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s s lurcher collar

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I wasn't a fan of SS collars and to be honest I thought they looked bulky until I seen the tapered ones and Jai got one for his whippet and they look good, they're really well made and the service is second to none. The thing that swayed me was I was walking the dogs the other day and the bitch pulled off her collar due to the fastening undoing, something I can't see happening with these. :thumbs:


Has ideation got any pics of the dog wearing it on here?


my little collie x collars getting poor looking.

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It's my "brand", I'll do what I like with it, but thanks for your comments, they'll be passed to my customer service department when he comes in from barking in the garden.

The collars do make the wearer look well hard    

Lurcher1 this combination of a tin of spinach and a bottle of whiskey is going to end up getting you into trouble !!

Just saying but the terrier ones for the ortovox transmitter are ok but could do with more bite protection for the box,not sure how and if thicker webbing would help but like i say just giving feed back and maybe something to think about ss?.

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Just saying but the terrier ones for the ortovox transmitter are ok but could do with more bite protection for the box,not sure how and if thicker webbing would help but like i say just giving feed back and maybe something to think about ss?.


I'd agree with that, but if I did use any more of the 2" webbing then it would be even harder to close and heavier, the original collar I did was a compromise I suppose of strength and weight, is the green Tx box plastic not as strong as it looks then? They are designed to slide onto a narrow strap, those collars I made gave more protection than that but not as much as maybe 3 layers would.

That polypropolene seatbelt webbing isn't massively resistant to sharp things, it's designed to be cut easily in it's proper use (racing car harnesses) it is extremely strong along it's length, but does cut easily.

I've wondered about the plastic of the B+F collar box, is that resistant to biting? That looks easier to break than the green plastic of the Orto.



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FOD - I will take a photo tomo mate, the dogs asleep lol. The collars are cracking, cant fault them at all, and you can bend over the sticky out bit and thread it back into the bit you slide the collar through, so there is no sticking out bit. Doesnt look too bulky, with the new tapered design, and its never going to break. The most impressive bit was the brass fittings, they are the toughest and most durable i have ever seem on a collar. Spot on all round.

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FOD - I will take a photo tomo mate, the dogs asleep lol. The collars are cracking, cant fault them at all, and you can bend over the sticky out bit and thread it back into the bit you slide the collar through, so there is no sticking out bit. Doesnt look too bulky, with the new tapered design, and its never going to break. The most impressive bit was the brass fittings, they are the toughest and most durable i have ever seem on a collar. Spot on all round.


Why thank you kind Sir!


Those brass fittings ......... are about 5 times the price of the usual made in China crap that gets advertised as solid brass, but, definitely worth buying for feedback like that.


I know fact that if I was using cheap fittings and webbing, my heart wouldn't be in it and I'd soon get fed up, I've never met him, but I bet the man that makes those buckles shares the same pride in his product as I do.


Good point about folding the end back up, I'll make sure in future I leave enough room to do that on all that type collars.


Thanks for the feedback. :thumbs:

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I dont usually get involved in debates like this ......BUT.......whether the collars were excellent(which they are) or not,when I was having regular visits from unwanted guests trying to ''borrow'' my dogs SS sent over 2 collars FREE OF CHARGE.Now who the furk ever does that kind of stuff.I so badly want to repay him by buying more but the bastarding things are soooo good I wont need any more for another few years.I still use 3 terrier collars I bought over 4 years ago and they are still like new.His products are top drawer no doubt.

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I dont usually get involved in debates like this ......BUT.......whether the collars were excellent(which they are) or not,when I was having regular visits from unwanted guests trying to ''borrow'' my dogs SS sent over 2 collars FREE OF CHARGE.Now who the furk ever does that kind of stuff.I so badly want to repay him by buying more but the bastarding things are soooo good I wont need any more for another few years.I still use 3 terrier collars I bought over 4 years ago and they are still like new.His products are top drawer no doubt.






That must have been someone else using my account! :laugh:


I just thought that if you had decent collars on the dogs, and they were securely fastened to a chain, it might give you the 2 minutes you needed to get dressed and get outside and hopefully catch those that were after your dogs.


I'll forward all the sob stories that I'm about to get sent to you mate, thanks!

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Don't bother pal, we was cutting about in a brand new vogue of Friday and I didn't like it at all.....


"Didn't like it" :laugh:


Weirdo !!!!


You know us lot mate, we are very choosy what we use for the dogs......we won't use the Cayenne as its a bit old but the A8 is cock on

MOO likes the range rovers for lamping but then they are a bit " chav" in Scotland ! Lol lol


We have tried the Vouge with the white leather, grey leather and black leather but to be honest none of those interiors really suited our dogs !! Lol


I wonder what Bob Geldof and Midge [bANNED TEXT] will get when the " collection" for the sspca case is finished.......probably the bus! Lol lol

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Don't bother pal, we was cutting about in a brand new vogue of Friday and I didn't like it at all.....


"Didn't like it" :laugh:


Weirdo !!!!


You know us lot mate, we are very choosy what we use for the dogs......we won't use the Cayenne as its a bit old but the A8 is cock on

MOO likes the range rovers for lamping but then they are a bit " chav" in Scotland ! Lol lol


We have tried the Vouge with the white leather, grey leather and black leather but to be honest none of those interiors really suited our dogs !! Lol


I wonder what Bob Geldof and Midge [bANNED TEXT] will get when the " collection" for the sspca case is finished.......probably the bus! Lol lol


I couldn't believe it when I saw the photos of the A8 and was told it had been used for lamping, that's outrageous!


I couldn't decide on a RR, am leaning towards a Panamera now, or a BMW GT, none of you Essex show offs have got those :D

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FFS what a place,,anyroad,, I`ve got one on me lurcher and it`s the dogs danglies, Fast service and seriously well made,

I have a Bellman and Flint leather jobbie for posing, but after he destroyed the first one, an SS collar was needed, and I`m glad I did,,,well reccomended.


The B&F looks lovely though, But his workwear is SS

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FFS what a place,,anyroad,, I`ve got one on me lurcher and it`s the dogs danglies, Fast service and seriously well made,

I have a Bellman and Flint leather jobbie for posing, but after he destroyed the first one, an SS collar was needed, and I`m glad I did,,,well reccomended.


The B&F looks lovely though, But his workwear is SS


Pretty much sums up exactly what I ever set out to do, thanks. :thumbs:

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Lol what a good read this has made my day o and the quote of the bull deer hound thread( the bigger the dog the slower it is to grow up )lol book talk all my dogs have ss coller s on them worked them in all weather's and still good as new well when our lass snakes them in the washer that is .......

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