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They should stop paying them so much so they can keep more focused.


Can't stand football myself, no better than big corporations outbidding each other on takeovers. They sell a product like clothes make more money to buy better players. Just big business.


People like you crack me up.....deciding they dont like a sport based on finances !!.....You either like a sport or you dont its the very same sport played by millions in parks and school playgrounds,same rules same objectives....


The fact your stating you dont like football on a thread about a young man having an affair.....pretty much sums up some peoples views on sport these days !

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FFS way way over the top all he is guilty of is having his brains in his pants like 99.9%of guys out there.

Of course its nothing to do with sport....if some total f****n weirdo is interested in what Wayne Rooney or Ryan Giggs does in their spare time then that is about as far removed from sport as anything


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Dont be a fanny, leave all the gossip shit for women in thier HELLO! and OK! mag's. Who really care's? Its got naff all to do with you or anyone but his family. I really dont see why people seem to be interested in footballer's private lives. Watch and judge what they do on the pitch, and as I said leave the rest for women to gossip about.


To say he is worse that a pedophile, is discusting. Someone who kidnap's, rapes, even murders CHILDREN is better than a footballer who sleep's around? You are a prize C*NT.



HEwas conning people for 8 years has been found out and deserves all the flack coming his way.Made milloins as a role model so has cheated the sponsors to but not as bad as pedos thats taking it a bit to far but still a c**t

NO he made millions from being a top class footballer...........I've never seen kids going around saying "I want to be Ryan Giggs because he shags reality TV stars" :doh:

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They should stop paying them so much so they can keep more focused.


Can't stand football myself, no better than big corporations outbidding each other on takeovers. They sell a product like clothes make more money to buy better players. Just big business.


People like you crack me up.....deciding they dont like a sport based on finances !!.....You either like a sport or you dont its the very same sport played by millions in parks and school playgrounds,same rules same objectives....


The fact your stating you dont like football on a thread about a young man having an affair.....pretty much sums up some peoples views on sport these days !


It's not the same as played at amateur level, the goals aren't the same, that's why there are bribes and corruption, it's about money. You pay for a season ticket will matches already predetermined with who is to win.

Why do you think footballers affairs get on front pages? It stirs up interest in the games. It should be ignored like many years ago, you wouldn't get front pages news on these things. Wars are going on but we have front page news on Footballers.

They have become iconic not because of the job they do but the money they earn.

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It's not the same as played at amateur level, the goals aren't the same, that's why there are bribes and corruption, it's about money. You pay for a season ticket will matches already predetermined with who is to win.

Why do you think footballers affairs get on front pages? It stirs up interest in the games. It should be ignored like many years ago, you wouldn't get front pages news on these things. Wars are going on but we have front page news on Footballers.

They have become iconic not because of the job they do but the money they earn.



Absolutely hilarious !....THE REASON FOOTBALLERS AFFAIRS GET ON THE FRONT PAGE OF NEWSPAPERS IS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU !!!!....Who are not interested in football,dont like football....but just love a bit of scandal and gossip !



So your saying the goals in amateur football are not the same size as professional :blink: ive heard it all now.Matches already predetermined who is going to win....well i wish i had the same info you had i wouldnt bother going to watch games id be too busy in the betting shop !


I dont begrudge any man getting what he is worth,personally im not a big fan of music but i dont begrudge Elton John or Rod Stewart becoming multi millionaires from a special talent any more than a footballer reaching the top through natural talent hard work and dedication.

Edited by gnasher16
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IMHO, If Giggsys brother hadnt spent so long working away in space on Red Dwarf then I dont think his Mrs would have felt the need to get her tubes blown somewhere else..... :victory:

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Absolutely hilarious !....THE REASON FOOTBALLERS AFFAIRS GET ON THE FRONT PAGE OF NEWSPAPERS IS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU !!!!....Who are not interested in football,dont like football....but just love a bit of scandal and gossip !


Like me? I see. I am the one that doesn't buy the Sun, who doesn't read the celebrity mags or pays any interested in football, but I am exposed to it being on the front pages as I go to buy a magasine or look at the news.

It's actually people like you that put the money into football, that put these players on a pedestal. That believe they should be paid the money and they are worth it. Look at their performances in the last few world cups.

If you hadn't looked this affair has been plastered everywhere, not to see it would also mean you would be ignorant of the Volcano errupting in Chile.

You give them you hard earned cash not me.

How can you compare Singers and songwriters who have been famous for decades to a footballer?

