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do you want a dog

2 run trough walls and fences or use its head   

114 members have voted

  1. 1. which 2 you prefer

    • 2 use its brains and not get messd up
    • 2 run trough them and take the knocks

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just your opions lads and lasses want you want in your dogs ,do you want run trough brick walls and fences for its game or would rather use its brains and not take all the hits and knocks ,some people might say the dog dos,ent have the drive ,is it worth the injurys that come with brickwalls and barbwirefences for any game ?this is realy aimed at lamping dogs,atb,,,gaz :thumbs:

Edited by rocky1
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just your opions lads and lasses want you want in your dogs ,do you want run trough brick walls and fences for its game or would rather use its brains and not take all the hits and knocks ,some people

So the dog ran 200yds leaving blood prints and that impressed you,well fair play to the dog pity about the sheer ignorance of the owner,don,t worry though you will have plenty of admirers on here.

100% agree [preban]

as a regular lamper you will know which quarry warrents a slip on certain areas of ground you are on,iv always liked a dog that will fly into a hedge when on something and can up the catch rate considerably if they do so but then thats only hedges and iv never had a bad injury when they do so.


obviously no rabbit warrents a dog to push itself through a barbed wire fence and un zip itself

you know your dogs running style and lamp accordingly at the end of the day think most would like a dog with brains, sometimes just not to much thats all

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high prey drive , will over shaddow brains everytime , you can have the cleverest dog in the world but if it LOVES KILLING MORE then thats that , fences , trees, barbedwire , dont come into the dogs head once the addrenalin kicks in , thats why dogs have them sharp teeth , for killing ,

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high prey drive , will over shaddow brains everytime , you can have the cleverest dog in the world but if it LOVES KILLING MORE then thats that , fences , trees, barbedwire , dont come into the dogs head once the addrenalin kicks in , thats why dogs have them sharp teeth , for killing ,

Agree with that, my dog although not a stupid dog will just be focused on getting to what he's chasing no matter what is in his way. Be it an old shed, tree stumps sticking out of banks or my mate who was holding the lamp, all of a sudden it went dark. :whistling:

It would be nice to have a dog that takes a bit of care whilst running but you can't have it all. :thumbs:

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high prey drive , will over shaddow brains everytime , you can have the cleverest dog in the world but if it LOVES KILLING MORE then thats that , fences , trees, barbedwire , dont come into the dogs head once the addrenalin kicks in , thats why dogs have them sharp teeth , for killing ,



spot on bud,,high drive is a huge emotional pull in a dog is get to the very essence of his prey,,this can vary in dogs ,,what you think is brains is actually lower drive,,if you've experienced high drive in a dog , its hard to go back to a dog with low drive they just seem not to be giving 100%,,

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If we were talking pre ban and i was running deer i would like my dog not to pull up as soon as the deer hit cover or went through a hedge as think i would have had a lower catch rate ,i think with most quarry you want youre dog to be right on it when its near or in cover like watchman says it will up the catch rate considerably .I wouldnt like to own a dog that pulls up at cover or hedges and i know that there is a risk with this but in the terrier and lurcher game theres a risk everytime you enter or slip a dog atb matt

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i suppose you want a dog with brains,but having had both types of dogs one flat out every run, the other hold backs a bit. I think really i do like a dog, that will give 100% on every run. I know it can be very dangerous :cry: and sometimes they dont make old bones. But when dogs have pulled up on edges or stopped, because they think they carnt catch. It does put me off that kind of dog long term, i know if it was just a rabbit you might might say there is always another one to run another night. But i prefer a dog who gives 100% not 90% :yes:

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If a rabbit gets up in a wood ,i dont believe any dog would stand there and weigh up all the possible dangers involved, its getting chased and thats it , or its time to find a new dog,and for me a dog that pulls up at a hedge ... no good, thats not brains , or running cunning , .. its lack of commitment , its hardly a talking point ,like for example , a dog that stalks the beam to lift a squatter from its seat , thats not good technique , its not wanting its quarry over everything else , ......

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