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black guy beats up white guy (what would you off done??)

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im sure i posted this before but cant find it on here but with all these racism threads on here and people saying they would do this and that, what would you REALLY do in this situation if you were one of the people watching the assault take place???? id hate to think id just stand and watch like they did BUT it was probably best to not get involved unless the white guy was a friend or family??

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said it the last time it was shown,all those people standing there should hang thier f*****g heads in shame.i wouldnt stand by there and watch that.and have in the past on numerous occasions stepped i

Thats just human nature for you......some people avoid conflict at all costs.....if you look at that vid some of them even look the other way as if to say " i cant see anything "......................

index finger straight in the eye socket would of slowed him down,As for the women 1 of jonnie wilkinson's finest between her legs would of shut the gobby bitch up.Hate fooking bullys me i bet he would

Watching that has me F3cking raging .......... 3 black scum bags attacked my son 3/4 weeks ago , luckily enough he only had a few facial bruisers and a bad right hand which im happy with .... im 12 stone and i couldnt/wouldnt stand and watch that , the lad should off put the mobile phone right into the big f3ckers adams apple that would off cured him , and as for the slag off a woman once she started the pokin in the face that would off been enough for me , in for a penny in for a pound .

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Anything's better than what those fannies standing there done.


Even if they just started shouting and making some noise it's better than that,I'd try to push the big f*cker off and if he went for me i'd do whatever i could to write him off quickly.

as big slow and uncoordinated as he was if he caught you and knocked you out and threw the boot in afterward you'd be in a bad way.

Edited by blan89
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a mate of mine got beaten up and mugged by two black fellows ,the police came and said to him can you point them out,which he pointed at them and said them black b*****ds there they beat me up and nicked my phone ,the police then got his phone off of them ,and then turned round and nicked for calling them black b*****ds, with that he went to court and got 4 months for it,it was his first offence and they didnt even get arrested

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:laugh: ....smashing the phone down like he was going to wreck the place and then got his c**t kicked.... :laugh: Lets look it another way...the cheeky c**t just slagged the boys girl on the phone, what would you do in that situation?.. Maybe he should be quiet in the queue next time..... :yes:
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:laugh: ....smashing the phone down like he was going to wreck the place and then got his c**t kicked.... :laugh: Lets look it another way...the cheeky c**t just slagged the boys girl on the phone, what would you do in that situation?.. Maybe he should be quiet in the queue next time..... :yes:


I think there's some truth to this.


Think he was punching above his weight....not that he actually got a punch in :p

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:laugh: ....smashing the phone down like he was going to wreck the place and then got his c**t kicked.... :laugh: Lets look it another way...the cheeky c**t just slagged the boys girl on the phone, what would you do in that situation?.. Maybe he should be quiet in the queue next time..... :yes:

He obviously said she had jumped the que ... which she had , what should people do let people do what suits them CAUSE THEY IS BLACK , the big fella didnt even ask the bloke what the crack was , i think he threw the phone down in fear more than aggresion sadly , i bet if the black fella had off walked in and 2 or 3 white guys as big as him where to be confronted he wouldnt off been so brave , at the end off the day her arrogant horrible filthy attitude created that situation .
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said it the last time it was shown,all those people standing there should hang thier f*****g heads in shame.i wouldnt stand by there and watch that.and have in the past on numerous occasions stepped in when i think its unfair odds.


on my fathers grave i could not live with myself i had stood by and watched that.what a shower of cowardly b*****ds.every white person in there is a disgrace.and i would have hit that kizzy bitch on the jaw aswell

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