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Like me? I see. I am the one that doesn't buy the Sun, who doesn't read the celebrity mags or pays any interested in football, but I am exposed to it being on the front pages as I go to buy a magasine or look at the news.

It's actually people like you that put the money into football, that put these players on a pedestal. That believe they should be paid the money and they are worth it. Look at their performances in the last few world cups.

If you hadn't looked this affair has been plastered everywhere, not to see it would also mean you would be ignorant of the Volcano errupting in Chile.

You give them you hard earned cash not me.

How can you compare Singers and songwriters who have been famous for decades to a footballer?



You may not realise it,but in the country known as England,the sport of football is probably the most popular activity known to man.....if you can think of one single subject that is more popular amongst men women and children than football id like to hear it ?....possibly only sex rivals football for nationwide popularity and fortunately most of us dont have to pay for that....or possibly music,hence the likes of Elton John/Rod Steward have such wealth.


So does it really surprise you that there is so much money involved in football ? The fact that people enjoy reading about scandal IS because of people like you,thats why the sports pages have traditionally been the back pages of a paper ( for folk like me ) but since the obssession with a drop of scandal sports stars are now on the front pages ( for folk like you )....more intelligent men than me decide what sells newspapers.The fact that folk like you who admit they dont like football but still have opinions on footballers tells its own story !


The reason i can compare songwriters to footballers is the same as i can compare film stars to basketball players,lawyers to cricketers.......any man who reaches the top of his profession deserves to be paid accordingly,if that profession is the most popular activity known to man it stands to reason that wage is going to be higher than a less popular activity.....the down side is with that popularity comes folk like you who prefer scandal to sport and thats the dilemma todays sports stars have to face.

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As explained, but you don't understand, it's put on the news and front pages to drum up interest in football. Just like the X factor and Cheryl scandal. You are constantly exposed to it and then people then decide they have to watch to see what could happen.


As you quite rightly said people more intelligent than you decide, they are also the same people having their pockets lined, the majority of the population are easily manipulated, like yourself to think that the people demand to know about these scandals.

The media are telling people what to think, what they should hear about, it's always been that way. By exposing Giggs they can also kill off the gagging order and that means more stories and more women selling their stories.


You are a classic media victim. Don't believe what the papers tell you.

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I blame the black in him... :icon_eek::laugh:


.......cause if it was the Welsh in him he would have rutted his brother's prize yewe instead :whistling::tongue2::D


Maybe, but at least the headlines would be spelt correctly, 'ewe' thick jock twat... :whistling:tongue2.giflaugh.gif

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As explained, but you don't understand, it's put on the news and front pages to drum up interest in football. Just like the X factor and Cheryl scandal. You are constantly exposed to it and then people then decide they have to watch to see what could happen.


As you quite rightly said people more intelligent than you decide, they are also the same people having their pockets lined, the majority of the population are easily manipulated, like yourself to think that the people demand to know about these scandals.

The media are telling people what to think, what they should hear about, it's always been that way. By exposing Giggs they can also kill off the gagging order and that means more stories and more women selling their stories.


You are a classic media victim. Don't believe what the papers tell you.



If theres a gullible fool its you mate not me,im not the one sitting whingeing about a sportsman and a sport i dont even like !!


So now you will have us believe that we are forced by the media to like football :doh: ....its been our national sport for over a hundred years for f**k sake the last 3 or 4 years of media sensationalism and scandal is a drop in the ocean in terms of time.....


I made a comparison between footballers and songwriters in terms of wages..........the fact that you can make a comparison between football and the f****n X factor in terms of newspaper talk is a perfect example of everything thats wrong with our society !


Im still interested to hear the difference in the size of an amateur goal and a professional goal by the way ? :laugh: and your proof that football scores are predetermined before the kick off ?.....or are you just doing what the papers do and trying to creating scandal :rolleyes:


Like im often told,sometimes you gotta just leave some people to their own ways !.....but i just remind you,this is a thread about a top class footballer and you dont like football.....some stories tell themself ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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Don't give a f**k about his private life. The whole celeb thing doesn't interest me at all. Granted, shagging your sister-in-law ain't good. But hey I haven't been an angel in my time and have done some shit that - now when I'm older - isn't too clever looking back. And the only reason folk don't know about me is that I'm not famous. If it's human to err I must be more human than most. GOOD f*****g FUN AT THE TIME THO!!!!!


Hope he manages to sort things out - he's a great player but a reluctant celeb eh? Good luck to the guy.

