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mr darcy

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ive read a few of his excellent books and always look forward to purchasing the next, i especially enjoy the articles on single handed stayers and the origin of the merlin x eve litter.

What i would really love to read would be a book on pure coursing dogs of the last few years how they where bred how they ran etc

the various topics/discussions that take part on this forum are good but it would be really interesting to get all this info in one book

Who else would read this type of book?

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Absolute c.unts they are, money grabbing bastrds, just out to make money from robbing old ladies.

Skycat is one very helpful lady, she deserves the compliment, took a few minutes out of her day to explain some stuff in a simple and easy to understand way, my dog has come on loads since I put him o

That's very kind of you to champion my cause: undisputed. However, I took the remark as a compliment rather than an insult. But I see where you are coming from as nearly all the knowledge I've gained

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well i must be poor then as there is no way i will pay his book prices and that appllies to most hunting books. and as for limited edtion its just a money racket and if johnathon does good out of it , then fair play, :victory:

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hunting is what i prefer in most forms , i dont like reading lurcher books as most are drivel with no in put for expirenced guys who no the game , but every man to there selve , i saw mr darcy once takin pics of guys terriers in his back yard thought strange ,in county durham , for his next book ,years ago , there a need out there for a book about modern hunting and actualy properly entering a lurcher and hidden secrets that some of us keep close to the chest , and a lot will be lost to the old maker in time ,things about rating dogs when young picking dogs working dogs ,entering dogs , a book not just about basic obeidence a real hunting dog and man team, you get a hundred people on here putting pics up of dogs but not many give good knowledge ,or no alot , all the better for some , i was brought up breed of dogs that are tested , train them, enter them ,look after them like there your own

Edited by BLACKWATER...
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nobody said your not better doing it yourself but you can read aswell. i personally find bloodlines of pure greyhounds, salukis and the coursing crosses very interesting.

i would love to read any ones hunting exsperience, and dog lines etc etc, but im not that desperate at those prices. £40 pound a book doesnt justify it for me . when it could be spent on better things. i exspect i would get as much satisfaction out of reading as you would , but cant afford those prices

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hes prices are too high the guys another plumber never hunted him self there all other mans storys he is full of shit,half his books are no good i lent that dead game book of a freid and it was shit,he fell out with my mate darren over printing his name in the book and begging pics of him.

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Is this the crabbing JD thread?


I enjoy his books and i don't see many other people doing the same these days. If you have better experiences, ideas, photos and want to share then put them down in a book. Don't moan about someone esle doing it when you don't have the drive to do it yourself.


I have heard rumours of a book, would be interesting to read.

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