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springer or pcp

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Springer for me. Did a bit of springer shooting in my youth then went for shots rims and centre fire. Its gone full circle for me as i've gone mad for springers over the last year. My ambition is to

Spring rifle.   Anyone can whack a 50-metre bullseye with a PCP, but the skill and knowledge behind shooting it lies in correct shooting technique.   And only a springer will teach you that

Boots asks PCP or springer? and I replied springer and a straightforward reason why Sean. I didn't think it necessary to have to go repeating all the good advice he's been given already, old chum  

Both have pro's and cons and it really is a personal thing.


If you start off with a springer and learn to shoot it accurately, you are always ready to go and the power source is combined in the gun. With a PCP you also need to buy charging equipment as well.



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its an annoying decision as it depends on what you are like


e.g. you might go out and buy a springer as its a cheaper set-up than pcp but then you might want to improve hunting situations i.e. multishot magazines, quietness, no recoil etc. and then go out and buy a pcp which will in the end cost more.


decision is up to you!


rifle makes and models for you to look at:




air arms tx200, prosort

weihrauch hw95k, hw77k,hw97k




air arms s200,s400,s410,s510

bsa ultra, r10

weihrauch hw100







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It's bad to ask someone to make up your mind, but its a bloody good idea to ask for peoples advice :thumbs:


Best thing to do, is if you have an airgun club closeish by, pay them a visit.

Air gunners are usually very friendly and will let you try out their guns, giving you both the pros and con's of each rifle. Much more infor than a gunshop will do to a newbie.


Another bonus is that you will get to try many of both types and pehaps even find the one that fit's you best! And fit is very important to a shooter. especially if your long armed or short armed (tall, short or mr average).


Overall though it is purely a personal decision





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piano man thats a shit post mate.

ive had springers before and id say theres not that much difference. but the pcp is better i think because you have multishot and is quieter shooting wise

anyone can hit a bullseye with a springer.

the guys asking info and your giving none whatsoever

boots i would do what the other guys said which is go and have a look at guns but i personally think pcp is the way to go if you have a the funds

cheers sean

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