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Of course it makes a difference any performance enhancing drug does it wouldent be called a performance enhancing drug if it didn't or be band from nearly every sport if it didn't help there's big money in it and when there's money people will try to bend the luck towards them or their dogs atb donk

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giving steroids to running dogs this is only for the wannabe,s who cant condition train and run a dog to its best capability. Its for knobs who want to make a name without putting in the graft

Of course it makes a difference any performance enhancing drug does it wouldent be called a performance enhancing drug if it didn't or be band from nearly every sport if it didn't help there's big mo

I believe steroids are the reason one of my mutts is alive after she was hit by a car, however I also believe anyone who uses it on there dogs to win races or for coursing or any other competition nee

EPO produces more red blood cells thus carrying extra oxygen to the heart creating more stamina so a dog on this has a greater chancer at succeeding than a dog without Shane Moseley the boxer tested positive for this substance

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giving steroids to running dogs this is only for the wannabe,s who cant condition train and run a dog to its best capability. Its for knobs who want to make a name without putting in the graft

How true also putting the dogs health at risk for a name and or money a shortcut to problems if you ask me
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giving steroids to running dogs this is only for the wannabe,s who cant condition train and run a dog to its best capability. Its for knobs who want to make a name without putting in the graft

How true also putting the dogs health at risk for a name and or money a shortcut to problems if you ask me


mmmmmmmmmmmm :hmm:

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is this really appropriate subject matter for a public forum, ffs lads give your heads a wobble :wallbash:


No one is advocating the mis-use of steroids........ just the opposite. :thumbs: Vetinary prescribed steroids are perfectly legal, and I'd bet most of us have given their dogs steroids as an anti inflammatory.



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is this really appropriate subject matter for a public forum, ffs lads give your heads a wobble :wallbash:


No one is advocating the mis-use of steroids........ just the opposite. :thumbs: Vetinary prescribed steroids are perfectly legal, and I'd bet most of us have given their dogs steroids as an anti inflammatory.



I believe steroids are the reason one of my mutts is alive after she was hit by a car, however I also believe anyone who uses it on there dogs to win races or for coursing or any other competition needs their head checking

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Guest thebigdog

i think you's have missed the point, im not denying that steroids have medical benefits, whether used on dogs or humans. what i was getting at is, those who wish to do field sports harm can and will use topics such as this ammo against us. :thumbs:

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