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thinking of getting out of the poaching game

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You know when you KNOW that it's gonna be one of those threads . . . . . .

ive had the pleasure of owning some real good dogs over the years and met some life long freinds and yes met some right dick heads a long the way and not being bigheaded have caught more game t anhan some on here could dream of catching im a type of person who always strides for the ultimate killing machine and what some on here think good dogs wouldnt stay a week here thats why i gone through lot money and dogs the avrage dog was no good to me wanted the best but no body on here can say ive sold them shite not my way rather loose money and pts or give away to pet home how many on can say the same yes i admit im daft as fck buying adult dogs in and taking people at face value and as for the comment about stop the moaning i wasnt moaning stateing my views

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2 grand worth a shite dogs............. i feel for ye pal, but fact a the matter is, 99% a adult dogs getting sold are shite, id probs go as far as saying 95% a working dog litters are bred fae shit

You know when you KNOW that it's gonna be one of those threads . . . . . .

Chris has been lamping for years, most of yous could only dream of owning dogs like FRED and so on. Its little pricks that big the dogs up but are f*****g shite then when tried they not worth a wank.

bird police no the seasons,, when dogging lads are out and about, the winter are the main months,, and they no that for shaw,,, summer nites or wintery nites its only a blue light they have too put on and pull you to 1 side,,, in this game its pot look and dont have them dogs standin up when your traveling....

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You know when you KNOW that it's gonna be one of those threads . . . . . .

ive had the pleasure of owning some real good dogs over the years and met some life long freinds and yes met some right dick heads a long the way and not being bigheaded have caught more game t anhan some on here could dream of catching im a type of person who always strides for the ultimate killing machine and what some on here think good dogs wouldnt stay a week here thats why i gone through lot money and dogs the avrage dog was no good to me wanted the best but no body on here can say ive sold them shite not my way rather loose money and pts or give away to pet home how many on can say the same yes i admit im daft as fck buying adult dogs in and taking people at face value and as for the comment about stop the moaning i wasnt moaning stateing my views

you've pts £2k worth of lurchers in 2 years??? so how many is that 10/11/12? :icon_eek::no:

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well after twenty odd years in the lamping game im thinking of giving up

F*cking hell,it MUST be bad for you to say that Chris :icon_eek: I remember someone getting caught poaching GOLDFISH in Durham :laugh:

to right mackem old pall to be honest dont know what ill do if dogs go and to be totally honest mate my little spots of permission are getting fck by the shooters and hardly worth the bother to go to now farmer letting anyone who ask on the land the wife giving me grief and dont want me son to be locked up and get poaching record he loves going out and has his own dog now but he is green as fck and would hate him to come a cropper while out with me mate trying to get him into hawks as ive loads to do with them and all legal and ive got plenty hawks for him to choose from

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The fact that you've said you want the ultimate killing machine and caught more game than anyone else on here, and that you've gone through a lot more dogs and money than some, tells me that you are indeed a FOOL!

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Guest joball

I bought a dog of here 300 on trile only ever been doubled up and fuk me he has done everything single handed, you only got yourself to blame for being stung to many times, real dog men carnt give up its in there blood. We all face the same problems and to be honest if it aint in your heart theres no point being in this game. Alb to you in the future.

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If you get caught it's down to stupidy, simple!



stupidy eh, you get copt cos you have stonking great bull crosses in the back, me, i run whippets only on bunnies, as soon as they are in the cage, down they go, and dunna budge till i tell em, always work alone

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i suppose a lot of people would like to own the ultimate killing machine but how many exist?who would sell one and at what price. how many dogs added up to the total of 2 grand.if i owned one and i never have i certainly wouldnt sell it.

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If you get caught it's down to stupidy, simple!

dont talk stupid shaark its not stupid if you in motor and you get pulled who you trying to kid dogs werre in motor lying down its a motor not used for poaching before as only had two weeks it wasnt out to do with being stupid it was just luck or fate call it owt you want but stupidity and ass somebody else asked what was i doing lamping this time of year was getting fresh bunys for hawks as freezer was running low and to answer the lads question on how many dogs does 2 grand get you it was five not al were pure shite just not up to the job i got them for maybe iwas missleading people or didntput it over rightway but here goes 2 dogs i bought were mint on the gear i bought them for but and heres why i pts they killed sheep the others were good second dogs but not single handed so gave to palls these dogs were sold to me as singlehanded teeth dogs which they were not

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I bought a dog of here 300 on trile only ever been doubled up and fuk me he has done everything single handed, you only got yourself to blame for being stung to many times, real dog men carnt give up its in there blood. We all face the same problems and to be honest if it aint your heart theres no point being in this game. Alb to you in the future.


its as simple as that my friend, im at my best whilst looking over my shoulder

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2 grand worth a shite dogs............. i feel for ye pal, but fact a the matter is, 99% a adult dogs getting sold are shite,

id probs go as far as saying 95% a working dog litters are bred fae shite aswell :thumbdown:



an as for the cops, they just an occupational hazzard, fook them, get permission or stop moaning :thumbs:

i think that the amount of bad dogs about these days is down to the fact that there are so many bad dog men about. imo the quality of dogs has changed over the years and not for the better, the true lurcher man is as rare as a good dog these days.


working dogs is more a hobby these days for most folk.

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