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As explained, but you don't understand, it's put on the news and front pages to drum up interest in football. Just like the X factor and Cheryl scandal. You are constantly exposed to it and then people then decide they have to watch to see what could happen.


As you quite rightly said people more intelligent than you decide, they are also the same people having their pockets lined, the majority of the population are easily manipulated, like yourself to think that the people demand to know about these scandals.

The media are telling people what to think, what they should hear about, it's always been that way. By exposing Giggs they can also kill off the gagging order and that means more stories and more women selling their stories.


You are a classic media victim. Don't believe what the papers tell you.



If theres a gullible fool its you mate not me,im not the one sitting whingeing about a sportsman and a sport i dont even like !!


So now you will have us believe that we are forced by the media to like football :doh: ....its been our national sport for over a hundred years for f**k sake the last 3 or 4 years of media sensationalism and scandal is a drop in the ocean in terms of time.....


I made a comparison between footballers and songwriters in terms of wages..........the fact that you can make a comparison between football and the f****n X factor in terms of newspaper talk is a perfect example of everything thats wrong with our society !


Im still interested to hear the difference in the size of an amateur goal and a professional goal by the way ? :laugh: and your proof that football scores are predetermined before the kick off ?.....or are you just doing what the papers do and trying to creating scandal :rolleyes:


Like im often told,sometimes you gotta just leave some people to their own ways !.....but i just remind you,this is a thread about a top class footballer and you dont like football.....some stories tell themself ;)



You can't form an argument if cannot understand what I wrote. I never said papers are making us like football, it's putting it on the front pages to drum more interest in football and gagging orders. All publicity is good publicity, why do you think people are exposed to this?


I reckon you think papers are for news and not for swaying public opinion.


The point about X factor is the same, drawing attention to the program, but I guess you think it's because people like reading about Cheryl Cole.....

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As explained, but you don't understand, it's put on the news and front pages to drum up interest in football...


I don't agree with that. Football is a major part of English culture, from the minute a nipper finds his feet most dads will give them a ball to kick about. Football doesn't need any more interest drummed up by exposing some footy stars private life, because the interest will always be there.

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As explained, but you don't understand, it's put on the news and front pages to drum up interest in football. Just like the X factor and Cheryl scandal. You are constantly exposed to it and then people then decide they have to watch to see what could happen.


As you quite rightly said people more intelligent than you decide, they are also the same people having their pockets lined, the majority of the population are easily manipulated, like yourself to think that the people demand to know about these scandals.

The media are telling people what to think, what they should hear about, it's always been that way. By exposing Giggs they can also kill off the gagging order and that means more stories and more women selling their stories.


You are a classic media victim. Don't believe what the papers tell you.



If theres a gullible fool its you mate not me,im not the one sitting whingeing about a sportsman and a sport i dont even like !!


So now you will have us believe that we are forced by the media to like football :doh: ....its been our national sport for over a hundred years for f**k sake the last 3 or 4 years of media sensationalism and scandal is a drop in the ocean in terms of time.....


I made a comparison between footballers and songwriters in terms of wages..........the fact that you can make a comparison between football and the f****n X factor in terms of newspaper talk is a perfect example of everything thats wrong with our society !


Im still interested to hear the difference in the size of an amateur goal and a professional goal by the way ? :laugh: and your proof that football scores are predetermined before the kick off ?.....or are you just doing what the papers do and trying to creating scandal :rolleyes:


Like im often told,sometimes you gotta just leave some people to their own ways !.....but i just remind you,this is a thread about a top class footballer and you dont like football.....some stories tell themself ;)



You can't form an argument if cannot understand what I wrote. I never said papers are making us like football, it's putting it on the front pages to drum more interest in football and gagging orders. All publicity is good publicity, why do you think people are exposed to this?


I reckon you think papers are for news and not for swaying public opinion.


The point about X factor is the same, drawing attention to the program, but I guess you think it's because people like reading about Cheryl Cole.....

Seeing Ryan Giggs on the front page of a paper wouldn't make my missus watch any football match let alone a Man Utd one so that sypnosis is flawed mate. :thumbs:

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As explained, but you don't understand, it's put on the news and front pages to drum up interest in football...


I don't agree with that. Football is a major part of English culture, from the minute a nipper finds his feet most dads will give them a ball to kick about. Football doesn't need any more interest drummed up by exposing some footy stars private life, because the interest will always be there.


Spot on. :yes: All headlines like this are about sustaining the tedious culture of celebrity, nothing to do with sport. :thumbs:

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