat.

But if they shit alot, then obviously there is a lot of waste product in this feed that the dogs cant digest!!!

Why not?   A dog's digestive system is designed to process meat better than most other types of food. Thankfully, more and more people are beginning to realise this, and stop lining the pockets of

Redmills used to be ok as a base to mix ,meat,veg,pasta,rice ect


Imo there is now better out there, Australian Formular or Gain, they do differing Protein levels and Puppy Orientated Nuts.


There is a New Cheaper version to the Market that is getting good revues when mixed with again Meat,Chicken,Veg , Pasta, Rice ect its called Formular One.


Ps, Wag is Total shite. and imo they are all Bland and not Good enough on their own.


Mix in meat ect


a while back in the greyhound star, it ripped aussie formula to peices over what they put in there feed, and do you not find that gain gives them the shits a bit?

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Guest thebigdog

I don't like feeding my dogs meat to much they have it once a week normally lean mince or some other beef cut.


there is no better food for a dog than meat , its what they were designed to eat. :thumbs:

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I'm just wondering what everyone else feeds there dogs. I was using wag as its cheap and a pretty good protein value but have switched to red mills racer. Any one got any better foods dry only.

Dont bother with the wag you might as well crap in their foodbowls it would be better for them, some dogs thrive on redmills racer gives others the runs (goes straight through my beddy/whip) redmills are doing Excell now which has even more protien content but you will have to try different foods to find the one which suits your dog, you dont feed the same food all year round anyway I,m sorry if I've complicated things but its not as simple as that.
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as max as quoted the gasinf foods and aussie puppy and sapling are very good base for those who wish to add quality biscuit in there diets have apal who uses these brands and he keeps a large kennel of racing greys 120 150 animals and more with welps on the ground , very hard to beat soaked with added beef,and added rice etc couple times a week these kennels would need a wagon load of flesh every few days if they did not supplement with a good quality biscuit atb bunnys..

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as max as quoted the gasinf foods and aussie puppy and sapling are very good base for those who wish to add quality biscuit in there diets have apal who uses these brands and he keeps a large kennel of racing greys 120 150 animals and more with welps on the ground , very hard to beat soaked with added beef,and added rice etc couple times a week these kennels would need a wagon load of flesh every few days if they did not supplement with a good quality biscuit atb bunnys..

and i have to say the ausie sapling is as good as uekanueba but less than half the price . atb bunnys.
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I don't like feeding my dogs meat to much they have it once a week normally lean mince or some other beef cut.


Why not?


A dog's digestive system is designed to process meat better than most other types of food. Thankfully, more and more people are beginning to realise this, and stop lining the pockets of some dog food manufacturer who only wants to get rich: using waste from human products, stuff that is deemed inedible or gone off: then heat treated to a very high temperature to kill all the nasty bacteria, which also kills most of the good bacteria and other vital nutrients, then loads of rice waste, beet pulp, wheat or soya added to bulk it out> and they call it the best food for dogs! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It's a joke what they are allowed to get away with. The pet food industry is not regulated, or nowhere near enough, and they get away with selling us stuff that you wouldn't feed a dead dog if you saw what the real ingredients are before it is all turned into nice little flavoured nuggets.

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